“Under Mawei?”
“It’s still uncertain who will give off the power to whom.”
The perfect domineering level of knowledge released by Ying Changge can see the wolves lying on the ground in all directions, unable to move, and can only keep howling and screaming.
Sensing the fear in the hearts of these wolves, he already knew it clearly.
These wolves no longer pose any threat!
“Do you want to use wolves to give the soldiers of the empire a blow?”
“This approach, after all, is too naive.”
“And what’s even more regrettable is…”
“You also met me!”
Ying Changge had a playful smile on his face.
Within the range covered by his gravity field, these wolves naturally couldn’t break free, and could only lie on the ground like dead dogs, unable to move.
Painful and howling wolves lingered in his ears, but they still couldn’t affect Ying Changge’s emotional ups and downs.
The quicksand organization’s dismounting this time really made Ying Changge not very interested.
There was a slight breeze.
The dust fluttered and danced in the air.
With a radius of 100 meters, it was suppressed by terrifying gravity.
in this area.
There is only one person who can still maintain his combat power.
And this person is naturally Ying Changge!
Except for Ying Changge, the three hundred wolves were all lying on the ground without exception, as if they were suppressed by a towering mountain, and their bodies could not even move their joints.
And this scene fell into the eyes of everyone in all directions without reservation.
The atmosphere is weird!
The whole audience was silent!
Pairs of eyes full of shock, amazement, and disbelief gathered on the front battlefield one after another.
Everyone stared dumbfounded.
The wolves suddenly fell to the ground.
And the only figure that still maintains combat power surrounded by wolves.
this moment.
Whether it’s Li Si, or Meng Ying, the group of people who have expected it, they can’t help feeling a deep sense of admiration from their hearts.
Even if he had expected it long ago, he should really witness this scene with his own eyes.
Their mood is still inevitably shocked.
“Sure enough!”
“Young master, you are serious!”
“Another terrifying supernatural power that is comparable to an immortal technique!”
“With just one thought, hundreds of wolves can be suppressed in an instant!”
“What kind of amazing method is this?”
Li Si took a deep breath, his tone full of shock and exclamation.
Seeing such a terrifying scene again, he was still deeply shocked.
“Immortal method…”
“This is the real magic trick!”
Meng Ying’s eyes were lost for a while.
Shao Siming also stared at the front quietly, his eyes fixed on Ying Changge’s back, his pair of beautiful eyes shone with strange emotional wavesLan.
The two thousand elite cavalry of the empire showed their inner shock and astonishment one after another.
what happened? !
All right, why did hundreds of wolves all fall down?
What is the power?
What forces affected these wolves?
Countless thoughts flooded into their minds crazily, but they were puzzled.
I can’t think of a reason when I think about it.
“This this!”
“Who can explain.”
“what is happening?!”
“Why did the pack of wolves surrounding Seventh Young Master suddenly all fall down?”
“And they fell at the same time! For a moment, it seemed that they were suppressed by some extremely terrifying force, as if they were crushed by a towering mountain on the spot!”
“There is no object on them to suppress them. Then what kind of force caused their group to be crushed instantly?”
“It’s unimaginable!”
“All of this is like a dream!”
An elite soldier of the empire expressed a strong sense of shock in his heart.
have to say.
What they saw in front of them completely subverted their worldview.
They dare not even dream.
There are such weird things in this world!
“In a split second…”
“Crushed three hundred wolves!”
“What kind of strength can do it?”
“The wolves were all killed in an instant! They completely lost their ability to fight!”
The two thousand elite cavalry of the empire were inevitably and seriously shocked.
At this time.
A weak voice sounded: “You say, could it be the Seventh Young Master?”
Words just fell.
The atmosphere here is more silent and weird!
There was no sound!
quite a while.
A group of soldiers of the Qin army had their throats rolling, and they couldn’t help swallowing.
Their eyes turned quickly, and with shocking eyes, they stared blankly at the only figure who could still stand in the center of the battlefield ahead.
Except for this figure, all the wolves were lying on the ground unable to move.
this moment.
The figure in front appeared in their eyes, and suddenly became extremely tall and stalwart!
“My, my God!”
“It’s not really the seventh son, is it?”
“What kind of fairy method is this?”
“Is it immortal?”
“Invisibly, hundreds of wolves were killed in an instant!”
“After doing all this, we didn’t even notice the whole time! We didn’t know anything!”
“Between silence…”
“Kill the audience instantly!”
“What a terrifying method and trick is this?”
Thinking of this, the two thousand elite cavalry of the empire felt their hair stand on end.
This is the Seventh Young Master, dare to face the siege of wolves alone?
No wonder!
No wonder Seventh Young Master was indifferent and disapproving of the siege of wolves from the beginning to the end.

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