Seventh Young Master actually possesses such a terrifying supernatural power!
In just a split second, hundreds of wolves were killed!
How could the Seventh Young Master, who possessed such terrifying abilities, care how many wolves surrounded him?
It doesn’t matter how much you come!
In the end, they will all suffer the fate of being killed by a strong instant.
Even if there are tens of thousands of wolves, I’m afraid they will be killed instantly!
Immediately, a group of soldiers of the Qin Army felt even more terrified and shocked.
One of the soldiers had a dry throat, stared blankly at Ying Changge’s back, and subconsciously blurted out.
“This is what Master Xiangguo said before…”
“Is it immortal?”
He believed it.
Isn’t this magic?
Isn’t the fairy method 223 enough to instantly kill a pack of wolves?
What kind of martial arts do this?
No martial arts can do it!
This is the real way of immortals!
In just an instant, less than a breath, the pack of wolves were all instantly killed!
No wolf can be an exception!
“Seventh son…”
All the gazes focused on Ying Changge contained deep awe, admiration, shock and many other emotional colors.
The wolves were still shivering and screaming on the ground.
It can be heard from the sound of their howling.
The fear, anxiety, apprehension, panic and other emotions in their hearts at the moment.
When they first came out of the mountains and forests, they were majestic and majestic.
In less than a moment.
They were instantly beaten back to their original shape!
The fate of being killed in seconds after meeting each other.
Now they are more like a group of bereaved dogs.
Their lives are clearly out of their control.
With just one thought of Ying Changge, they can decide their life or death.
When seeing the scene where the pack of wolves were instantly killed, the wolf king hidden in the forest, one of the four heavenly kings of the quicksand organization, felt creepy all over his body.
A gust of cold air shot up from the soles of the feet to the top of the sky.
He panicked.
Boundless fear surged into my heart in an instant!
The biting chill made the Canglang King’s body goosebumps rise, and his whole body shuddered.
The unprecedented fear gradually fully dominated his body and mind.
He couldn’t even dream of it.
At this moment, he would actually witness such a terrifying scene that subverts cognition with his own eyes.
“This this……”
“what’s going on?!”
The Canglang King opened his mouth, his throat was dry, and his eyes were wide and round.
He was dumbfounded.
How is it so good…
All his subordinates were killed in secondsup? !
This is not in line with common sense!
There are a total of three hundred wolves, and it took him years of careful training to train an elite wolf pack!
Was it so easy to be killed in seconds?
In just a moment, all the wolves lost their fighting spirit and faith?
Are you even scared out of your wits?
how can that be? !
The Canglang King couldn’t believe it.
He couldn’t help but doubt his life on the spot.
All that he witnessed with his own eyes seriously impacted his heart.
What kind of terrifying power can instantly kill a pack of wolves? !
can not imagine.
He couldn’t imagine it either.
The scene before him was clearly beyond the comprehension of the Canglang King.
Everything here is for the Canglang King.
It’s completely like a dream!
It can be said that…
After a while.
I turned my gaze.
The Canglang King forcibly suppressed the shock and fear in his heart, his eyes full of horror could not help but move away from the howling wolves lying on the ground.
His gaze was fixed on.
The only stalwart figure still standing in the center of the battlefield.
“Could it be that?!”
“The fundamental reason that caused the pack of wolves to be instantly killed…”
“It’s him?!”
The Canglang King shrank his pupils, his heart paled with shock.
Chapter 124 Killing the Wolf King in an instant with one move! Gravity・Vientiane Tianyin! 【7/7 for customization】
“how is this possible?!”
“This this……”
“I’m not dreaming, am I?”
The Canglang King was shocked.
His eyes were wide and round, and his face hidden under the bronze mask showed a deep look of horror and horror.
He stared straight ahead.
The one on the battlefield, the only one who kept standing.
The boundless fear completely pierces the heart!
The Canglang King couldn’t believe what was happening before his eyes.
A full three hundred wolves…
All are trained by him personally.
After its training, these wolves are obviously more lethal than ordinary wild wolves.
It was this group of well-trained wolves who were all killed in an instant just now!
What is this concept?
How did the other party do it?

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