“Zhao Gao, is this the mechanism master you found?”
Ying Zheng looked at Zhao Gao.
“Please forgive me, Your Majesty!”
Zhao Gao also panicked, immediately knelt down and trembled all over.
He didn’t expect it.
The most outstanding mechanism master in the net is actually helpless with this thing.
This result obviously exceeded Zhao Gao’s expectation.
“Forget it.”
Ying Zheng snorted coldly, his expression unkind.
Just when he was about to speak.
under the steps.
Ying Changge took the initiative to speak: “Father, my son is willing to give it a try.”
When the sound sounded, it attracted the attention of the audience.
Zhao Gao and Mo Lin were stunned for a moment, and when they saw Ying Changge’s figure, they were both stunned.
what’s the situation?
The seventh son actually asked to break the Tongtian lock of the Mo family?
This is not an illusion, is it?
“This young man…”
“It’s too arrogant!”
“The Tongtian lock that the old man can’t break, he also wants to break it?”
“A fool’s dream!”
“Later, if you accidentally destroy the internal confidential information, we will see how you end up.”
Merlin thought so in his heart.
He doesn’t think so.
The Tongtian lock that even he couldn’t crack would allow a young man like Ying Changge to crack it.
This is obviously unrealistic!
He can be sure.
This is absolutely impossible!
Even Zhao Gao had the same views and ideas.
“Seventh Young Master is simply crazy!”
“The Mohist Tongtian Lock, which makes Master Mo Lin helpless, but the Seventh Young Master, he actually wants to ask to crack this thing on his own initiative?”
“I simply don’t know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth!”
“You know, if you are not careful in the process of cracking the Tongtian lock, the internal confidential information will be destroyed. At that time, how will you end up, seventh son?”
“This time, maybe the Seventh Young Master can have a long memory!”
Zhao Gao’s eyes flickered, with a bit of malice in his heart, and he felt a strong expectation.
the other side.
Hearing Ying Changge’s request, Ying Zheng’s eyes flashed, and he ordered: “Then why not let my son have a try?”
“Thank you, Father.”
Ying Changge took over the Tongtian lock of the Mo family as he wished.
at the same time.
He thought about it…
An invisible air wave spread out from his body.
The domineering arrogance of the perfect level of knowledge and knowledge exploded rapidly!
The color of knowledge and knowledge swept in all directions, covering a radius of hundreds of meters.
Then manipulate this perfect level of knowledge and knowledge, all gathered on the Mohist Tongtian Lock held in his hand.
Just for an instant.
The internal structure of the Tongtian lock held in his hand was clearly presented in Ying Changge’s mind.
All the secret structures inside the entire Tongtian lock will be impossible to hide at this moment!
With only one thought by Ying Changge, he can see through its essence! .
Chapter 96 Is it hard to crack it? Not at all challenging! 【7/7 for customization】
In the huge palace.
The atmosphere is very quiet!
Ying Changge held the Mohist Tongtian Lock in both hands, and with a perfect level of domineering knowledge, he was constantly sweeping the detailed internal structure of the Tongtian Lock.
Everything, there is no way to hide under his perfect-level knowledge-colored sweep!
all the secrets, unreservedly retained in his insights.
The entire Tongtiansuo seemed to have formed a three-dimensional figure, which appeared in Ying Changge’s mind, allowing him to investigate the interior of the entire Tongtiansuo.
No matter how subtle the details are, it is hard to escape Ying Changge’s detection.
Every little trace will be completely pierced!
This is the frightening part of perfect-level knowledgeable domineering ~.
Just a thought…
The Tongtian lock, made by the master of the Mohist mechanism technique, adopted the top level mechanism technique of the Mohist school for hundreds of years, and finally manufactured a product of the decisive mechanism technique.
But at this very moment.
All information such as its structure and structure have been seen through by Ying Changge.
It was as if he had witnessed the manufacture of Tongtiansuo with his own eyes, and all the mechanisms and structures inside could hardly escape Ying Changge’s insight.
Every detail inside Tongtiansuo, every interlocking mechanism is connected into one piece, infinitely magnified and presented in Ying Changge’s mind.
All the details are magnified countless times!
The perfect level of knowledge and knowledge gave Ying Changge the ability to construct a dismantling diagram of Tongtiansuo in his mind.
The Tongtian lock that Ying Changge sees now is a picture of the internal mechanism and structure of the Tongtian lock after it has been disassembled.
The most mysterious part of the mechanism…
It will fully appear in Ying Changge’s head and be seen clearly by him.
Why is it difficult to crack the organ?
That is precisely because the internal structure of Tongtian Lock is too cumbersome and complicated.
The organs are interlocking and dormant inside the Tongtian Suo. If any organ is damaged, all the organs will operate accordingly.
In the end, these agencies will destroy the confidential information inside the Tongtian Lock.
That’s why it’s so difficult to crack the Tongtian Lock!
But for Ying Changge.
The so-called difficulty was almost reduced to the bottom of the valley under his perfect level of knowledge.
No difficulty!
For Ying Changge, breaking the Tongtian lock has become an extremely simple matter.
He can penetrate the mechanism and structure of the Tongtian Lock from the inside!
And this is impossible for all organ masters, unless it is the organ master who created the product of this organ. Otherwise, no matter how brilliant the organ master is, it is impossible to see through the internal structure of the organ.
But Ying Changge is different.
He can do things that all mechanism art masters are completely unable to do.
The perfect level of knowledge and knowledge will give him the ability to easily crack any mechanism in the world.
No matter how difficult the mechanism is, it will be broken down by him at will!
“I think, I probably already understand the overall structure of this Tongtian lock.”
“and also……”
“I have already understood the mechanisms inside Tongtiansuo.”

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