Ying Changge was naturally amazed by this courage and boldness.
Although it was said that Ying Changge didn’t need to use his knowledge and arrogance to see through some small thoughts in the other party’s heart, but this did not hinder him. He felt that the other party’s proposal was indeed feasible.
after all.
Letting an elder of the Yin Yang family serve as a maid is a bit exciting to think about.
Donghuang Taiyi also took this into consideration.
He doesn’t hide his purpose.
He wanted to send someone from the Yin Yang family to be able to see Ying Changge’s every move at all times, and to plug in the details and depth of Ying Changge.
In this way, the plan of the Yin Yang family can be carried out as scheduled.
This is also a different kind of surveillance!
As for why no ordinary disciples from the Yin Yang family were sent to carry it out?
Of course, it was because Ying Changge’s status was too prominent!
As the prince, Ying Changge, will he lack maids around him?
Of course there is no shortage!
All that is missing is a maid with status!
At this moment, sending the elders of the Yin Yang family as maids is completely justified in terms of emotion and reason.
It can also be seen from here.
How much Donghuang Taiyi attaches great importance to Ying Changge!
Even as the extremely prominent leader of the Yin Yang family, he had to show unprecedented importance to Ying Changge, an existence beyond common sense.
in particular……
Donghuang Taiyi has already understood.
Each of Ying Changge’s two abilities is extremely terrifying!
It can be called a fairy method!
This made Donghuang Taiyi want to test out more details about Ying Changge.
he thinks.
The details of this Seventh Young Master are by no means limited to what was revealed just now.
For Donghuang Taiyi, he does not allow any variables to affect his plan!
in this way.
By sending an elder as a maid to take care of Ying Changge’s daily life, he will be able to grasp Ying Changge’s every move and even learn more about Ying Changge’s confidence.
In this way, there is no harm at all!
Although an elder was temporarily lost, he was able to find out the details and depth of the seventh son Ying Changge.
From Donghuang Taiyi’s point of view, this deal will definitely not lose money!
“Your Excellency Donghuang, this…”
Luna wanted to speak at this moment.
“As a courtier, isn’t it normal for us to share our worries for the seventh son?”
“Seventh Young Master doesn’t have a maid who can come and go and take care of him all year round. So why not let the elders of my Yin Yang family take care of him?”
Donghuang Taiyi’s tone was flat.
“Yes, Your Excellency the Eastern Emperor.”
Luna could only lower his head and stop talking too much.
she knows.
No one can disobey and love what the Eastern Emperor Taiyi decides.
Unless you don’t want to die!
In the Yin Yang family, Donghuang Taiyi’s order is the absolute will!
Even the Moon God cannot be disobedient, he can only choose to obey!
Even more irresistible!
Donghuang Taiyi is the sky of the Yinyang family!
“Seventh Young Master, what do you think?”
Donghuang Taiyi looked at Ying Changge, and the face hidden under the black robe couldn’t help showing a strong expression of amazement and regret.
What amazes me lies in Ying Changge’s terrifying talent and strength.
Being able to rely on the mid-innate cultivation base and realm, he can forcibly kill and severely injure the star soul in a flash.
For this point, looking around the rivers and lakes, you will never find a second example!
Only Ying Changge can do it!
It was precisely because of this that Donghuang Taiyi felt sorry.
Ying Changge is not a disciple of the Yin Yang family.
Otherwise, the success rate of the Yin Yang family’s plan will increase accordingly!
Such a horrific monster does not belong to the camp of the Yin Yang family.
At this time.
Da Si Ming’s pretty face became a little unnatural.
Hearing Donghuang Taiyi’s words, she felt a little ominous.
Let the elders serve as maids?
This is simply a great shame for her!
How could she tolerate that she, a dignified and powerful yin and yang elder, would be someone else’s maid?
she felt.
This is even more uncomfortable than letting her die!
“I hope it’s not me…”
Da Si Ming could only pray silently in his heart.
Meanwhile, Shao Si Ming, who was beside him, kept a calm expression, without too much emotional ups and downs, as if everything had nothing to do with him.
“Since Your Excellency the Eastern Emperor is so polite, I would rather be respectful than obedient.”
Ying Changge did not choose to refuse.
He didn’t want to accept it.
But think about it.
What if I refuse?
Could it be that if he refuses, it will prevent Donghuang Taiyi from sending disciples from the Yinyang family to secretly investigate?
This is obviously not possiblecan.
Once refused, Donghuang Taiyi will definitely send disciples from the Yinyang family to check Ying Changge over and over again.
In this case, it is better to simply accept it.
In this way, people from the Yin Yang family will not be repeatedly seen.
Anyway, Ying Changge didn’t feel that he had any secrets to hide.
So what if the other party has insight?
The upright Ying Changge is not afraid of anyone’s investigation at all!
just thought of.
It is also quite a good thing to be able to prostitute a high-ranking elder of the Yin-Yang family for nothing, as a maid who usually waits on the gathering.
Anyway, Ying Changge felt that he was definitely not at a loss.
Earn big!
It’s bloody money!
He did not expect that the leader of the Yin Yang family, Donghuang Taiyi, would be so generous.
“Sir, what do you think?”
Donghuang Taiyi looked at Da Si Ming with an unquestionable tone.
Hearing this, Da Si Ming’s mood trembled slightly.
She is about to cry!
Why is it just me?
I don’t want to be a so-called maid!
Can you refuse?
With such thoughts in mind, Da Si Ming raised his head nervously and looked at Dong Huang Tai Yi.

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