There was only less than the last 10% left, and the remaining internal force could only allow Gai Nie to escape from the scene by calling Fa Qinggong.
And it is no longer possible for Gai Nie to have the ability to fight Ying Changge.
“Hundred Step Flying Sword, one of the two great skills of the Guigu lineage!”
“The power of this sword cannot be blocked so easily.”
“Seventh son…”
“Can you really stop it?”
“Relying on bare-handed fists, unarmed to catch the hundred-step flying sword?!”
“Is it really possible?”
“Today, let Gai wait and see!”
Ge Nie took a deep breath, forcibly suppressing the shock in his heart.
He had retreated a hundred steps away, standing at this safe distance, looking back at Ying Changge who was staring at the rear, wanting to see if Ying Changge could block the unique hundred-step flying sword he used with all his strength.
In his heart, he didn’t want to believe that Ying Changge could stop him.
However, due to the many shocking experiences just now, Gai Nie had to be skeptical.
“If the seventh son can really do it 05, even Gai’s hundred-step flying sword with all his strength can be blocked with his bare hands!”
“Then Gai was defeated this time, that is to say, he was convinced.”
“No more regrets! No more complaints!”
With such thoughts in mind, Gai Nie stared at the battlefield ahead.
at the same time.
outside the battlefield.
Zhang Han, Meng Ying, and more than 20 members of the Shadow Secret Guard also saw the action scene of Ge Nie casting the Hundred Step Flying Sword.
“That is……”
“Hundred Step Flying Sword?!”
“Sword Saint Gai Nie’s bottom-of-the-box sure-kill sword?!”
“Here, can the seventh son stop it?”
“Hundred Step Flying Sword, according to rumors, once this sword is released, it will definitely seal the throat with one sword and instantly kill powerful enemies!”
“By relying on the Hundred-Step Flying Sword, the name of Sword Saint Gai Nie is well known in the world.”
“Then, in the face of the sword master Gai Nie’s special skill of pressing the bottom of the box, can the seventh son block it?”
“There have been rumors in the Jianghu. Anyone who has seen the unique art of the hundred-step flying sword is already dead and reduced to a cold corpse.”
“From here, we can see how terrifying Sword Saint Gai Nie’s Killing Sword is!”
Just when Zhang Han and the others had this worrying thought.
next second.
They saw Ying Changge’s horrific behavior as he tried to catch the flying sword with his bare hands.
“My, my God!”
“What did I see?!”
“Seventh Young Master is simply insane!”
“He actually tried to intercept the Hundred Step Flying Sword head-on with his bare hands?”
“Really? Am I dreaming?”
“Seventh Young Master is too scary!”
“What an astonishing feat is this? You actually tried to catch the hundred-step flying sword with your bare hands? This is the strongest move of the sword master Gai Nie. Does the seventh son actually want to intercept it with his bare hands?”
Zhang Han, Meng Ying and others were completely shocked.
Including a member of the Shadow Secret Guard beside him, all without exception showed a strong sense of shock in their hearts.
They stared dumbfounded at the battlefield ahead.
The hundred-step flying sword showed a sword light.
The flying sword had already reached the area less than half a meter in front of Ying Changge from a distance of dozens of steps.
See here.
Whether it was Zhang Hanyi or Meng Ying, they all felt a deep worry from the bottom of their hearts, and they couldn’t help clenching their fists tightly, with cold sweat streaming down their foreheads.
too crazy!
They never saw it.
Someone actually dared to go crazy enough to block the sword master Gai Nie’s one-hundred-step flying sword with his bare hands!
All of this subverted their cognition.
They are almost suspicious of life.
Is it really possible?
Sword Saint Gai Nie’s sure-killing sword…
One of the two unique skills of the Guigu lineage!
The supreme skill of vertical swordsmanship practiced by the sword master Gai Nie!
Can the seventh son really catch it with his bare hands?
at the same time.
hold head high!
Another deafening beep.
A white spear is wrapped around the sharp blade of the bronze sword. The blade exudes an unparalleled terrifying edge. The white spear is condensed by surging sword energy, exuding a destructive aura.
This sword is as powerful as a broken bamboo!
It seems unstoppable!
With one strike, the sharp edge almost pierces through the sky.
It seems that everything in the world will be completely cut off by this sword!
This is the Hundred Step Flying Sword!
Ge Nie’s strongest killer move!
One sword strike will surely kill a powerful enemy!
Ninety-nine percent of the enemies will die under the sword of Sword Saint Gai Nie.
It can be done a hundred steps away, and the throat can be sealed with a sword!
What kind of terrifying power is this?
The hundred-step flying sword can be said to be the top stunt in martial arts.
This top-notch skill was performed by a strong man like Sword Saint Gai Nie himself.
can imagine.
What a terrifying destructive power this sword contains!
During the attack, the blade kept trembling and humming, as if the sword could not withstand the terrifying sharpness and sword energy contained in the Hundred Steps Flying Sword.
The surrounding space will be disturbed by the terrifying power spread by this sword, twisting and wriggling crazily.
Ying Changge had no expression on his face, and he was very calm and calm from the beginning to the end.
Even though he knew that this sword was the strongest sword master Gai Nie could unleash, he didn’t feel nervous or apprehensive at all.
Instead, he was full of anticipation.
“One of the strongest unique skills of the Guigu lineage, and the perfect-level armed domineering, which one is stronger?”
“Hundred Step Flying Sword, can you break through my armed armor?”
“Wait and see!”
Ying Changge raised his right hand.
The black armed armor was firmly fitted on the right arm.
With a thought…
Under the mobilization of Ying Changge, the ruthless and endless surging innate qi in the body is crazily transformed into armed domineering, which makes the armed armor on the right hand more and more terrifying.
this moment.
Ying Changge fully activated the domineering armed color!
Armed colors are fully on!
with full force!
An unparalleled aura of terrifying power emanated from the black armor on Ying Changge’s right hand, carrying a sense of violent power that could destroy the world.

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