Ge Nie turned around quickly, his eyes were fixed on Ying Changge, and he was holding the bronze sword in his left hand.
Control the sword with Qi!
The surging inner force fluctuated around the blade of the bronze sword, and the blade was surrounded by streaks of white sharp sword energy, which radiated out with extremely terrifying power.
next second.
The bronze sword absorbed by Ge Nie’s left hand gradually began to float directly above his palm.
With powerful and extremely deep internal force, he controlled this bronze sword to levitate. 4.9
“Hundred Step Flying Sword!”
Gai Nie looked at Ying Changge, tens of steps away, controlled the sword with Qi, aimed the suspended bronze sword in the direction of Ying Changge and released it suddenly.
The incomparable surge of internal force turned into an extremely terrifying driving force, and the suspended bronze sword was aimed at Ying Changge’s position and attacked.
call out!
The blade pierced the sky.
Controlling the sword with Qi formed a flying sword!
The flying sword’s appearance was entwined with streaks of white fierce sword energy, exuding an aura of power that seemed to destroy the world, with unparalleled violence and infinite power.
This move is the two unique skills of the Guigu lineage!
Gai Nie’s vertical swordsmanship is the highest swordsmanship, the hundred-step flying sword!
this moment.
Gai Nie used the unique technique of ghost valley at the bottom of the box!
The sharp flying sword cut through the air, and there was an ear-piercing sound of piercing the air, carrying momentumThe terrifying momentum like a broken bamboo contains a very sharp and monstrous edge.
While the flying sword cut through the sky, aiming at Ying Changge and approaching swiftly.
The surroundings of the blade of this bronze sword are composed of streaks of white sword energy, as if a white thread was born to wrap around the blade.
hold head high!
There was a deafening bang, revealing the terrifying power that this flying sword was about to bloom!
This trick…
There is no doubt that it is Ge Nie’s trump card!
The sharp blade of the bronze sword was wrapped in white, exuding a bright white sword light.
Where the blade passed…
The space seems to be cut off by a sword!
The powerful sword energy forcibly squeezed the surrounding space and twisted and wriggled continuously.
This force is very terrifying!
Simply full of vigor!
Show your sharpness!
The sharp edge almost wants to cut off everything in the world!
With the power of destroying heaven and earth, he rushed forward swiftly.
The distance of dozens of steps, under the terrifying speed of this flying sword.
blink of an eye.
Already arrived in front of the target!
The Hundred-Step Flying Sword is within easy reach…
Located less than half a meter in front of Ying Changge!
“Ghost Valley’s unique skill? The supreme skill of vertical swordsmanship, the hundred-step flying sword?”
“Then let me experience it.”
“How strong is the so-called Ghost Valley’s unique skill!”
Facing the Hundred-Step Flying Sword released by Gai Nie, Ying Changge slowly raised his right hand and headed forward without any intention of dodging.
He chose to use his right hand covered in black armor, trying to forcibly intercept the flying sword in front of him!
Ying Changge did not dodge at all.
He planned to use the armed armor spread all over his right hand, relying on his bare hands, to forcefully try to intercept Ge Nie’s bottom-pressing ghost valley technique from the front with one hand!
What an amazing feat?
Ready to take the flying sword abruptly with bare hands? !
Even Ge Nie couldn’t believe it!
His footsteps as he prepared to flee the scene seemed to have paused slightly.
Looking back, Ge Nie stared at Ying Changge’s amazing feat with eyes full of shock.
“Can it be done?”
“Hold the hundred-step flying sword with bare hands?!”
“Seventh Young Master, can you really do such an astonishing feat?”
Gai Nie opened his mouth, and was speechless for a moment, and this kind of question couldn’t help but arise in his heart.
At the same time, he also felt very nervous and apprehensive.
Chapter 73 The world’s number one sword master? This is the result? 【6/8 for customization】
Can it work?
Seventh son…
Can it really block the hundred-step flying sword?
And still use bare hands to block the hundred-step flying sword?
Can such an astonishing feat really be achieved?
Gai Nie’s throat was dry, and his eyes were fixed on Ying Changge.
He planned to use the short-term threat posed by the hundred-step flying sword to Ying Changge after casting the hundred-step flying sword, so as to quickly evacuate and escape from the scene.
After seeing Ying Changge’s astonishing feat, Gai Nie’s footsteps stopped abruptly involuntarily, as if he had stopped uncontrollably.
only because……
Ying Changge’s next behavior was really too shocking!
Even Gai Nie couldn’t help but want to see the final result.
The hundred-step flying sword he used with all his might…
That has the lethal power to instantly kill the strong in the congenital perfection realm!
Even though his current state is not as good as at his peak, even so, the Hundred-Step Flying Sword he used can still achieve instant kills and severely injure Innate Consummation.
One can imagine.
What terrifying power is hidden in this flying sword at this moment!
But what Gai Nie couldn’t imagine was.
Someone actually dared to block his flying sword from the front with his bare hands!
is it possible?
Ge Nie couldn’t believe it.
He was deeply suspicious.
But on second thought.
He couldn’t help recalling the scene where Yuan Hong was blocked by two fingers just now.
“If it’s the seventh son…”
“Perhaps, there is a certain possibility.”
“But the possibility is not too high!”
Gai Nie thought so in his heart.
The hundred-step flying sword is not an ordinary move after all!
It’s the stunt of his sword master Gai Nie pressing the bottom of the box!
The two top skills of the Guigu lineage!
It is also the supreme stunt of vertical swordsmanship practiced by Gai Nie!
After using the Hundred-Step Flying Sword, the internal energy in Ge Nie’s body has basically been exhausted.

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