But now that he has reached the cultivation level of the innate late stage, coupled with the mastery of the perfect gravity fruit of the blind swordsman, Ying Changge’s strength has been rising steadily, and has increased by dozens of times.
In this way, even if Juggernaut Gai Nie is at his peak, Ying Changge is confident that he has a 70% to 80% chance of winning, which is enough to forcefully defeat Gai Nie.
And Wei Zhuang in front of him?
That goes without saying.
Wei Zhuang, but Gai Nie’s defeated general!
This is the truth.
For so many years, Wei Zhuang has never been as good as Gai Nie. This is a recognized fact!
Even Gai Nie can no longer shake Ying Changge at this moment, what capital did Wei Zhuang bring?
“My lord, the one in front is Mr. Wei Zhuang, the leader of the Quicksand Organization.”
When he saw Wei Zhuang, Li Si reminded Ying Changge in a low voice.
Of course he didn’t know.
In fact, long before he saw Wei Zhuang, Ying Changge’s perfect level of knowledgeable domineering had already penetrated Wei Zhuang’s whole body.
“The rest of the matter, I will leave it to Mr. Xiangguo to deal with.”
“I don’t want to interfere too much.”
Ying Changge nodded.
He won’t interfere too much with Li Si’s plan.
Everything can be handled by Li Si himself.
Ying Changge never went.
He was just an escort on this trip, and Li Si was the decision maker!
Ying Changge is very good at fighting.
But when it comes to these conspiracies and tricks, it’s up to Li Si to deal with them.
heard the words.
Li Si nodded and was about to take a step forward.
Next, it is his home field.
He is not good at fighting and killing, but if it is to represent the empire to negotiate and cooperate with the quicksand organization. Then he’s very good at it.
This cooperation was originally a plan proposed by him himself!
at the same time.
the other side.
After leading Ying Changge and others to this place.
Chi Lian came to Wei Zhuang and reminded him in a respectful voice: “Master Wei Zhuang, Mr. Xiangguo has arrived.”
Wei Zhuang didn’t pay too much attention to Li Si, but instead asked: “The one next to Li Si must be the rumored Seventh Young Master, right? What do you think of this person?”
The words fell.
In Chi Lian’s beautiful eyes, a deep look of fear appeared involuntarily.
The fright in her eyes couldn’t escape Wei Zhuang’s eyes and ears.
Under Wei Zhuang’s frowning gaze.
I see.
Chi Lian let out a heavy breath, and his pretty face was dignified, serious, and serious: “Very strong! Very strong! This is an unfathomable and terrifying existence!”
This comment is naturally from her heart.
after all.
Having experienced being suppressed by Ying Changge’s gravity field, it is inevitable that she will have a strong psychological shadow of fear towards Ying Changge in her heart.
The strength of Ying Changge left a deep impression on Chi Lian!
What was engraved in his bones made Chi Lian feel terrified.
This is a……
real monsters!
“Oh? Very strong? How can a young master who is blind get such a high evaluation from you?”
“It seems…”
“My guess was right.”
“This Seventh Young Master is really not simple.”
Wei Zhuang spoke with great interest.
He rarely sees it.
Chi Lian, who has an arrogant personality, will also show such an expression of fear and lingering fear.
At least.
Chi Lian, who is of good strength, will not feel fearful because of ordinary strong men.
But right now.
Chi Lian was afraid of that Seventh Young Master.
This also means that the Seventh Young Master must be very terrifying, so that even Chi Lian can panic.
“I’m very curious now and want to see it.”
“ThisHow strong is the strength of the seventh son, so that you can make such an evaluation of him. ”
Wei Zhuang seemed to be looking forward to it very much, and the fighting spirit was burning in his heart.
He has always been an extremely belligerent man!
He is also not good at so-called conspiracies…
In the face of all difficulties, he likes to use his absolute strength to destroy everything!
He will use his strength to solve everything!
This is Wei Zhuang’s character.
After hearing Chi Lian’s evaluation of Ying Changge, Wei Zhuang couldn’t help it in his heart, and had the idea and thought of wanting to fight with him.
The fighting spirit was burning fiercely, which made Wei Zhuang’s aura more and more terrifying and majestic.
Chi Lian, who was next to Wei Zhuang, was naturally the first to feel this terrifying coercion.
“Master Wei Zhuang, don’t act rashly.”
Chi Lian’s pink lips moved slightly, his expression slightly anxious.
Recalling the unfathomable and terrifying power and means of that Seventh Young Master, she felt waves of lingering fear, trepidation, dread, and apprehension.
She doesn’t want to see it.
Wei Zhuang took action to deal with this weird and unstoppable enemy!
Because she is worried.
Wei Zhuang will lose…
She didn’t want Wei Zhuang to lose!
“Do you think I will lose?”
Wei Zhuang seemed to see through what Chi Lian was thinking, and asked in a flat tone.
His face was expressionless, but the aura emanating from his body was getting colder and colder.
can feel it.
He is in a bad mood at the moment!
It was dissatisfaction with Chi Lian.
He is very difficult to tolerate.
His subordinates will question his strength and think he will lose to an outsider!
“No. It’s not.”
“Master Wei Zhuang…”
Chi Lian’s throat was dry, and he couldn’t help explaining quickly.
Of course she does.
Wei Zhuang is proud and arrogant, thinking that he will not be weaker than others in his life.
Even the sword sage Gai Nie, Wei Zhuang never felt that he was inferior to him.
As a subordinate who has followed Wei Zhuang for many years, Chi Lian is very precise about Wei Zhuang’s character.
She can see it.
Wei Zhuang is already ready to move, and he is about to make a move to test that Seventh Young Master!
Wei Zhuang interrupted Chi Lian’s explanation, turned to look at Baifeng and Canglang King beside him, and asked directly, “Then what do you guys think of that Seventh Young Master? Tell me what you think.”
Bai Feng was silent for a moment.
But the Canglang King blurted out directly: “Very strong! As strong as a monster!”
With the voice of the wolf king, it fell.

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