But can only see.
Donghuang Taiyi’s unquestionably domineering eyes.
this moment.
Da Si Ming knew his fate.
The dignified and powerful elder of the Yin-Yang family bends and stretches to be a maid?
This made Da Si Ming really want to find a place to commit suicide!
Although she was serving as a maid for the distinguished Seventh Young Master, she was also a maid!
She never dreamed of it.
With her such a prominent status, the elder of the yin and yang family will face such embarrassing and embarrassing things one day.
Da Si Ming lowered his head, his pink lips trembling slightly.
She was full of helplessness and grief.
Just when Da Si Ming was hesitating, a voice suddenly sounded without warning.
“I reject!”
It’s Ying Changge!
Ying Changge’s face was calm and calm, and his perfect level of domineering and knowledgeable could penetrate the inner voice of Da Si Ming, and directly rejected Donghuang Taiyi’s proposal.
“I think there are better options.”
The words fell.
Da Si Ming was stunned.
Immediately, ecstasy welled up in my heart.
The seventh son actually refused?
it is good!
Don’t you have to be a maid?
As the elder of the dignified Yin-Yang family…
How can you be a so-called maid?
How can it be repaired!
For some reason, Da Si Ming suddenly felt a little annoyed.
Is it because I am not worthy to be the seventh son’s maid?
Was rejected?
Is there a better candidate?
Da Si Ming looked at Ying Changge with beautiful eyes, not knowing whether he should be happy or angry.
for a while.
Her mood seemed particularly complicated.
“Oh? What is the better choice that Seventh Young Master said?”
Dong Huangtai asked.
Ying Changge raised his index finger and moved slowly.
The heart of Luna, who was pointed at by the index finger, couldn’t help beating suddenly.
Is it yourself?
What are you kidding?
I am a majestic yin and yang family right protector!
He is also the national teacher of the Great Qin Empire!
Seventh son, you want me to be your maid?
Go crazy!
I see.
Ying Changge’s index finger moved slightly.
In the end, it settled on Shao Si Ming.
Of course not Luna!
After all, Luna is indeed a high-ranking and powerful person, so of course she cannot be a maid.
However, Shao Si Ming is different.
As the elder of Minister Mu, Shao Siming’s status in the Yin Yang family is similar to that of the chief minister of Fire, Siming, and there will not be much difference.
Ying Changge voluntarily gave up the chief commander and chose the young commander.
As for why you choose Shao Commander instead of Big Commander?
Da Si ordered that femme fatale…
Ying Changge is really not easy to control!
However, if you are less commanding.
Then there is still a slight possibility!
after all.
The current Shao Si Ming may not really be assisting the Yin Yang family wholeheartedly!
It is different from Da Si Ming.
Da Si Ming is truly loyal to the Yin Yang family, and no one can change her belief.
There is still a slight possibility of Shao Siming changing his belief.
And this is the main reason why Ying Changge chose Shao Siming.
Of course.
A young commander will never be like a senior commander.
She, who has always been indifferent, will choose to accept silently without any dissatisfaction.
“Young Commander?”
Following the direction Ying Changge was pointing at, Donghuang Taiyi saw Shao Siming, and couldn’t help raising his brows slightly, feeling a little unnatural in his heart.
Mainly because…
Shao Si Ming is not a loyal elder of the Yin Yang family!
Among so many elders in the Yinyang family, Donghuang Taiyi felt a little uncontrollable because of his lack of command.
The rest of the elders are all loyal to the Yin Yang family.
But Shao Commander, on the contrary, seems to be indifferent to everything.
Even if he treats the Yin Yang family, Shao Si Ming will not care too much.
Seeing that Ying Changge chose Shao Siming, Donghuang Taiyi inevitably felt a sense of crisis in his heart.
not when…
He failed to find out the details and depth of the seventh son Ying Changge.
Instead, he lost an elder, right?
If the elder is kidnapped…
That would be losing his wife and losing his army!
He pondered for a moment.
Donghuang Taiyi had no reason to refuse, and could only nod in agreement: “Young Commander, what do you want?”
He hoped that Shao Si Ming would refuse.
Shao Siming did not refuse, but looked at Ying Changge gently with beautiful eyes, the beautiful face hidden under the veil, still did not have much emotional change.
Shao Si Ming nodded:”I obey orders.”
Hearing this, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi felt a little upset.
But it doesn’t show well.
In the final analysis, the proposal came from his own mouth.
Now you want a back-and-forth veto?
How can this end?
Words spoken are like water poured out, which cannot be taken back.
Even if Donghuang Tai did not want to see it again and again, Shao Siming left Yinyang’s house, and he had to agree to this matter.

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