Under the circumstances of great pressure, the consumption of internal energy will naturally be very rapid.
Although it took only half a quarter of an hour to fight Gai Nie, Zhang Han seemed to have experienced a fierce battle for most of the day, and his body and limbs looked extraordinarily tired.
Even the internal force in the body has been consumed by nearly half!
“General Zhang Han, we have lost thirty people.”
“Twenty-eight people were seriously injured and two died.”
The subordinates of Shadow Secret Guard leaned against Zhang Han’s ear in a low voice, telling the truth about the battle situation.
“Have the thirty people lost their ability to fight?”
Zhang Han’s heart sank.
He originally thought that he could grind Sword Saint Gaine to death by relying on numbers.
In front of Gai Nie, the number seemed to be reduced to an unsightly number.
The combined formation of Shadow Secret Guards is almost helpless against a top powerhouse of Ge Nie’s level.
With no difficulty, the formation was broken by Gai Nie alone with one sword!
This made Zhang Han feel tremendous pressure.
If they continue to fight like this, maybe their side will be the first to be consumed by Ge Nie!
“Not good!”
Zhang Han’s eyebrows were full of sorrow, and his heart was heavy.
Gai Nie held the famous sword Yuanhong in his right hand, and the sharp edge emanating from his whole body was very sharp, and the terrifying aura of coercion completely enveloped the audience.
Wisps of light blue internal force fluctuations turned into terrifying sword energy, lingering around the Yuanhong sword blade held by Gai Nie’s right hand, making Yuanhong look sharper and more eye-catching.
A soft white halo fell on Ge Nie’s face.
From the beginning to the end, the expression on his face did not change much, calm and unhurried, as if nothing could cause his emotions to fluctuate.
“General Zhang Han, Gai has no intention of killing someone.”
Gai Nie held Yuanhong in his hand, and his voice sounded flat.
“Do it!”
Zhang Han snorted coldly.
Against this majestic pressure, he gritted his teeth and launched another attack.
Zhang Han has always been very stubborn!
If it was the second person, maybe they would lead the Shadow Secret Guards to retreat.
But Zhang Han is different!
Even if he knew he was invincible, Zhang Han would choose to lead the shadow guard without hesitation, and launch a swift and violent siege against Gai Nie.
“Yes, General!”
A member of the shadow guard, armed with chains, crazily attackedGai Nie.
A series of iron chains were densely packed, forming a formation like a spider web, and finally restrained all aspects of this spacious street.
There is less room to move.
At a height of nearly one meter above the ground, there are spider webs formed by countless iron chains.
Zhang Han kicked his feet.
He jumped up with his whole body, stepped on iron chains like spider webs under his feet, and held the saber in his right hand to attack Gai Nie again.
The terrifying internal force erupted instantly, and the surging innate qi of the innate perfection realm wrapped around Zhang Han’s body, making his figure exude a violent force and deterrence.
The sword in Zhang Han’s hand slashed at Gai Nie.
The blade pierced the sky.
call out!
The ear-piercing sound of piercing the air exploded, and the air was forcibly torn apart.
Facing Zhang Han’s sword, Gai Nie still calmly raised Yuan Hong in his hand to block it.
Accompanied by a sharp piercing sound.
The collision of the sword blade and the friction caused bursts of dazzling fire and flashes, and at the same time, there were bursts of piercing sounds, which were transmitted to the distance.
at the same time.
A member of the shadow guard, each holding a dagger, started besieging Gai Nie.
From all directions and different directions…
Simultaneously launch a raid!
Swish Swish Swish!
The members of the Shadow Secret Guards are very flexible in movement, and their lightness skills are quite high.
A body technique specially trained for surprise attacks.
Although the Shadow Secret Guard and Luo Wang are different, their offensive methods are indeed the same, they are both for one-hit kills, and for the most efficient killing.
A pair of sharp daggers shone coldly in the moonlight.
Gai Nie turned sideways slightly, avoiding the attack of a Shadow Secret Guard member, and then retracted Yuan Hong in his hand.
A sword light flashed away.
A Shadow Secret Guard was wounded by the sword energy, and his whole body flew upside down hundreds of meters on the spot, and his back hit the wall, causing a loud roar.
Gai Nie holding Yuanhong is really like a sword master descending from the mortal world.
Sword lights flickered frantically.
The light blue sword energy rushed towards all the members of the shadow guard who attacked in all directions with great lethality.
Immediately afterwards.
One after another, the elite Shadow Secret Guards were injured by Ge Nie’s sword energy one after another, their bodies flew upside down in different directions, and each fell to the ground unable to move.
In just one face-to-face encounter, the sword energy swept by Ge Nie’s sword directly and severely injured dozens of elite Shadow Secret Guards on the spot.
This scene fell into Zhang Han’s eyes, making him feel shocked and angry.
“Don’t be impulsive!”
“Listen to my orders!”
Zhang Han attacked and killed again violently.
Holding a famous sword in his hand, he slashed at Ge Nie’s body with terrifying sword energy.
The sword light flashed.
Gai Nie held Yuan Hong to block it again.
“Do it!”
Taking advantage of Gai Nie blocking the sword, Zhang Han quickly ordered.
for a moment.
A dagger was aimed at Gai Nie’s neck and attacked.
The elite shadow guards are like ghosts who come and go without a trace, their body skills and lightness skills are quite tyrannical, and this is their foothold capital.
Compared with the snare, which was born specifically for assassination.
Shadow secret guards are more born to spy on the military situation and scout out information.
Body skills and lightness skills are naturally the most indispensable martial arts.
at the same time.
They are also very good at assassination!
at this time.
Faced with the attack of an elite shadow guard, Ge Nie held Yuanhong in his hand and was entangled by Zhang Han, so he could only brew an extremely surging and terrifying internal force.
In a single thought, incomparable innate qi erupted from Gai Nie’s body.
This innate qi formed a wave of terrifying air, which turned into a shock wave with extremely destructive power, and completely enveloped a shadow secret guard who was approaching with just one encounter.

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