Ying Changge has always believed in this point.
after all.
The domineering armed color of the perfect level is really too terrifying!
The so-called sharp weapon of the magic weapon will be reduced to the most fragile scrap metal in an instant in front of the armed domineering.
Just like.
It’s the same as the Duan Shui Sword, one of the Eight Swords of the King of Yue!
In the battlefield.
Ge Nie is putting on a solo show!
He is too strong!
Gai Nie, who is a sword master, is almost invincible after his strength explodes.
Relying on his own strength, he managed to forcibly defeat Zhang Han, who was facing him, and the elite oppression of hundreds of Shadow Secret Guards!
This is the Juggernaut!
The world’s number one swordsman!
The power of the Sword Master is extremely terrifying!
Ge Nie really did it.
for what……
Overwhelm the audience with one’s own strength!
One person, one sword, hundreds of Shadow Secret Guards plus one Zhang Han, all were unilaterally suppressed by Ge Nie!
What an astonishing battle situation is this?
Because the strength of Sword Saint Gai Nie was too terrifying, the formation composed of hundreds of Shadow Secret Guards headed by Zhang Han fell into chaos for a short time.
Holding the sharp saber in his hand, Zhang Han forced a confrontation with Gai Nie.
The collision of the blade and the blade continuously erupted with dazzling flames flickering frantically.
The confrontation between the two terrifying internal forces exploded into waves of surging air waves.
The battle broke out extremely fiercely!
Gai Nie, on the other hand, has maintained a situation of not falling behind from the beginning to the end!
Even in the face of being surrounded by hundreds of elite shadow guards, Gai Nie still did not fall into a disadvantage.
Chapter 68 Zhang Han is defeated! Juggernaut wants to leave? Have you asked me? 【1/8 for customization】
“Young master, Ge Nie is so strong!”
“General Zhang Han and the others are not doing well!”
Mengying witnessed the changes in the battle situation all the way, and couldn’t help but whispered to Ying Changge beside him.
“felt it.”
Ying Changge nodded.
Under the coverage of his perfect domineering aura, even how much strength Ge Nie has exerted at this moment, he has a clear insight.
Zhang Han, who was facing Gai Nie, and the hundreds of Shadow Secret Guards led by Zhang Han, were obviously fully fired.
Ge Nie really hasn’t gone all out yet!
If Zhang Han finds out about this discovery, he will surelyDesperate.
after all.
Gai Nie didn’t go all out yet, it was enough to suppress the combined formation of hundreds of Shadow Secret Guards.
“The gap in strength is huge.”
“Even surrounded by hundreds of members of the Shadow Secret Guards, Ge Nie is still calm and unhurried. His swordsmanship is smooth and smooth throughout the whole process, without any pressure.”
“On the other hand, General Zhang Han on the opposite side, and the members of the Shadow Secret Guard led by him, nearly dozens of people have fallen.”
“General Zhang Han’s formation was almost completely defeated by Ge Nie alone!”
“The Juggernaut is worthy of being a Juggernaut!”
“The strength is so powerful that it is outrageous!”
Ying Changge’s tone was filled with emotion.
If it wasn’t for his perfect-level domineering aura, he wouldn’t be able to see the amazing fact that Ge Nie didn’t go all out.
At this moment, Zhang Han and the others obviously thought that they were on equal terms with Gai Nie.
But in fact, they don’t know.
Gai Nie was just playing with them.
The current Gai Nie can only be regarded as a warm-up state at best.
But Zhang Han and the others have already gone all out and exploded with all their strength.
In this case.
Gai Nie was still able to easily suppress Zhang Han and his hundreds of Shadow Secret Guards.
One can imagine.
The battle situation is very unfavorable for Zhang Han and others.
simply put.
Once Gai Nie broke out with all his strength, Zhang Han and the others would surely be defeated!
“The defeat is set.”
The corners of Ying Changge’s mouth moved slightly, and he whispered to himself.
“The Juggernaut is too strong!”
“My lord, don’t act rashly.”
“Gai Nie’s strength is beyond imagination. Even if you have killed the Six Swordsman in seconds, you will still be in great danger when facing a strong man like Ge Nie.”
Mengying was worried that Ying Changge would be impulsive, so she couldn’t help persuading him to stop it.
“Don’t worry, I know what’s going on.”
Ying Changge was thoughtful.
Should I make a move by myself?
Gaine is really strong!
However, I am not weak either!
At least.
With his current strength, he must surpass Zhang Han!
It shouldn’t be a problem to fight Ge Nie once or twice, right?
Even if he can’t defeat Gai Nie, he can find out the details of Gai Nie.
To lay a certain foundation for the future confrontation with Gai Nie again.

In the battlefield.
Zhang Han’s forehead was dripping with cold sweat, and his right hand holding the saber trembled slightly. The force of the collision with Gai Nie produced a violent concussion reaction, which made his right hand slightly numb.
05 exhaled lightly, and Zhang Han stared at Gai Nie with a solemn face.
He admits.
After all, he still underestimated the horror of Ge Nie’s strength!
too strong!
Simply unbeatable!
No wonder he is hailed as the number one swordsman in the world!
This strength is indeed well-deserved and can be called the number one sword master in the world!
This kind of strength is something that Zhang Han has never experienced before.
The feeling of oppression from Gai Nie put Zhang Han in a situation of being suppressed all the time. Even if he broke out with all his strength, he couldn’t turn things around.
“It’s so strong!”
“Is this the strength of the Juggernaut?”
“Even if I lead hundreds of Shadow Secret Guards to join forces, I still can’t take down the opponent at all.”
“The Sword Master is worthy of being a Sword Master…”
Zhang Han held the famous sword in his right hand tightly, and the innate qi exuding from his whole body was a little sluggish.
The fierce confrontation with Gai Nie is naturally very stressful for him.

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