He completely showed an uncontrollable gaffe, and his mind was shaken, like the waves of a storm tumbling wildly, unable to calm down for a long time.
The dead man’s throat was dry, his lips trembled slightly, and countless complex emotional ups and downs appeared uncontrollably on his pale face covered with scars and blood.
For a while, he couldn’t speak any more.
only because……
These words of Ying Changge brought him an unprecedented psychological impact!
And this scene fell into the eyes of everyone around without reservation at the same time.
Luna’s pupils shrank slightly.
Her beautiful eyes flickered, and a bit of surprise appeared on her pretty and charming face.
The drastic emotional change of this dead man…
Naturally, she cannot escape her eyes and ears!
From the moment the dead man was caught.
She has never seen it.
This dead man with the will to die showed such violent emotional ups and downs.
But at this moment.
Just a few words from the seventh son caused the dead man’s expression to change drastically.
what does that mean?
A strong thought and premonition arose in Luna’s heart.
“Could it be that……”
“Seventh Young Master, he has already seen the mastermind behind the scenes?!”
“But, but…”
“Obviously the seventh son just asked a simple question!”
“From the beginning to the end, the dead man never answered the identity of the behind-the-scenes messenger. So, how did the seventh son gain insight into the other party?”
“With just one question, and even without the other party’s answer throughout the whole process, can you find out the instigator behind the scenes in an instant?”
“how can that be?!”
Luna was shocked.
Chapter 161 Shocking the audience! Total gaffe! What a monster! 【5/6 for customization】
“Is it my illusion?”
“Seventh Young Master has really seen the identity of the behind-the-scenes messenger?”
“Just with that brief question just now, everything has been penetrated~?”
Luna was deeply shocked.
She couldn’t even dream of it.
Today, unexpectedly encountered such unbelievable things.
With her cultivation as a majestic martial arts master, she can easily see the change in the expression on the face of the dead man just now.
This change in expression is by no means a fake.
but from the heart…
I feel deeply disappointed and moved!
There is absolutely no way to fake this emotion!
At that moment just now, the words of the seventh son really broke through the opponent’s psychological defense.
That’s why the other party couldn’t control his facial expressions, causing such earth-shaking changes and gaffes.
“This is definitely not an illusion!”
“The words of the seventh son just now must have hit the weakest part of this dead man’s heart.”
“This was the only way to cause the dead man’s expression to change drastically in an instant, and he lost his composure completely, and he was no longer as calm as before.”
Luna took a deep breath.
She was also completely stunned by the weird incident at the moment.
From beginning to end, she couldn’t see through.
What is going on with all this?
Why could the expression of the dead man change drastically with a few short words from the Seventh Young Master?
This is completely unreasonable!
To know.
The dead man was tortured for a full three days. During this period, Yin Yang tried all kinds of methods, but they couldn’t pry the dead man’s mouth open.
He didn’t change his face the whole time!
What did she see just now?
The dead man completely changed color.
If it weren’t for the Seventh Young Master, who just hit the weak point of this dead man’s heart, how could he make such a dead man with a strong psychological quality change his face?
Luna is no fool.
At the first moment, she thought of this key point.
“It’s just a few words…”
“what is happening? ”
“A few words will make this dead man’s expression change?”
“Oh my God!”
Luna’s shocked mood was unable to calm down for a long time.
A few words can make the dead man lose his composure completely?
What is this concept?
Luna dare not imagine.
Her beautiful eyes widened and rounded, staring blankly at Ying Changge’s back.
Is this the ability of Seventh Young Master?
So scary!
The yin and yang family spent several days, but in the end they got nothing.
But in the hands of the Seventh Young Master, it took only a moment before and after.
Just made huge progress directly? !
By contrast.
Luna always feels.
The entire Yin Yang family is worthless!
The sharp contrast caused Luna’s eyes to lose focus for a while, and his mind was in a trance.
Until now, she couldn’t believe it.
she decided.
The change in the face of the dead man was no accident!
The Seventh Young Master must have caught the key clue!
If it weren’t for this, this dead man would never have lost his composure like this!
at the same time.
All the people present are smart people.
They also all had the opinion of the moon god one after another.
Among them, Star Soul is even more unbelievable than Moon God.
He immediately wanted to deny the astonishing guess in his heart.
But helpless.
As a top half-step martial arts master, the change in the face of the dead man just now naturally cannot escape his eyes and ears.
He saw it clearly.
The dead man’s gaffe and shock.

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