Even if he is asked to do it himself, he is not sure that it will be resolved within half a quarter of an hour.
Under the eyes of everyone.
Ying Changge slowly picked up the Mechanism Snake that was placed on the table next to it, with a perfect domineering sense of knowledge, he directly penetrated all the mechanisms inside the Mechanism Snake.
“Half a quarter of an hour…”
“It’s still the most conservative estimate.”
“Perhaps it won’t take half an hour.”
Ying Changge smiled.
Having penetrated through the internal mechanism of the mechanism snake, he has hundreds of ways to break it down easily.
Think about it carefully.
He decided to take the fastest solution.
“Please, Master Gongshu, bring me a silver needle.”
Ying Changge spoke bluntly.
After a while, the disciple of the public loser brought a silver needle and handed it to Ying Changge as instructed.
Holding the silver needle, he began to crack the mechanism beast in his hand.
Immediately afterwards.
Gongshuchou and the others were full of curiosity and expectation, quietly watching Ying Changge’s actions.
Especially Gongshuqiu, he was very curious.
What kind of method does Seventh Young Master want to break the mechanism snake he made by himself?
With a curious attitude, Gong Shuchou and Liusha organized everyone to wait in silence.
I see.
Ying Changge picked up the silver needle, and without hesitation burrowed into a gap in the Mechanized Snake.
The perfect level of domineering and knowledgeable, took advantage of the opportunity to penetrate the mechanism structure inside the mechanism snake, and thoroughly observed the structure and trigger mechanism of all organs inside.
Using the silver needle in his hand, he urged strands of innate qi to flow around the surface of the silver needle, and Ying Changge stabbed the silver needle into the main body of a certain mechanism without any hesitation.
“Thirty-six different types of organs, interlocking…”
“Take a hair and move the whole body.”
“Touching any organ a little bit will cause the resonance and reaction of other organs.”
“If I want to crack this mechanism snake, I must ensure that 257 cannot pull all the mechanisms.”
“Once all the organs are touched, it will be even more difficult to break through it.”
“For the vast majority of mechanism art masters, this difficulty may be very high. Because they cannot ensure the distribution of the main body of the internal mechanism structure.”
“And I’m different.”
“I really ‘saw’ its internal main structure!”
“It’s even incomparably detailed!”
“Compared to Gongshuchou, the maker of the mechanism snake, it’s even more detailed!”
Ying Changge was very emotional.
Within the coverage of the perfect-level informative domineering, he knows the mechanism structure inside the mechanism snake like the back of the palm of his hand.
It is naturally not difficult to crack it.
It couldn’t be easier!
With this in mind, the silver needle in Ying Chang’s singer aimed at a key organ.
Accompanied by a slight sound.
The silver needle entwined with strands of innate qi directly penetrated a mechanism-themed structure inside the mechanism snake without pulling any mechanism.
Destroy this mechanism on the spot!
at the same time.
Ying Changge’s actions were very crisp and quick, and continued to carry out the second round of destruction.
In less than a moment.
The second mechanism was easily destroyed and destroyed.
The process still did not trigger the mechanism reaction inside the mechanism snake.
This scene fell into the eyes of the people around them, making their expressions full of astonishment.
Gongshuchou’s facial expression changed the most.
He was completely out of control.
what is happening?
The internal organ array was broken by the Seventh Young Master?
And without breaking a sweat…
The rest of the internal organs were not triggered at all!
Seems like a breeze!
No pressure!
Gongshuqiu was dumbfounded.
He stared at Ying Changge in a daze, watching the latter’s calm and calm movements, his face was full of horror.
“The main body of the internal organ structure of the organ snake, is it true that the seventh son can see through it at a glance? Instantly know it like the palm of his hand?”
“What kind of monster is this?”
Gong Shuchou was shocked.
He couldn’t even dream of it.
Today, such horrible events are happening before our eyes.
Before waiting for Gongshuchou to respond, Ying Changge solved nearly ten cases at once.an agency.
More than ten of the domineering mechanisms inside the Mechanism Snake were destroyed at one time, and no other mechanism reactions were triggered during the whole process.
All of this is seriously impacting the cognition of public defeat and hatred.
what’s going on?
It must be too shocking!
Not even a blink of an eye.
Nearly half of the mechanism snake’s internal mechanism was destroyed?
Gong Shuqiu couldn’t believe it.
Even if he were to do it himself, it would definitely not have such astonishing efficiency.
Throat rolling, Gongshuchou couldn’t help swallowing his saliva.
It can be clearly seen.
The look of horror and loss of composure all over his face.
About a dozen more breaths passed.
With only one silver needle, Ying Changge destroyed the main structures of twenty organs, and more than half of the mechanism snake’s ability to move was disintegrated.
Without the support of these organs, its function has basically been regarded as scrapped by half.
And in the hands of Ying Changge.
Its role is still weakening.
One after another, institutions were destroyed and destroyed…
Disintegrated by an easy breach!
There is no mechanism that can stop Ying Changge from cracking it.
Everyone in the quicksand organization stared blankly at Ying Changge’s magical operation.
Less than half a quarter of an hour.
Ying Changge took out this slender silver needle, and then withdrew his innate qi to the dantian of his abdomen. He casually placed the silver needle on the table next to it.
In his hand, he was still holding the red mechanism snake.
“You’re done!”
A bright smile appeared on Ying Changge’s face.
It worked!

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