Wei Zhuang’s eyes fixed on Bai Feng’s body.
Compared to the Canglang King, he cared more about Bai Feng’s evaluation.
after all.
Bai Feng is indeed a rare top powerhouse!
Canglang King’s evaluation can be ignored, but Bai Feng’s evaluation cannot be ignored.
Even looking at Jianghu, Baifeng’s strength belongs to the top class.
“Lord Wei Zhuang.”
“He is very weird!”
“It’s also very strong!”
“His cultivation level is not high…”
“But his strength is very terrifying!”
“Heinously strong.”
“Even if I go all out, I am definitely not an opponent, but I was easily killed in seconds.”
“Yes! I will be instantly killed by him!”
Bai Feng took a deep breath, her tone was very heavy.
“Even you will be instantly killed?”
Wei Zhuang frowned.
Very surprised!
As strong as Bai Feng, but he is not the opponent of the Seventh Young Master?
Or will he end up being killed in seconds?
It seems that this Seventh Young Master is really strong beyond imagination!
Those who can instantly kill Baifeng must be quite terrifying in strength!
Wei Zhuang is well aware of this.
“Can instantly kill Baifeng…”
Wei Zhuang’s eyes gradually became serious and cautious.
A terrifying strength capable of instantly killing Baifeng.
Even he had to deal with it carefully.
“Master Wei Zhuang, there is something I want to remind you.”
Bai Feng hesitated for a moment, but finally chose to speak.
Wei Zhuang asked.
“If it is not a last resort, our Quicksand organization must not try to provoke this seventh son.”
“He’s really strong!”
“Simply unfathomable!”
“He may be among all the strong men I have ever seen in my life…”
“The weirdest and most terrifying existence!”
“If this person is really angered, the consequences will be completely unimaginable.”
Bai Feng’s lips trembled slightly, and blurted out with a slightly pale complexion.
until now.
Bai Fengdu can never forget the fear of being dominated by Ying Changge!
Wei Zhuang frowned.
He didn’t expect it.
Bai Feng, who is arrogant and always defiant, will one day respect and fear such a person.
Wei Zhuang thought about it calmly, and suddenly his eyes narrowed, as if he had thought of the key point, and asked: “This seventh son, is the most terrifying existence among all the strong men you have ever seen?”
“What you said also includes me?”
Wei Zhuang watched Baifeng quietly, waiting for the latter’s reply, without saying a word.
Facing Wei Zhuang’s inquiry, Bai Feng forcibly suppressed the throbbing feeling in his heart.
He nodded with a heavy heart, and gave an affirmative answer without hesitation.
The tone is very decisive!
It’s like confirming this! .
Chapter 136 Flying Sword Attacks! Hard connect! Gravity explodes! 【5/7 for customization】
Bai Feng’s tone of voice was full of affirmative answers, lingering in Wei Zhuang’s ears.
Wei Zhuang’s face became serious.
He took a deep look at Bai Feng, and saw the firm expression on the latter’s face.
He hadn’t expected it.
Bai Feng would give him such an affirmative answer!
includehim inside?
Wei Zhuang’s eyes were somewhat expectant, and the fighting spirit in his heart was burning, and then he asked slowly: “You also think that I will lose~?”
“Will I lose to this seventh son?”
“Is this your opinion?”
The words fell.
Bai Feng hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth and nodded, remaining silent.
Seeing this, Wei Zhuang didn’t ask any more questions.
Everything he wanted to ask had already been answered!
Can’t think of…
Bai Feng actually thought he would lose?
Lost to a blind boy in his weak years?
It seems that this Seventh Young Master is really amazing!
How strong are you?
Bai Feng naturally knew it well.
But even so, the other party still thinks that he is not as good as that Seventh Young Master.
This is very intriguing.
Wei Zhuang didn’t think so.
This is Bai Feng’s alarmist talk.
Since the other party dared to say this, there must be a reason for the other party.
After all.
Bai Feng is also a top powerhouse in the middle of the innate, with not weak strength and vision.
“Hearing what you said, I really want to see the strength of this Seventh Young Master.”
“A mere young blind man in his weak years actually gives you the illusion that he can defeat me?”
“Is this an illusion? Let me test it myself.”
Wei Zhuang spoke with great interest.
He was staring straight ahead with great interest, his sharp and deep eyes were burning with a mighty fighting spirit, as if his body was about to be unable to contain the urge to strike.
“Master Wei Zhuang, you…”
Bai Feng still wanted to speak out to persuade him.
But seeing Wei Zhuang’s face and expression, Bai Feng couldn’t help but abruptly stop his intention of persuading.
he knows.
He couldn’t persuade the other party.
No one can persuade Wei Zhuang now!
Even Chi Lian could only show a bit of worry on his pretty face, his beautiful eyes looked at the disguise beside him, he stopped speaking, and clenched his fists to reveal the tension and apprehension in his heart.

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