A smile appeared on Ying Changge’s face.
I have to sigh with emotion.
The Tongtian lock from the Mohist school is indeed well-deserved.
The perfect level of knowledge and knowledge can see that there are countless mechanisms inside Tongtiansuo, each mechanism is interlocking, and the methods are exquisite and mysterious.
If it weren’t for the perfect level of knowledge, Ying Changge might not care about imagination.
Inside this small Tongtian lock, there is still a hidden universe.
The entire internal space of the Tongtian Lock seems to have formed a small world, as if it belongs to a small world. Countless exquisite mechanisms are interlocked and built in this small world.
have to admit.
The person who made this Tongtian lock is indeed a well-deserved master of mechanism skills, a rare top mechanism master in the world.
The only pity is that…
“You ran into me!”
Ying Changge shook his head.
Any mechanism, in his own hands, will become completely secret.
With just one thought, one can penetrate the mysteries of all organs and the mysterious main structure inside.
in this way.
Want to use tricks to stump Ying Changge?
This is simply a big joke!
Once the main structure inside the organ is fully exposed, this mysterious and mysterious organ will no longer have any secrets at all.
Slowly raising his head, Ying Changge put down the Tongtian lock he was holding in his hand, and said, “Father, my son probably already has a way to break it.”
The words fell.
His sonorous voice lingered in the huge palace.
For a while, it seemed very quiet here.
above the steps.
Ying Zheng was stunned.
He stared at Ying Changge blankly, his whole head was a little dizzy.
What the hell?
Already have a solution?
My son, can you really break the Mo family’s Tongtian lock?
From the very beginning, Ying Zheng didn’t think that his son Ying Changge could crack the Tongtian Lock, which was made by the Mohists using extremely high mechanical techniques.
after all.
As a father, he naturally knows how much his own son has in mechanism skills.
The Tongtian lock is a higher-level organ product than the Mo family’s Juetian lock!
How difficult is it to crack this thing?
Of course, Ying Zheng was clear about this.
But right now.
What’s the situation?
Ying Zheng looked at Ying Changge blankly.
Can it really break the Tongtian Lock?
Are you kidding me?
Obviously don’t know anything about tricks!
But now suddenly said.
Can you crack this Tongtian lock, which is a level higher than the Mohist’s Jue Tian lock? !
How could Ying Zheng believe this?
Not only Ying Zheng was stunned.
Even Zhao Gao, and Master Mo Lin beside him, both of them were stunnedchicken.
They stared blankly at Ying Changge, their throats so dry that they couldn’t speak.
“Could I have heard wrong?”
“Seventh Young Master, he actually said that he can crack the Tongtian lock?”
“I must be hallucinating.”
Mo Lin shook his head, thinking to himself.
Want to crack the Tongtian Lock?
This is absolutely impossible!
Even he can’t do it, so he naturally doesn’t believe that others can do it.
not to mention.
He understood it more deeply than everyone present.
If you want to crack the Mohist’s Tongtian lock, how difficult is this factor!
Tongtian lock, but it is a superior mechanism product than Juetian lock!
It contains the essence of Mohism’s painstaking efforts and mechanical techniques for hundreds of years!
How could it be that a mere young man under the age of twenty could crack it?
This young man is really ignorant!
How dare you say such big words?
And still in front of His Majesty the First Emperor, he uttered such incomprehensible arrogant remarks.
“At a young age, I didn’t learn anything else, but I learned how to lie.”
“Later, I want to see how you break the Tongtian lock.”
“The Tongtian lock contains countless interlocking mechanisms. If a link goes wrong, the entire mechanism will collapse. As a result, the confidential information stored inside will also be destroyed.”
“Seventh son? I really don’t know if His Majesty the First Emperor will be furious if you destroy the confidential information in the agency later!”
Mo Lin glanced at Ying Changge.
He quickly lowered his head again, with undisguised disdain and disapproval in his eyes.
Want to break the Mohist’s Tongtian lock?
What an idiot!
Things even he couldn’t do.
A mere boy under the age of twenty wants to do it too?
is it possible?
He thinks this is unrealistic!
Zhao Gao, who was beside him, also had similar thoughts and opinions in his heart.
“Seventh Young Master, I’m afraid this is the rhythm of self-destruction…”
“If you accidentally destroy the Tongtian lock and destroy the confidential information in the Tongtian lock, then the seventh son will be in big trouble. I don’t know if His Majesty will be angry and blame the seventh son.”
“I’m really looking forward to seeing this scene more and more.”
“Seventh Young Master, you are too arrogant!”
“You, who have never been exposed to mechanism techniques, dare to say that you can break the Mohist’s Tongtian lock? I have never seen a person as conceited as you.”
“Today is a good time to see how you will end up in the end!”
Zhao Gao narrowed his eyes slightly, with a bit of coldness and sarcasm in them.
Sensing the change in Zhao Gao’s expression, Mo Lin thought for a while, then lowered his voice and said, “Lord Zhao Gao, please rest assured, the seventh son will never succeed!”
“If it’s the Mohist’s Juetian lock, the subordinates are sure to crack it within three hours. But, it’s obviously not the Mohist’s Juetian lock, but a higher-level Tongtian lock!”
“In this case, it cannot be confused.”
“The Tongtian lock can only be cracked by the person holding the key. Or, the mechanism engineer who created the Tongtian lock can only do it himself.”
“There are only two possibilities!”
“Besides, it is impossible for him to be cracked by any organist. No matter how clever an organist is, it will never be an exception.”
“As for the Seventh Young Master? It’s not that his subordinates underestimate him. It’s simply that the Seventh Young Master is too young. At this age, how can he have such a high level of organ skills?”
“What’s more, no matter how strong a mechanism master is, facing this Tongtian lock of the Mo family, he will inevitably be as helpless as his subordinates!”
In order to dispel the worry in Zhao Gao’s heart, Mo Lin was full of confidence and truthfully expressed his inner opinion.
“Master Mo Lin’s opinion, I naturally agree with it.”
“I think the same…”
“Seventh Young Master, there is no possibility of deciphering this thing!”
“Next, we can watch a good show.”

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