But these dead men kept silent.
That means.
They have already made up their minds to die!
Any ordinary interrogation methods will not be able to obtain the desired results after all.
“My lord, what’s your plan?”
Luna couldn’t help asking.
She was still deeply curious.
All interrogation methods have been tried by the Yin Yang family.
What else could Seventh Young Master think of to interrogate and get the result?
“Seventh Young Master, please let us open our eyes and experience your efficient interrogation method?”
Xinghun seized the opportunity to mock and sneer.
“Master Xinghun, is there anything for you here?”
“My son is doing something, please shut up and stand aside and watch.”
“If you are in a bad mood, then get out of here!”
Meng Ying, who is Ying Changge’s personal bodyguard, naturally has no timidity towards Xinghun, her face is covered with coldness, and her tone is cold.
Hearing this, Xinghun took a deep look at Meng Ying, but didn’t speak again.
At this time.
Ying Changge turned around slowly, a pair of gray-white pupils seemed to penetrate the soul of Xinghun, and completely see through all the secrets of the other party.
Staring at this pair of gray-white pupils, Xinghun only felt creepy.
quite a while.
Only then did Ying Changge speak: “You don’t know anything about the power I have from the beginning to the end!”
The voice fell.
Before Xinghun could respond, Ying Changge turned around and approached the two dead men step by step.
More precisely.
The only one who could attract Ying Changge’s attention was the dead man with normal thinking ability.
Only from this dead man can Ying Changge get the news and clues he wants.
Even if the other party has the idea of ​​mortal death…
Ying Changge can also penetrate the other party’s mind, so as to grasp the information he wants.
Perfect level of domineering knowledge, is so strong and domineering!
Watching Ying Changge’s movements, Xinghun snorted coldly, his face full of gloom.
“Pretending to be a ghost! Playing tricks!”
“After a while, it depends on how you end up.”
“I simply don’t know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth!”
Under the eyes of everyone.
Ying Changge’s footsteps gradually (afej) came to an abrupt stop.
He stopped less than half a meter in front of the dead man.
At a close distance, one can feel the pungent smell of blood rushing towards one’s face.
“I ask, you answer, how?”
Ying Changge’s voice sounded slowly.
The dead man coughed violently, opened his tired eyelids with difficulty, and stared at Ying Changge in front of him with bloodshot pupils.
Take a closer look.
He was covered in cuts and bruises all over his body, almost without any complete area, and the blood all over his body had already solidified, making his body look particularly embarrassing and hideous.
“Stop wasting your efforts.”
The dead man opened his mouth, his voice was weak but firm.
He survived the various interrogation methods of the Yin Yang family.
He is confident.
Never reveal any news about that adult!
At this time.
Xinghun couldn’t help intervening: “Seventh Young Master, I told you earlier that he won’t let go easily. No matter how much time is wasted, you won’t get what you want with this kind of person.”
“This bet…”
“You seem to be losing!”
“We have tried all the methods you can try.”
“Why do you win?”
The loud voice spread in all directions.
Moon God Liu frowned and remained silent.
Although she didn’t like Xinghun’s interrupting Ying Changge here, she had to agree with what Xinghun said.
“How can I win?”
“Then you have to look after it!”
The corners of Ying Changge’s mouth raised slightly, with a meaningful smile on his face.
In a moment…
An invisible air wave almost completely enveloped the body of the dead man in front of him.
The domineering arrogance of the perfect level of knowledge and knowledge exploded in an all-round way!
this moment.
All the status information of the dead man’s body will be unreservedly presented in Ying Changge’s mind.
Besides that, the most important thing is…
The spiritual voice of this dead man has also been easily stolen and pierced by Ying Changge!
“I ask you.”
“Who instructed you, in the saltyIn Yangcheng, the news and speeches unfavorable to the first emperor were widely publicized? ”
“You know.”
“Everything you do will make you die without a place to bury you!”
“This is a great crime against the Nine Clans!”
Ying Changge had no expression on his face, and his voice slowly spread out.
“Ha ha……”
The dead man smiled miserably, without saying a word.
He doesn’t know.
What he thought in his heart was unreservedly stolen by Ying Changge at this moment!
‘Master Zhang’s kindness to me is as great as a mountain. Today, I will die to repay the kindness Master Zhang has shown me in the past. No matter what, I will never betray Mr. Zhang. ‘
With the thoughts in his heart, the dead man’s expression became more and more determined.
What he didn’t expect was…
Ying Changge was silent for a moment.
Suddenly, without warning, he suddenly asked again: “Master Zhang? Which Master Zhang is it? The Master Zhang who is in charge of the account book of the Chaotang treasury? Or Master Zhang from the Shaofu?”
The deafening voice echoed in the dead man’s ears.
Visible to the naked eye.
The dead man’s eyes widened immediately, and the bloodshot pupils were filled with shock, shock, and disbelief.
His face was full of horror, and his eyes were fixed on Ying Changge in front of him.
‘How, how is it possible? ! ‘
‘How could he know who it was? ! ‘
‘How did he know that Master Zhang instructed us? ‘
‘This is impossible! ‘
‘Coincidence? ‘
‘Or by chance? ‘
Countless thoughts frantically flooded into the dead man’s mind in an instant.
He lost his composure completely.
Even when he was severely tortured, he did not show such a look of gaffe.
But in Ying Changge’s short sentence.

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