“Will there be an uprising in Daze Township?”
“This is really exciting!”
Ying Changge felt very much anticipation in his heart.
Under the eyes of Li Si and others.
And the cautious, apprehensive, nervous eyes of several guards.
Including Meng Ying and Shao Si Ming also looked at Sheng Qi.
Sheng Qi held the huge epee sword in his hand, and slammed it down on the iron chain under his feet.
Accompanied by a loud noise, wandering in the huge tooth-eating prison.
The iron chain was smashed and broken on the spot.
Juque’s blade hit the ground, rubbing against the ground and flashing bursts of dazzling fire.
Sheng Qi shook his feet, threw the iron chains that bound him under his feet, and casually threw them to the corner next to him, which seemed to restore the ability to move freely under his feet.
And the chains of the hands…
Thinking of this, Sheng Qi grabbed Ju Que with one hand and directly penetrated the wall next to him. Then he opened his hands, and the iron chain in the middle slammed down on Ju Que’s blade fiercely.
The iron chain in his hand was broken one after another.
The broken iron chain fell from Sheng Qi’s arm, and there was a clear and pleasant sound when it hit the ground heavily.
so far.
Win seven fully restored freedom!
The iron chains on his hands and the iron chains under his feet were all easily removed by himself.
See here.
The two guards became more cautious and anxious.
They tightly held the bronze swords they carried around their waists, and they were always on guard against Sheng Qi. They were very energetic, their faces were tense, and their eyes were full of fear.
The name of Black Swordsman Shengqi is prestigious even in the Tooth Devouring Prison.
Among the countless strong men imprisoned in Tooth-Eating Prison, Sheng Qi can definitely be called the top one.
“Li Si, don’t worry, I will fulfill my promise.”
“I will definitely defeat him! Kill him!”
“It’s a shame!”
After regaining his freedom, Sheng Qi looked at Li Si with a serious face, his eyes were full of seriousness, and his face was devoid of any emotion.
“I look forward to hearing from you.”
Li Si smiled.
I came here today for this purpose!
Sheng Qi is really smart, even if he escapes from the Tooth-Eating Prison, he dare not act rashly.
In this way, some of Li Si’s backhands don’t need to be shown.
“Where is Ge Nie now? ”
Shengqi asked directly.
“According to rumors, Gai Nie has teamed up with anti-Qin elements such as the Mohists and the remnants of the Chu party. If you want to find Gai Nie, you can start with these anti-Qin elements.”
Li Si informed Sheng Qi of some of the information he had investigated.
“Is this also your plan?”
Sheng Qi took a deep look at Li Si.
“That depends on what you think.”
Li Si smiled, not hiding his purpose.
Hearing this, Sheng Qi was silent for a moment.
No matter what, he will defeat Ge Nie!
He also has a deeper purpose hidden in his heart.
That is……
Looking for Wu Kuang, his foster brother who was in the farm back then!
It’s just that this purpose is hidden very deeply, and Shengqi has never been exposed to the eyes of outsiders.
“I agree to your terms.”
“Kill Ge Nie, you and I are both clean!”
“From now on, I will never have any entanglement or contact with you.”
Sheng Qi slowly took the Ju Que out of the wall, and then said solemnly.
“Of course, this is a deal.”
“I let you go, you killed Ge Nie.”
“In this way, the transaction is over.”
“What you want to do at that time has nothing to do with me. As long as you do not threaten the interests of the empire, I will naturally not trouble you.”
Li Si laughed.
Hearing this, Sheng Qi raised the giant que and prepared to leave.
The two guards, who were extremely nervous, could breathe a sigh of relief.
The black swordsman Shengqi did not go crazy and suddenly burst into a rage.
Otherwise, they don’t think that the small arms of the two of them can carry the beast Shengqi.
How terrifying is a fierce man who can lift a giant que with one hand?
They don’t want to meet anyway.
“Seventh Young Master, let’s go too.”
“Ready to go to the public loser…”
Li Si reminded Ying Changge in a low voice.
“Wait a minute.”
“I have a more important thing to do!”
The expression on Ying Changge’s face was intriguing.
“Oh? What’s the matter?”
Li Si asked curiously.
But only see.
Ying Changge walked forward step by step, constantly approaching Shengqi’s position.
Sheng Qi’s senses are very keen, and he sensed Ying Changge’s footsteps in an instant, and stopped involuntarily, looking back and staring at Ying Changge fiercely.
“Who are you?”
“What do you want to do?”
Seeing that Ying Changge was young and his eyes were gray and blind, Sheng Qi eased his tense mood a little.
But he still had a bad tone, and his face was full of fierce evil spirit.
“In front of the Seventh Young Master, Sheng Qi, how dare you be so presumptuous?”
“It’s a heinous crime!”
The two guards rushed forward.
“Seventh son?”
Sheng Qi frowned, and took a deep look at Ying Changge.
Can be called a son…
And let Li Sidu be so respectful 0…
Only the son of His Majesty the First Emperor!
“Seventh Young Master, what can I do for you?”
Shengqi had no expression on his face, without any restraint or apprehension, but appeared very arrogant and indifferent.
“No big deal…”
“I just want you to do me a favor.”
Ying Changge smiled.
“What’s a little favor?”

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