“Seventh Young Master, his performance is far better than that of Wei Chen himself!”
“This line……”
“If it weren’t for the seventh son, I’m afraid that the humble minister would not be able to do it. It’s so simple and easy to persuade the two major powers in the rivers and lakes to cooperate with the empire.”
“In general.”
“If I let Weichen judge.”
“The reason why the plan was successful this time is that the two major rivers and lakes forces cooperated with the empire to jointly deal with anti-Qin elements such as the Mohists.”
“In this, the Seventh Young Master’s credit should at least account for more than half!”
“And the contribution of the humble officials may be less than 30%.”
“The importance of the seventh son is far higher than that of the humble minister!”
Li Si smiled wryly.
These words, of course, are words from his heart.
The scene where Wei Zhuang, the leader of the Quicksand Organization, and the others in the Quicksand Organization were overwhelmed by the Seventh Young Master alone made Li Si feel deeply moved.
If it wasn’t for Seventh Young Master…
I’m afraid the mission of this trip will not be so smooth.
With the characters of the rebellious people of the Quicksand Organization, coupled with the always arrogant attitude of Wei Zhuang, the leader of the Quicksand Organization…
Want to convince the Shifting Sands to agree to cooperate with the Empire?
The empire must pay a huge price!
As for Li Si, it would naturally take a lot of effort to persuade the other party.
However, due to the existence of the seventh son, Ying Changge, the entire Quicksand organization was strongly intimidated, which led to a group of arrogant people in the Quicksand organization not daring to make any cooperation requests to the empire.
Bottom line.
The quicksand organization will be so obedient and cooperate with the empire, the biggest reason is naturally Ying Changge!
“Oh? What does Ai Qing mean? Tell me about the situation in detail.”
A strong sense of anticipation appeared on Ying Zheng’s face.
My son sings…
To be able to take such a high credit for this mission?
This is an incredible thing!
“‘ 〃 Your Majesty doesn’t know something.”
“The Quicksand Organization, and its leader, Wei Zhuang, are a group of rebellious and arrogant people. If they want to cooperate with them, the empire must pay a huge price to persuade them.”
“But because of the previous Seventh Young Master, he alone frightened the Quicksand organization with his terrifying strength. This prompted the Quicksand organization to be very obedient in the end, and almost unconditionally agreed to cooperate with him.”Imperial cooperation. ”
“During this trip, the Seventh Young Master showed extremely terrifying strength. With his own power, he defeated and instantly killed several members of the Quicksand Organization.”
“It even broke out a fierce confrontation with Wei Zhuang, the leader of the quicksand organization.”
“In this confrontation, the Seventh Young Master took the absolute lead, crushing and beating Wei Zhuang, the leader of the Quicksand Organization on the opposite side, so that the latter has no power to fight back!”
“Although there is no winner in this battle, it is clear that the strength of the Seventh Young Master is not inferior to Wei Zhuang, the leader of the Quicksand Organization. It is even possible that he will surpass Wei Zhuang.”
“It is precisely because of this astonishing strength that Seventh Young Master was able to deter the Quicksand organization and force the Quicksand organization to cooperate with the empire unconditionally.”
Li Si explained the whole process of cooperating with the quicksand organization in one breath, all intact and in detail.
he thinks.
The Quicksand Organization will unconditionally cooperate with the empire to deal with the anti-Qin elements, and the greatest credit is undoubtedly the seventh son Ying Changge.
If it wasn’t for the other party, the degree of difficulty would undoubtedly increase a lot if he wanted to convince the Quicksand organization.
It is also very likely that they will have to face some harsh conditions from Wei Zhuang, the leader of the Quicksand Organization.
Accompanied by Li Si’s voice just fell.
Ying Zheng was a little taken aback.
He widened his eyes, and subconsciously blurted out: “Aiqing, the head of the quicksand organization, Wei Zhuang, is rumored to be a top martial arts master? Is this true or false?”
Li Si nodded: “Your Majesty, this matter is true. Wei Zhuang, the leader of the Quicksand Organization, is indeed a top martial arts master!”
With Li Si’s answer, Ying Zheng was even more shocked.
what’s going on?
Doesn’t that mean.
My son sings…
Already able to truly confront the martial arts master head-on? !
Even suppressing the martial arts master from the front?
real or fake?
No way?
All of this feels like a dream!
Of course Ying Zheng knew.
Half a month ago, the reason why Ying Changge was able to severely injure and repel Sword Saint Gai Nie was because the Shadow Secret Guards consumed Gai Nie’s physical strength and energy.
But now?
Face off against Wei Zhuang, the leader of the Quicksand Organization, and a real martial arts master, who is still at his peak (Li Zhao)!
Without any outsider intervention in the whole process.
This kid Changge managed to suppress Wei Zhuang strongly? !
Suppressing a martial arts master so helplessly?
Thinking of this, all the feelings of depression and exhaustion left in Ying Zheng’s heart were wiped away.
He became excited, his face full of excitement and relief.
“Ai Qing, as you said.”
“My son Changge, already has the strength to suppress the martial arts master from the front?”
Ying Zheng asked again.
He still couldn’t believe it.
His son Ying Changge’s strength has grown so rapidly and terrifyingly!
It wasn’t that strong half a month ago, right?
After just half a month, he has grown to such an unimaginable level of strength?
What is this concept? !
Simply unimaginable!
“Yes, Your Majesty.”
“The strength of the seventh son is not inferior to most martial arts masters in Jianghu!”
“This is already obvious.”
Li Si nodded solemnly.
Hearing this, Ying Zheng couldn’t help but burst out laughing, not hiding the pride and pride in his heart, “Okay! Okay! My son has a long song, and he really deserves to be a fairy!”
“It is even more invincible in the world!”
“It is the greatest pride of my life!”
“Half a month ago, the Sword Saint Gai Nie was only able to be suppressed with the assistance of the Shadow Secret Guards. But half a month later, it was possible to suppress a peak martial arts master from the front alone!”
“My son Changge’s terrifying strength growth rate really surprised me!”
“Even if you look at the past and present for thousands of years…”
“There must be no one who can compare with my son!”
To this.
Li Si nodded in deep approval.
How terrifying is Seventh Young Master?
This trip, he already has a deep understanding.
“My original purpose was to let Changge follow Aiqing on this trip to gain insights.”
“My son, it brought me a big surprise!”
Ying Zheng laughed heartily.
Inside and outside this huge Xianyang Palace, everyone can clearly hear the proud and clear laughter of the first emperor Yingzheng coming from the palace.
Chapter 155 What kind of experience is it for a son to be too monstrous? 【5/6 for customization】
The clear and loud laughter spread far from the palace.
This caused the faces of some passing guards, servants, maids, etc. to show shock.
“Your Majesty, it’s been a long time since I laughed so heartily.”

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