“Speed ​​is my biggest shortcoming.”
“However, I can use the fruit of gravity to exert a huge force of gravity on the enemy and slow him down. As long as the opponent’s speed is slower than mine, then my shortcomings will naturally disappear.”
Ying Changge thought to himself.
He took back the terrifying power of the Gravity Fruit.
in a moment……
The terrible gravity that swept across tens of meters in radius all subsided back to Ying Changge’s body.
The terrifying gravity that originally suppressed the audience disappeared in an instant.
blink of an eye.
After Ying Changge withdrew the gravity.
The hundreds of prisoners in the cage were finally able to stand up from the ground as they wished.
But their expressions were full of panic and fear.
Obviously, what happened just now had an unprecedented psychological impact on them.
“Just now, what happened?!”
“too horrible!”
“In my life, I will never experience something like this again.”
“The whole body is completely unable to move!”
“Obviously there is no object to suppress, but the body seems to have endured the crushing of thousands of catties of boulders!”
There was chaos in the huge cage.
A criminal had lingering fears and kept talking about the fear just now.
outside the cage.
Ying Changge’s perfect level of knowledge and knowledge can naturally penetrate the panic of these people.
He couldn’t help laughing, and turned around slowly.
After this attempt, he probably has a more familiar cognition and understanding of the gravity fruit.
All the previous understandings were just imitated and integrated from the blind swordsman.
Only by performing it yourself can you get a completely different experience.
Ying Changge didn’t care about the chaos in the cage, and walked step by step towards the direction where Li Si and the others were.
Meng Ying, who was originally lying on the ground and could not move, and the two guards guarding the Tooth-Eating Prison also stood up from the ground in a state of embarrassment as the gravity disappeared.
“Young master.”
Seeing his young master walking slowly, Mengying couldn’t help showing deep respect and admiration on his expression.
The method that can be called a fairy method just now really impressed him deeply!
For the first time in his life, he experienced it himself.
Such unimaginable and terrible things.
“My lord, was that just now?”
Li Si couldn’t help asking subconsciously.
Now he still has lingering fears.
Although he didn’t experience it personally, the shock in his heart was no less than that of Meng Ying.
“A little trick I just learned.”
Ying Changge smiled.
Li Si’s eyes widened.
Good guy!
This can be called a terrifying method like a fairy method…
To be called a trick by the young master? !
Is this the world of monsters?
I have learned a lot!
Can’t afford to provoke!
Cowardly cowardly!
Therefore, Li Si didn’t speak any more.
He was afraid that if he continued to speak, he would suffer more intense trauma and blows.
“How did you feel just now?”
Ying Changge asked Shao Siming.
Only Shao Siming was the only one on the scene who was able to maintain a certain ability to move within the gravity field.
Hearing this, Shao Siming pondered for a moment, and replied: “Once I set foot in it, the overall level of strength I can display will drop from the mid-innate stage to the early-innate stage.”
The words fell.
Li Si, Meng Ying and others were even more shocked.
Forcibly lowering the cultivation base and realm of others? !
What kind of terrifying method is this?
Simply unimaginable!
He really deserves to be the number one enchanting seventh son of all time!
These methods are simply the methods of immortals!
“Sure enough.”
For Shao Siming’s replyAnswer, Ying Changge had already expected it, and it did not exceed his expectations.
The power of gravity fruit has a more intuitive understanding.
Even the strong in the innate realm, once they are suppressed in the field of gravity, will greatly weaken their overall strength.
“My overall strength will also be improved several levels!”
“Even if you meet Donghuang Taiyi, the leader of the Yinyang family, or Bei Mingzi from the Taoist Tianzong, relying on the gravity field of the gravity fruit, you can still form a huge suppression on them.”
Ying Changge thought to himself.
After a while.
Li Si asked tentatively: “My lord, shall we go?”
Ying Changge nodded.
This time, he did not refuse to leave the Tooth-Eating Prison.
This trip can be said to be quite rich in return!
After killing Chen Sheng, the degree of template integration has been greatly improved.
at the same time.
Also unlocked the blind swordsman’s signature ability, Gravity Fruit!
Still a perfect gravity fruit!
Thinking of this, Ying Changge showed a satisfied smile.
Not in vain, I rushed all the way from Xianyang City to Tooth-Chewing Prison.
As long as the fruit of gravity is unlocked, then the trip is not in vain.
As for Shengqi’s death?
Ying Changge didn’t take it too seriously at all.
The black swordsman Sheng Qi died as well.
At most, it will affect the Daze Township uprising in later generations.
But now, Ying Changge may have curbed the possibility of an uprising in Daze Township to a great extent.
Without Sheng Qi, there is only Wu Guang left, and he must not be able to lead the peasant disciples to completely rise up.
“Let’s go.”
Ying Changge took Li Si and others, and left Tooth-Eating Prison the same way.
Sheng Qi’s body had already been cleaned up.
On the way back, Ying Changge did not see Shengqi’s body on the ground, and even the blood on the ground had been cleaned up.
The fragments of the giant que were naturally cleaned up accordingly.

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