“It is a great honor for this old man to be able to follow the seventh son!”
Gong Shuqiu thought to himself.
How terrifying is Seventh Young Master?
This point, he already has a deep understanding.
To be able to follow Yu Changge, in the view of Gong Shuchou, there is absolutely no harm.
“Not to mention Seventh Young Master’s terrifying ability to see through the future.”
“Just the terrifying mechanical talent possessed by the Seventh Young Master is enough to make the old man frantically follow in his footsteps.”
There is a firm decision to lose the enemy.
Before meeting Ying Changge, he never thought that there were people whose talent could be so powerful.
until today.
When he met Ying Changge, Gong Shuqiu suddenly woke up.
There really is no shortage of geniuses in this world!
The only thing lacking is the evildoer!
An unreasonable monster like the Seventh Young Master!
I turned my gaze.
Gongshuchou looked at the countless scattered parts and fragments scattered on the ground, feeling extremely emotional.
Who would have thought it would be this result?
Anyway, he couldn’t think of it.
can only say.
The seventh son, Ying Changge, is a terrifying existence capable of completely overturning common sense!
Seeing the changes in the expressions of everyone present, Meng Ying, who had been standing next to Ying Changge, felt extremely proud.
Have you seen it all?
This is my son!
Li Si also slowly came to his senses, suppressing the strong sense of shock in his heart.
The way he looked at Ying Changge became more awe and admiration than before.
Shao Si Ming maintained a calm expression as always, the beautiful face hidden under the veil was calm, like a calm lake, without any emotional ups and downs.
But no one knows.
In her heart, waves of weak waves rippled.
“All right.”
“The next thing, Mr. Xiangguo, you will hand it over to the head of Gongshu.”
Ying Changge said something to Li Si.
Li Si can handle the rest.
After all, it was Li Si’s plan to deal with the anti-Qin elements this time.
And Ying Changge is just a companion!
Although, Ying Changge, as an escort, almost solved all the troubles for Li Si along the way, and almost became the decision maker instead of the customer.
But for the plan to deal with the anti-Qin elements, Li Si had to explain many details in person.
“Master Gongshu, you must already know the purpose of our visit this time, right?”
Li Si asked straight to the point and didn’t play charades.
He believes.
Gongshuqiu will not refuse!
Whether it’s because of Ying Changge’s face, or because the public losers and the Mohists have been hostile for hundreds of thousands of years.
For all these reasons, Gongshuchou, who is the head of the contemporary Gongshuo family, will definitely agree to cooperate with the empire!
Gong Shuqiu will never miss any opportunity to deal with the Mohists.
There is no doubt about this.
The public losers and the Mohists have hated each other for too long.
As the head of this generation of public losers, Gong Shuqiu hated the Mohist family even more, wishing to uproot the Mohist family immediately.
Over the years, it’s not that Gongshuchou hasn’t tried to deal with the Mohists in the past.
It is obviously not an easy task to deal with the Mohists based on the fact that his public losers are single and weak.
But now everything is different.
With the intervention of the empire, it was a matter of course for the public losers to deal with the Mohists this time!
In front of the empire, the little Mo family is incomparably humble and insignificant.
Seeing that this kind of opportunity is right in front of him, how can Gong Shuqiu miss it?
“Master Xiangguo’s intention for coming, this old man already knows.”
“The old man represents the public loser and agrees to cooperate with the empire.”
“To deal with the anti-Qin elements, I will definitely do my best. Especially when dealing with the Mohists, even if I do not hesitate to do anything, I will eradicate the Mohists!”
“Let the Mo family disappear completely from the rivers and lakes.”
When mentioning the Mohist school, Gong Shuchou’s eyes will flowA strong killing intent was revealed.
Back then, Master Lu Ban, the patriarch of the public loser, once lost to Mozi, the patriarch of the Mohist family. This matter has always made Gongshu grudge.
He really wanted to find an opportunity to get back face for the patriarch of the year, Master Lu Ban!
Wash away the shame for the public losers!
In the eyes of Gongshuchou, the loss of the patriarch Master Luban to Mozi has become a huge shame that has tortured Gongshu for hundreds of years.
This shame, Gong Shuqiu naturally wants to wipe it away with his own hands!
And getting rid of the Mo family is the best way Gong Shuchou can think of.
As long as the Mo family is eliminated, this shame will naturally disappear.
That’s why.
Gong Shuchou showed unprecedented enthusiasm for dealing with the Mohists.
“With the words of Master Gongshu, I can rest assured.”
Li Si laughed.
Now, the lineup to deal with the anti-Qin elements has been completely formed.
To deal with high-end combat forces such as the sword master Gai Nie and the commander of the Mohist school, there are Wei Zhuang and others from the Quicksand Organization.
As for the matter of breaking the Mohist organ city, the contemporary head of the Gongshu family, Gongshuchou, personally took the initiative.
In this way.
The two complement each other perfectly.
Under this kind of cooperation, the anti-Qin elements will definitely be eradicated smoothly!
As for the remnants of the Chu State’s remnants who accompanied the Mohist anti-Qin elements?
Then leave it to the elite iron cavalry of the empire to eradicate them all!
The cooperation of the three parties is enough to eradicate the anti-Qin elements!
This is the core of Li Si’s plan.
Let the quicksand organization and the public losers, the two forces in the rivers and lakes, intervene in the plan to eradicate the anti-Qin elements.
In this way, the empire can still reap the benefits of fishing.
at last……
As long as those difficult characters are dealt with, and the elite iron cavalry of the empire attack, the remaining power of these anti-Qin elements can be easily wiped out.
.. . . . . . .
“The plan can be officially launched.”
“The quicksand organization and the public losers will join forces to break the Mohist’s mechanism city. After the Mohism’s mechanism city is broken and disintegrated, let the elite cavalry of the empire collectively smash the mechanism city!”
“In this way, the casualties of the soldiers of the empire can be minimized.”
“However, let’s think about it and let General Meng Tian lead the army to attack!”
Li Si was thoughtful.
He had already started planning in his mind the next series of plans against the anti-Qin elements.
Now everything is ready…
I only owe Dongfeng!
With the quicksand organization and public losers leading the battle, the elite cavalry of the empire can sit back and relax behind.
The only thing that is still lacking is the lack of an excellent general to lead the elite cavalry of the empire to encircle and suppress the anti-Qin elements and the remnants of the remnants of the Chu State.
“The candidate for this general…”
“General Meng Tian is well-deserved.”

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