The way out of the Tooth-Chewing Prison was still led by two guards guarding the Tooth-Chewing Prison. The two of them walked in the front, looking very cautious and cautious.
Ying Changge led Shao Si Ming and Meng Ying to follow behind.
Li Si was at the side.
not for a while.
Under the leadership of two guards, Ying Changge and his group walked out of the tooth-eating prison smoothly.
When he completely walked out from the entrance of Tooth Eating Prison, a gust of cool sea breeze blowing against Ying Changge’s hair and clothes.
The air is fresh, refreshing and refreshing.
The sound of the waves crashing and rolling, the clear and pleasant sound spread in all directions.
After walking out of the entrance of Tooth-gnawing Prison, he returned to the edge of this huge coast.
The sea breeze blows, making the hot air temperature feel a bit cool and refreshing.
When Ying Changge stepped on the edge of the coast.
So far it has been officially announced.
He, left Tooth Devouring Prison!
Leaving the strongest prison in the empire!
Known as the terrible prison that no one can break through!
This so-called unbreakable. When it comes to Ying Changge, it will be reduced to a joke in an instant, and it will be easily cracked by his perfect-level knowledgeable domineering.
If it weren’t for the perfect level of knowledge, Ying Changge and the others might have been trapped in the Tooth-Eating Prison for a full three days and three nights. It is still unknown whether they can survive until then.
Stepping on the soft coastal soil under his feet, Ying Changge could feel the golden halo scattered down from the sky, and the warmth flowed through his heart.
“Congratulations to the Seventh Young Master!”
“Congratulations to Mr. Xiangguo!”
Behind, the two guards looked at Ying Changge’s back with respect and awe.
They will never forget what happened in the Tooth-Chewing Prison, and it will be deeply memorable to them!
Step out.
Ying Changge and Li Si walked side by side, step by step away from the Tooth-eating Prison.
Ying Changge asked: “Master Xiangguo, where should we go next?”
Tooth-eating Prison is only the first stop of this trip, and it is far from the end!
The black swordsman Shengqi is only a part of Li Si’s plan.
And it is the most insignificant part.
It is impossible to go back home and return to Xianyang City immediately after leaving the Tooth-Eating Prison.
“Go to the quicksand organization!”
Facing Ying Changge’s question, Li Si told him solemnly with a serious face.
“Quicksand Organization?”
“Do you want to invite the Quicksand organization to deal with Sword Saint Gai Nie and the anti-Qin elements?”
Ying Changge was thoughtful.
He began to wonder.
If the group destroys the quicksand organization, how much template fusion can he get?
Think about it carefully.
he thinks.
The degree of fusion that I can get from it may not be too high.
The loss outweighs the gain.
It’s better.
Let the Quicksand organization first target the sword sage Gai Nie, the anti-Qin Mohists, the remnants of the Chu party, and others.
The best time to take action to wipe out the quicksand organization and the anti-Qin elements is when both sides are hurting!
This is the best policy!
“Praying mantis catches cicada…”
“The oriole is behind!”
The smile on Ying Changge’s face was very playful.
After leaving the Tooth-Eating Prison with Li Si, and returning to the edge of the coast, the 2,000 elite cavalry of the empire came to meet them, waiting here for a long time.
“Seventh son!”
“Master Xiangguo!”
It was less than an hour before Ying Changge, Li Si and others entered the Tooth-Eating Prison.
It is now approaching evening.
Located on the edge of the coast.
You can clearly see the endless sea area,Under the afterglow of the setting sun, bursts of gold-like colors flicker on the sea.
Ying Changge couldn’t see this scene.
“My lord, let’s set off immediately and go to the Quicksand organization?”
“Time is running out now, and the anti-Qin elements need to be resolved as soon as possible.”
“Avoid these extremely rampant anti-Qin elements, and then make some big movements in the future, which will cause unnecessary trouble and influence on the empire.”
“What do you think, Seventh Young Master?”
Li Si looked at Ying Changge and asked.
“Master Xiangguo, you can arrange it yourself.”
“Don’t forget, I’m just an escort, not a decision maker.”
“So, you can make up your own mind about these things, and I won’t ask too many questions.”
Ying Changge let out a laugh and couldn’t help shaking his head.
heard the words.
Li Si also smiled.
However, he couldn’t help thinking bitterly in his heart.
How can a humble job dare to make decisions without authorization!
Before seeing your terrifying strength, the subordinates may still have such courage.
But since seeing your terrifying strength, even if you give your subordinates ten thousand courages, they will never dare to act without your consent!
With Ying Changge’s words, Li Si did not hesitate at all, and was very decisive, and immediately ordered the two thousand elite cavalry of the empire.
“The whole army obeys orders…”
“Let’s go!”
A group of 2,000 elite iron cavalry, plus two carriages were located in the safe center of the iron cavalry, and gradually left the tooth-eating prison, which was the edge of the coast.
The destination of this trip is…
The residence of the Quicksand Organization! .
Chapter 121 Two days later! Finally meet! The wolves all over the mountain are howling their horses! 【4/7 for customization】
Time flies.
Day and night alternate.
blink of an eye.
Two days passed.
Two full days and two nights have passed since Ying Changge and the others left Tooth-Eating Prison.
It is finally infinitely close to the destination of this trip!
We are about to arrive at the destination of this trip!
That is…
The quicksand organization stationed in the rivers and lakes that made countless martial arts practitioners frightened!
The Quicksand organization is well-known in the Jianghu.
As a well-known killer organization, almost everyone who practiced martial arts in Jianghu knew the horror of the Quicksand Organization.
Especially its leader, Wei Zhuang, is an extremely powerful martial arts master, who is only inferior to Sword Saint Gaine.

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