Is this the rhythm of working hard for yourself?
to be frank.
The energy of the leader of the public loser is still great.
The head of this generation of public losers, Gong Shuchou, is also a genuine master of mechanical techniques, much stronger than the master class of the Mo family.
If he could get the hard work of such a mechanism master, it would definitely be a bloody deal.
Blood can’t be earned!
All benefits and no harm.
With the size of the head of the public loser, it can also bring a lot of help to Ying Changge.
Ying Changge needs to pay very little.
Just let the other person know.
How to break it by yourself can be done by the overbearing mechanism that the public loser is proud of.
This is for Ying Changge.
It couldn’t be easier.
An insignificant matter can be exchanged for the allegiance of Gong Shuchou, the contemporary head of the Gongshu family.
If this is not blood earning, what is it?
Ying Changge had never seen such a good thing.
Of course he wouldn’t be foolish enough to refuse.
The allegiance of a master of mechanics is no small matter.
not to mention.
This mechanism art master is also the head of the public loser, a mechanism art attainment that can even match the existence of the patriarch Master Lu Ban!
“Blood earned!”
Ying Changge couldn’t help laughing.
Facing Ying Changge’s solemn question, Gong Shuchou didn’t hesitate at all: “Caomin absolutely dare not deliberately lie in front of you, Seventh Young Master.”
Lying in front of Ying Changge?
Gong Shuqiu does not have the guts and courage.
By the time.
I’m afraid that the entire public loser will suffer!
“How do you think I can crack the mechanism of your public loser?”
Ying Changge asked with a smile.
“In the simplest way.”
Gongshuchou took out a product of the organization.
This is a mechanism snake, a mechanism technique product produced by the overbearing mechanism technique of the public loser. It contains thirty-six mechanisms inside, which are interlocking, very delicate and mysterious.
The Mechanism Snake is dark red in color and made of bronze. Its length is only about half a meter, but it has many internal organs and its shape is very dexterous.
This mechanism snake was made by the head of this generation of public losers, Gong Shuqiu, who adopted the most overbearing mechanism technique and improved it.
simply put.
The little mechanism snake contains the domineering mechanism skills that Gong Shuchou has learned all his life.
The mysteries are endless!
Its internal organs are interlocking, if any organ is touched, it will affect the whole body, so that all organs of the entire organ snake will be pulled and triggered accordingly.
It has good attack and destructive power, and it is a mechanism beast used by Gong Shuchou to attack secretly.
The crimson mechanism snake was wrapped around Gongshuchou’s arm, and he looked at Ying Changge seriously: “` 〃Young master, try to decipher this mechanism snake.”
Words fell.
Gongshuchou put the mechanism snake wrapped around his arm directly on the table next to the wooden table.
The mechanism snake lay flat on the table, and the internal mechanism was never triggered.
Pairs of curious eyes fixed on Ying Changge.
Including everyone from the Quicksand Organization, they were all deeply curious.
How will Ying Changge solve it?
This is the leader of this generation of public losers, the public loser, the organ beast created by condensing his whole life’s painstaking efforts. It contains countless core essences of domineering mechanism techniques, which can be described as infinitely mysterious.
“Can it work?”
Bai Feng, Chi Lian and others thought.
On the other hand, Meng Ying and Shao Si Ming had calm faces, without any change in expression.
Ever since they experienced what happened in the Tooth-gnawing Prison, they certainly wouldn’t lose their composure over such a trivial matter.
“How do you want me to break it?”
“Decipher all its internal organs?”
Ying Changge asked again.
“You only need to crack half of it.”
“Seventh son, please let the grass-roots people see your magical ability.”
“This mechanism snake was made by the grassroots for half a month, condensing the essence and painstaking efforts of countless domineering mechanism techniques, and finally (Li Zhao) made it.”
“Even if the grassroots do it themselves, it will take half an hour to break through all the internal organs of the entire organ snake.”
Among the words of public defeat and hatred, there is a strong pride in himself.
It can be clearly seen.
He is very confident in the mechanism inside the mechanism snake.
Even for himself, it would take at least half an hour to decipher this mechanism snake.
He doesn’t think so.
Ying Changge can really do it, completely break through and disintegrate the mechanism inside the mechanism snake!
“Half an hour?”
“You don’t have to.”
“It will take half an hour.”
In fact.
As early as when Gongshuchou took out the mechanism snake, Ying Changge’s pervasive aura of perfect knowledge and arrogance had completely swept over the body of the mechanism snake.
Just a thought…
All the information and information about the organ structure, main body structure and other aspects inside the organ snake were presented in Ying Changge’s mind without reservation.
like beingDissected into countless small parts…
Then, these small details are magnified infinitely.
Let Ying Changge know the internal structure of this mechanism snake like the back of his hand in a split second.
Every detail structure cannot escape his insight!
Just a brief moment of time.
Ying Changge’s understanding of the mechanism and structure inside this mechanism snake has become more thorough than the maker of Gongshuchou!
This is the frightening aspect of perfect-level knowledgeable domineering!
All the organs and formations in the world, once covered by the perfect domineering level of knowledge.
Then, all the secrets, essence, main structure, structure, etc. contained in it will be completely penetrated and become impossible to hide!
And the current mechanism snake made by Gongshuchou himself will naturally not be an exception.
Chapter 150 Patriarch, there are really monsters in this world! 【6/6 for customization】
“Half, half an hour?”
Gongshuchou’s eyes widened.
He stared blankly at Ying Changge, obviously unexpected for the latter’s words.
what’s going on?
Seventh Young Master can crack this mechanical snake in half an hour?
No way?
This contains the core essence of the overbearing mechanism of the public loser!
It is still a mechanism snake made by him, the contemporary head of the public loser, with countless painstaking efforts!
Can it be cracked in half a quarter of an hour?
What a joke!

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