Sheng Qi carried the Juque Sword on his shoulder, and stared at Ying Changge casually.
“Anyway, your trip will end in failure…”
“Compared to the strength of Sword Saint Gai Nie, you are still too far behind!”
“Since you are doomed to fail, why not let your life be of greater value?”
“how do you feel?”
Ying Changge spoke slowly.
“Huh? What do you mean?”
Sheng Qi’s face became ugly, and his tone was particularly cold and serious.
“It’s very simple.”
“That is……”
“I want to borrow your life!”
The words fell.
Ying Changge suddenly became violent.
An invisible wave of air spread out in an instant.
The perfect domineering level of knowledge and knowledge exploded at this moment!
The area with a radius of 100 meters was enveloped in all directions by this knowledge.
at the same time.
Shengqi’s position, as well as the opponent’s every move, and the voice of the opponent’s heart…
Everything has been completely seen through by Ying Changge!
at the same time.
A surge of innate zhenqi in the mid-innate cultivation realm emanated from Ying Changge’s body, and it intensified, becoming more and more terrifying and powerful.
The surging innate qi wrapped around Ying Changge’s body in an instant.
The light blue inner force fluctuated around his body, making his figure extraordinarily eye-catching at this moment, exuding an unparalleled majestic aura.
Faced with Ying Changge’s sudden attack, Sheng Qi’s pupils shrank, seemingly unexpected.
He obviously didn’t expect it.
This seventh young master, who looked young, unexpectedly attacked him suddenly.
The other party is actually a top powerhouse in the mid-innate stage!
A mid-term genius at such an age!
Undoubtedly an amazing talent!
“The cultivation base and realm in the mid-innate stage are still far inferior.”
“Seventh Young Master, who gave you the courage to attack me?”
Sheng Qi quickly calmed down, and slowly lifted the giant gate in the middle of his hand, staring at Ying Changge who attacked suddenly with sharp and cold eyes.
Facing Ying Changge, who was in the middle of the congenital stage, he didn’t have any timidity at all, but felt deeply disapproving.
However, the realm of cultivation in the mid-innate stage…For a strong man of this level, Sheng Qi killed not one thousand but eight hundred in those years.
4.9 He subconsciously thought so.
There is basically no big difference between Ying Changge and the innate mid-stages he killed in the past.
not to mention.
The Seventh Young Master in front of him is blind…
Obviously, the insight will be far inferior to the powerhouses of the same realm!
With all these thoughts in mind, Shengqi felt that he could deal with it calmly and calmly.
And reality…
But it caught Shengqi off guard.
I see.
At this time, he held the giant que in his hand, facing the attacking Ying Changge, and slashed it down fiercely.
The epee has no front, so it’s a coincidence!
A wave of terrifying air exploded from Juque’s sword blade.
This extremely destructive surging air wave forcibly squeezed the surrounding space, causing the air current floating in the space to twist and wriggle continuously.
The space seemed to be collapsed and shattered by the bombardment of this sword, followed by bursts of ear-piercing crackling sounds.
The epee fell swiftly!
But at the critical moment.
Ying Changge seemed to have expected it a long time ago, as if he had already seen through all his offensive intentions.
Just turn your body slightly…
It was easy to dodge the sword ahead of time!
There is no muddy water in the whole process!
Very decisive!
Do not hesitate!
It’s like an absolute confirmation.
Sheng Qi’s sword will definitely be aimed at this direction.
“This, this is…”
“Predicted my attack direction in advance?”
“At such a young age, you already possess such an amazing fighting instinct?!”
“The seventh son of the empire is by no means simple!”
This is the first time that Sheng Qi was deeply moved and lost his composure.
Chapter 108 The Juggernaut who once severely injured you was disabled by me a few days ago! 【5/7 for customization】
As Ying Changge suddenly rose up and launched an attack, Sheng Qi naturally did not lag behind and launched a counterattack, holding an epee and giant que, almost wanting to kill Ying Changge.
Can continue.
Ying Changge easily dodged Ju Que’s sword ahead of time.
Sheng Qi’s entire body turned pale with shock.
“Not some kind of fighting instinct…”
“More like.”
“He seems to have seen through all my attacks!”
“This is beyond the scope of fighting instinct.”
Sheng Qi was shocked.
He stared at Ying Changge who was approaching, and only held the epee sword in his right hand. When he let go of his hand slightly, the sword seemed to fall.
He took advantage of the opportunity to grab the iron chain of the epee giant que, and using powerful brute force, abruptly spun the giant que up like a whirlwind, sweeping across in all directions.
“Very good adaptability…”
Ying Changge’s movements were abruptly stopped, and immediately he was thinking silently in his heart with great interest.
Sheng Qi’s right hand tightly grasped the iron chain next to the hilt of the heavy sword Juque, and then pulled it hard, forming a whirlwind-like attack.
Ju Que crazily surrounded Sheng Qi’s body, hovering and dancing around.
A gust of air flow followed.
A wave of air spread, sweeping further away.

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