What he couldn’t do by himself, let the young man who is still in his weakest year, Seventh Young Master, do it!
What an amazing phenomenon?
“Seventh Young Master, don’t think about it.”
“Are you going to learn mechanism skills with Caomin?”
“Grassman decides.”
“With the terrifying talent and aptitude possessed by you, Seventh Young Master, you will definitely be able to reach the top of mechanism art in the future and become a world-famous master of mechanism art.”
Gongshuchou took a deep breath, trying to forcefully suppress the shock in his heart.
His old wrinkled face couldn’t help showing a very excited expression.
Seeing the Seventh Young Master Ying Changge in front of him…
It was as if he had seen it.
How brilliant the future of the organization will be!
The disciple really saw it today.
In this world, there really is such a monster beyond common sense!
A peerless evildoer with an extremely terrifying talent for mechanics!
For thousands of years, it is rare to encounter monsters and evildoers like this. If you don’t study mechanism skills, it will be a huge loss for the world’s mechanism masters! .
Chapter 151: The Loyalty of a Grandmaster! Tripartite cooperation reached! 【1/6 for customization】
“Let me study mechanism division?”
“Master Gongshu, are you sure you’re right?”
Ying Changge had a weird expression on his face.
But only by relying on the domineering power of the perfect level of knowledge, can we just happen to penetrate all these mechanisms thoroughly, so as to find a way to crack them~.
If he is really asked to learn mechanism skills, he certainly won’t waste this time.
What’s the point of learning mechanics?
Can you make yourself stronger?
Does not!
By comparison.
Ying Changge is obviously more inclined in his heart to improve the integration of templates. In this way, more abilities of blind swordsmen can be unlocked naturally.
Isn’t it delicious to integrate the ability of a blind swordsman?
Why do you have to go far away to learn the so-called mechanism technique?
Ying Changge expressed disapproval.
No matter how powerful the organ…
Such as the mechanism city of the Mohist school!
But when facing Ying Changge, one day, he successfully and perfectly integrated the template of the blind swordsman. One stroke of a meteorite falling from the sky can easily destroy the entire mechanism city.
In such a contrast.
What else does the agency do?
In the face of absolute power, all organs, formations, etc. will appear extraordinarily pale and powerless.
What Ying Changge longed for.
It is the same power as the living Buddha, not these so-called organ techniques.
He is more eager to get a higher degree of template fusion!
Instead of wasting time on these organs.
“If it wasn’t for your identity as the seventh son…”
“Caomin would really be presumptuous, I implore Seventh Young Master, you stay in the public loser to study mechanism skills.”
Gongshuchou sighed.
He felt deeply sorry.
Such a terrifying mechanism skill talent is really too monster!
Let the public lose the enemy and have to express their eagerness and anticipation.
He believes.
With the astonishing talent of the seventh son, coupled with the teaching of the orthodox domineering mechanism of the public loser. Given time, it must be a world-renowned master of mechanism art.
It could even be called…
The world’s number one mechanism master!
Gongshuqiu is very confident about this.
The only pity is that.
Seventh Young Master, it seems that he has no interest in mechanism art.
This is the hardest part.
If Ying Changge’s prominent status hadn’t been taken into consideration, I’m afraid that Gongshuqiu would really want to keep Ying Changge in Gongshujia and know that the other party’s cultivation institution at all costs.
“Seventh Young Master doesn’t go to study institutions…”
“This is the loss of all mechanics in the world.”
Gongshuqiu sighed helplessly.
all in all.
He saw it for the first time in his life.
There are also people who possess such a terrifying and astonishing talent for mechanism skills!
no doubt.
in his mind.
Even if you look at the rivers and lakes for thousands of years, you can’t find another example as terrifying as the seventh son.
Qi GongYou are really wasting a great talent!
“It would be great if this talent could appear in me.”
Gongshuqiu thought to himself.
What an enviable talent is this?
Rao can’t help but be fascinated and yearn for it because of his disposition of defeating enemies.
“Even I, the founder of the Mechanism Snake, couldn’t do what the Seventh Young Master did. It took less than half an hour to completely break through and disintegrate it.”
“I can imagine.”
“What an amazing talent the Seventh Young Master possesses!”
“In the field of mechanism art, I’m afraid no one can surpass him!”
Gong Shuchou was amazed again and again.
Everyone in the quicksand organization was also shocked.
After a long time.
Everyone’s mood eased a little bit.
“Master Gongshu, don’t forget the agreement between you and me.”
Ying Changge reminded with a smile.
Blood can’t be earned!
It was so easy to get the allegiance of a mechanism art master.
This naturally made Ying Changge feel very happy.
As the contemporary leader of the public loser, the role is still quite large.
Ying Changge expressed his satisfaction at being able to subdue such a mechanism art master.
“Young master, please don’t worry. If there is a need for old people in the future, the seventh young master will say that the old people will go through fire and water.”
After adjusting his shocked mood, Gong Shuchou said seriously.
At this moment, he thought in his heart.
If you can always follow behind the seventh son…
This is also a good thing.
after all.
After seeing Ying Changge’s terrifying talent, Gong Shuchou had a strong premonition in his heart.
Given time.
The name of Seventh Young Master must be world famous!

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