The appearance of three strong men in the innate realm at one time, breaking into the coverage of the perfect level of knowledge and knowledge, naturally attracted Ying Changge’s special attention.
“Young master, what happened?”
Shao Siming, who was also in the carriage, noticed the change in the expression on Ying Changge’s face, couldn’t help but move his pink lips slightly, and asked softly.
“Let me catch a few trails of little mice.”
“It’s just a small matter, it’s harmless, and you don’t need to worry too much about it.”
Ying Changge said with a smile on his face.
The three little mice in the innate realm obviously did not pass by by chance, but came from bad people!
It is impossible for these three innate powerhouses to follow Ying Changge’s carriage all the way.
How could there be such a coincidence?
These three innate powerhouses came for Ying Changge.
“Little mouse? Is someone following you?”
Shao Si Ming immediately thought of the key point.
“It should be monitoring my every move.”
“I just don’t know who sent it~‖.”
Ying Changge thought for a while.
The only two-party faction he could think of.
First, the net led by Zhao Gao.
Second, it is the yin and yang family behind Shao Siming.
Compared with these two possibilities, Ying Changge is more inclined to the former.
Shao Si Ming is now closely following him. If he is a member of the Yin Yang family, there is no need to send people to arrows in such a mobilizing manner.
So, it’s just superfluous.
“Is it Zhao Gao?”
“Did you hear the news of my return to Xianyang City so soon?”
“As expected of the master of the net.”
“This pervasive intelligence network is really hard to guard against.”
“That is.”
“These three monitors of the innate realm come from the net? Are they the top killers of the net?”
Ying Changge thought of this possibility in his heart.
he thinks.
This should already be close to ten.
Except for Luowang, it is very difficult for other power groups to come up with three innate powerhouses!
Wrapped by Ying Changge’s perfect knowledge and domineering aura, the carriage continued to drive forward on the street, and the three innate powerhouses followed behind, not falling behind at all.
In this way, Ying Changge can be more sure of their intention and identity.
“I haven’t seen you for a few days, Zhao Gao started to swell again.”
“The deep impression left on him half a month ago obviously cannot deter him yet.”
“It’s only half a month since I saw him, and he has made a comeback again. Want to try to send a killer from the innate realm to come and continue to test my depth and background?”
For a while, Ying Changge thought a lot.
He couldn’t help thinking of it.
Are the news circulating in Xianyang City related to Zhao Gao?
Is there any involvement with Luowang?
Countless thoughts made Ying Changge fall into deep contemplation.
“I just returned to Xianyang City, and sent me so many cumbersome and troublesome things.”
“The next few days seem to be busy.”

Xianyang Palace.
Boom boom boom!
In front of the huge palace gate, there was a pleasant sound knocked lightly.I see.
Li Si was at the gate of the palace, with his head bowed, looking respectful.
As soon as he returned to Xianyang City after traveling thousands of miles, he drove a horse-drawn carriage non-stop to the palace to meet the saint, and immediately chose to report the matter intact.
“Come in.”
A majestic voice came from the palace.
Li Si breathed out lightly, adjusted his cautious and apprehensive mood, pushed open the gate of the palace, and stepped into the splendid palace.
In less than a moment.
Li Si arrived at the main hall of the palace.
In the resplendent palace, there are countless dazzling decorations hanging on the surrounding walls, gold and silver are everywhere, and countless beautiful emeralds embellish the magnificence and nobility of the palace.
From the crimson and gold-rimmed red carpet at the foot, on the steps leading to the front, there stood a middle-aged man wearing a golden dragon robe with an imposing appearance.
Don’t be angry!
His whole body was filled with a strong royal aura, full of a sense of majesty.
“Minister Li Si, see Your Majesty.”
After seeing Ying Zheng, Li Si quickly clasped his fists together, lowered his head slightly, and acted respectfully.
“Aiqing left Xianyang City on this trip, how did you gain?”
Ying Zheng asked straight to the point.
Between his brows, there was a bit of sadness and fatigue.
What happened in Xianyang City in recent days made him physically and mentally exhausted.
When seeing Li Si in front of him, Ying Zheng didn’t even show much joy.
“Report to Your Majesty.”
“The minister and the seventh son have successfully completed the mission plan this time, and hereby return to Xianyang City from a thousand miles away to report to Your Majesty.”
“The heads of the Quicksand Organization and the Public Loser have agreed to cooperate with the empire. Their power forwards will personally go after the Mohists and other anti-Qin elements, trying to find out where the Mohist institution is located.”
“And then.”
“When they find out the exact location of the Mohist organ city, they only need to wait for the day when all parties gather in the organ city, which will be the moment when all the anti-Qin elements will be completely encircled and eradicated.”
Li Si reported truthfully.
“Aiqing has worked hard on this trip.”
After listening to Li Si’s report, Ying Zheng felt a little less tired.
This can be regarded as the best news he has heard in recent days.
“It is my honor to be able to share the worries of His Majesty.”
Li Si continued to bow his head.
After thinking for a while, Ying Zheng asked again: “That’s right. How is the overall performance of this long song trip?”
Mentioning Ying Changge, Ying Zheng’s plain eyes showed some anticipation.
Ying Changge is the prince that Ying Zheng places high hopes on!
“Seventh son, he…”
Li Si took a deep breath and paused for a moment.
“What? Could it be that he behaved so poorly that it made it hard for you to tell?”
“I love you, but it doesn’t matter. Just tell the truth. I won’t blame you.”
Ying Zheng frowned, with a serious expression on his face.
He attaches great importance to Ying Changge.
“Your Majesty, I really have no qualifications to comment on the performance of the seventh son.”
It took a long time before Li Si gave an ambiguous answer.
“What’s the meaning?”
Ying Zheng was slightly surprised.
He noticed.
What Li Si said was not impossible to evaluate, but that he was not qualified to evaluate!
The two are quite different.
Immediately, a strong curiosity arose in Ying Zheng’s heart.

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