“Does General Zhang Han have any backup?”
“Gei, it’s really a surprise.”
“Who is it? Gai knows him?”
Gaine asked.
“Of course Mr. Ge Nie knew him, and he used toseen. ”
“Mr. Ge Nie, perhaps he never took that person to heart.”
“But now, that one is completely different!”
Zhang Han laughed out loud.
To be able to consume Ge Nie to such an extent is already a victory in his opinion!
Just hand it over to Seventh Young Master Ying Changge!
Zhang Han believed it.
With the strength of Seventh Young Master, who is strong enough to instantly kill Xiantian Consummation, he will definitely be able to take down Gai Nie who is injured in front of him!
The current Ge Nie, whether it is physical strength or internal strength, has been extremely consumed, and no longer has the deterrent power that he had at his peak.
And the seventh son Ying Changge…
That’s one of the Six Sword Slaves who forcibly kills the terrifying monster who has reached the state of congenital perfection in seconds by himself!
Dealing with Gai Nie, who is already at the end of his strength, must be no problem.
“Mr. Ge Nie…”
“May I ask if you are ready to meet a peerless evildoer?”
Zhang Han’s expression is thought-provoking.
“A peerless evildoer?”
“To be described and described by General Zhang Han with such solemn words, he must be no one to be taken lightly!”
“So, who is this person?”
Ge Nie’s eyes flashed.
He felt somewhat curious and dignified about the person Zhang Han mentioned.
“Seventh Young Master, the current Gai Nie is no longer your opponent.”
“Please also take it down!”
Zhang Han turned his head and made a respectful voice towards the dark street not far away.
As Zhang Han’s words just fell.
Ge Nie looked a little surprised.
Seventh son?
Could it be that…
at the same time.
Just when Ge Nie was in a state of astonishment.
The moonlight is dimly falling from the sky, and the soft white halo shines on the earth.
I see.
A young figure in a white loose elegant robe slowly walked out of the dark corner step by step, his figure became more and more eye-catching under the moonlight.
When the footsteps stopped abruptly.
Ying Changge was already in front of Gai Nie.
Slowly opening his eyes, he revealed a pair of off-white pupils, which looked extraordinarily strange under the soft white moonlight.
“Mr. Ge Nie, long time no see.”
“You want to go? But have you asked me?”.
Chapter 69 Ying Changge vs Juggernaut! I can see through all your tricks! 【2/8 for customization】
A soft white halo slowly falls from the edge of the sky.
Ying Changge, who was dressed in white, exuded an elegant and bookish air, and looked gentle and elegant in appearance, like a son of an aristocratic family, and Mr. Pianpian was very weak.
Appearing in this bloody scene, Ying Changge’s figure seemed out of place.
Throughout the street, members of the Shadow Guard were lying with serious injuries.
Many dying people rolled and wailed on the ground, excruciating pain.
There are also some members of the Shadow Secret Guard who have been reduced to cold corpses, lying disorganized in the corners of the walls on both sides, with blood flowing from their bodies and merging into the soil.
There was a slight breeze.
A strong and pungent smell of blood floated and danced in the air.
But in the blink of an eye.
Of the hundreds of elite shadow guards, there are only about 20 left, and they all follow Zhang Han, who is seriously injured, and never leave.
No matter how strong Gai Nie is, they have no timidity or retreat at all.
Every Shadow Secret Guard can be added after being carefully selected. Naturally, the psychological quality is beyond ordinary and can be compared with ordinary people.
At the end of the battle, even if there is only one soldier left, the members of the Shadow Guard will not back down!
This is the shadow guard led by Zhang Han!
The atmosphere is silent!
No sound!
The battlefield suddenly came to a halt.
The reason for the suspension was naturally because of Ying Changge, a sudden intervention in the battlefield.
“You, you are…”
Gai Nie’s throat was dry, and his eyes were full of surprise, staring at Ying Changge’s figure.
Of course he would not be unfamiliar with Ying Changge’s face.
Or rather.
This face was a familiar face that he could often see when he was the personal bodyguard of His Majesty the First Emperor.
Gai Nie never dreamed of it.
Today, in this kind of occasion, since he will see this familiar face again.
Even though Gai Nie had a calm mind, he couldn’t help being deeply moved and lost his composure at this moment.
“Mr. Ge Nie, you are safe and sound!”
Ying Changge’s gray-white pupils were fixed on Gai Nie’s body.
In fact.
He used the perfect domineering power to perceive Ge Nie’s every move, as well as the exact location of the latter, and steal the voice of the other party’s heart.
A pair of off-white eyes cannot see any color in the world.
Only the color of knowledge can let Ying Changge capture the colorful world.
“Seventh, Seventh Young Master?!”
Gai Nie opened his mouth and subconsciously blurted out.
He used to follow the First Emperor Yingzheng, and as the personal bodyguard of His Majesty the First Emperor, of course he would not be unfamiliar with Ying Changge.
The seventh son, Ying Changge, was the son who had impressed Ge Nie deeply.
Even more impressive than the eldest son Fusu!
only because……
The thing about being born blind is indeed too easy to remember.
It is precisely because of this that Gai Nie has a very deep impression on Ying Changge.
He never expected it.
Unexpectedly, one day, he would see the Seventh Young Master Ying Changge again in the battle on the battlefield.
This poor boy who is blind…
In Gaine’s eyes.
The seventh son, Ying Changge, is a poor man with a very poor salary.
Although he was born with a prominent status, he lost his eyes to see the light and color of this world.
For this reason, Gai Nie once sympathized with Chang Ying.Song.
“It seems that Mr. Ge Nie has not forgotten me.”
“For this, I am deeply honored!”
“I can be proud of being remembered by the number one sword master in the world.”

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