Ying Changge had a playful expression on his face.
The movements of all living objects in all directions cannot escape his insight.
Everything, there is no way to hide within the range of perfect-level domineering domineering!
Including some subtle changes in Ge Nie’s expression…
It’s also hard to escape Ying Changge’s insights!
“Seventh son, why are you here?”
“This is really unexpected for Gai.”
Gai Nie took a deep breath, calming down his trembling mood a little.
He couldn’t figure it out.
Why did Zhang Han let the seventh son come here?
What is the purpose?
Could it be…
Let the Seventh Young Master block him?
is it possible?
In the whole world, who doesn’t know that the seventh son is congenitally blind?
Not to mention the blindness, that’s what Gai Nie remembered.
The seventh son, Ying Changge, has always been a weak and cowardly son with an inferiority complex.
Although the other party’s situation is not miserable, it is by no means as ostentatious and powerful as those ordinary young masters.
Let such a young man who has no power to restrain himself block himself?
“General Zhang Han, what are you planning?”
“Let the seventh son play, can he stop Gai?”
Ge Nie frowned, lost in thought.
He couldn’t figure it out.
I still can’t think of Zhang Han’s main purpose!
“If I don’t come, wouldn’t Mr. Ge Nie want to kill all the shadow guards?”
“Mr. Gai Nie, you are so courageous!”
“Obviously already a fugitive who defected from the empire, but still dared to break into Xianyang City alone. This kind of courage is really admirable.”
“Xianyang City, Mr. Gai Nie is not a place where you can run wild.”
Ying Changge’s voice was very calm.
Hearing this, Ge Nie was silent for a while.
He opened his mouth to explain: “Gai has undoubtedly provoked the majesty of the empire. However, at the request of the old friend, he had to let Gai come to Xianyang City to find the old man’s son.”
“This matter is more important than covering someone’s life!”
“Gai Mo dare not refuse to follow the entrustment of an old friend.”
“And today, the reason why many members of the Shadow Guard were killed was not because Ge did it on purpose, it was purely unintentional.”
“Seventh son, Gai has no intention of being your enemy, nor does he have any intention of challenging the majesty of the empire.”
Ge Nie’s posture has always been like this.
Neither humble nor overbearing!
Take your time!
Even though his current state is not half of what he was at his peak, he still acted as if everything was under control, and the expression on his face was as calm as a lake.
The moment Ying Changge walked out on his own initiative just now.
Only then did Gai Nie lose his composure.
In addition, Gai Nie has always maintained a calm mind.
This kind of character is absolutely beyond what ordinary people can possess.
“No intention of being an enemy of the empire? Then why did you take the initiative to break into Xianyang City?”
“Mr. Ge Nie…”
“Do you know, you are slapping the empire in the face! Let the empire lose all face!”
“As a wanted criminal, you dare to break into Xianyang City, the most important city in the empire. Isn’t your behavior a blatant challenge to the majesty of the emperor?”
“Although you may have acted unintentionally, what you did is to provoke the majesty of the empire in your eyes! And openly challenge the face of the king of a country!”
“The number one fugitive of the empire has blatantly broken into the city of Xianyang. If the empire does not take any measures against him, then, what do you want civil and military officials to think? What do you want the world to think~‖?”
“If it was you, Mr. Ge Nie, how would you deal with this kind of thing?”
The corners of Ying Changge’s mouth moved slightly, and his tone was extremely majestic.
Immediately, Gai Nie became even more silent.
Maybe it was unintentional…
But it had a great impact on the empire!
Seriously damage the majesty of the empire!
Seriously damaged the face of His Majesty the first emperor of the country!
How can this be explained?
“General Zhang Han,”
“Let all the shadow guards under your command retreat.”
“Next, leave it to me.”
Ying Changge realized that Zhang Han’s situation was not very good, so he directly asked him to retreat.
Zhang Han, who is now seriously injured, basically has no strength.
Letting the opponent continue to participate in the battle will only increase trouble.
For Ying Changge.
Zhang Han, who was seriously injured, was at best a burden.
“Yes, Seventh Young Master.”
After Zhang Han nodded.
He immediately led more than 20 elite members of the Shadow Secret Guards to retreat one after another, leaving this battlefield.
Located outside the battlefield.
Zhang Han quickly circulated his innate qi, trying to repair the damage to his body.
at the same time.
He also immediately ordered more than 20 shadow secret guard subordinates to start a rescue operation for the seriously injured colleagues around them.
In order not to miss the best opportunity for treatment and cause the death of some people who could have been treated in the Shadow Secret Guard, the loss outweighs the gain.
In general.
In this operation, the Shadow Secret Guards suffered heavy losses indeed.
Gai Nie, the sword sage, relied on his own power to overthrow the entire shadow guard with one sword and one sword!
This was Zhang Han’s worst defeat ever since he led the Shadow Secret Guards to fight in his life.
The entire shadow guard was almost pierced by the opposite person on the spot!
It’s so embarrassing!
“My mission is complete.”
“You can only look at the Seventh Young Master.”
Zhang Han thought to himself.
He has full confidence in Ying Changge!
Seventh son…
This is a monster that can instantly kill innate consummation!
“Seventh Young Master, it will definitely work!”
“The current Gai Nie is no longer as strong as he was at his peak.”
“With the strength of the Seventh Young Master, he will definitely be able to easily win the Sword Saint Gai Nie.”
“Today, Ge Nie can’t fly even with wings!”
“He’s dead!”
Zhang Han’s eyes flickered, and he looked at the movement of the battlefield with full concentration.
Suddenly, there was a murderous air in the air.

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