When he came to Ying Changge and cut off his head with a sword, Jin Jiwen would be able to win.
This is a (affa) rare battle, and Kim Ki-moon will not give up, and he is still trying to hold on.
Holding the sword in his hand tightly, he was bleeding all over his body and had many scars.
Such a battle is really impossible to fight back. He is already very disappointed and very tired.
Regardless of the subsequent fights, Ying Changge could not be killed. Jin Jiwen was desperate and full of anxiety.
The 100,000 troops have no way of retreating, they are in this situationIt is very dangerous, pale and feeble.
Gritting his teeth, he continued to follow, Jin Jiwen always entangled Zao Ying Changge’s side.
Holding the weapon tightly, he fought with Ying Changge, every sword he wanted to stab at Ying Changge’s throat.
After more than a dozen rounds of fighting, he still survived, but he did not complete the task.
Can’t wait to cut off Ying Changge’s head, Jin Jiwen is so happy that he can leave with the 100,000 troops.
“Come on, kill them!” Jin Jiwen yelled, he was so angry that he jumped over the wall!
After obeying Jin Ki-moon’s order, Goguryeo’s cavalry quickly approached.
The continuous shots, the attack as usual, this kind of fighting made Occupation anxious.
Falling into Ying Changge’s trap, Jin Jiwen understood that he was surrounded by his net.
1211 Under Call!
Being pinched back and forth by Ying Changge’s army, Jin Jiwen had no chance of surviving, he knew it well.
But even so, Jin Jiwen continued on unremittingly, just to kill Ying Changge.
With patient confrontation and continuous attacks, the sword in Jin Jiwen’s hand was knocked out and defeated.
Almost can’t hold his sword steadily, how can Jin Jiwen fight Ying Changge?
Ying Changge’s swordsmanship is so powerful, everyone knows that Ying Changge’s swordsmanship is almost invincible in the world.
Ying Changge, who seldom meets opponents and overwhelms all heroes, no one dares to challenge him in swordsmanship.
Knowing this, Jin Jiwen won’t fight alone with Ying Changge, it’s just asking for death
With so many troops at Jin Jiwen’s side, of course he can use them unscrupulously.
Otherwise, Jin Jiwen alone would not be able to kill Ying Changge, of course he understands this.
Fighting unremittingly, many soldiers are approaching as always, approaching them.
Many people are still fighting bravely and fearlessly, and what they want to do is also very simple.
Kill the enemy! Under Jin Jiwen’s call, many soldiers approached bravely and strategically.
In a blink of an eye, Ying Changge was surrounded by many Korean troops, but he didn’t panic.
He knew that everything was very important, and killing Ying Changge was even more urgent.
Many soldiers are coming, wishing to chop off the heads of Ying Changge and bring them back to Goguryeo.
Such a battle cannot be quelled, and Jin Jimoon’s men and horses are still chattering and approaching.
The arrow is on the string and has to be launched. Once the troops are dispatched, Jin Jiwen can’t turn back, he can only continue to move forward.
Walking along the road, he saw that many soldiers were fighting to kill Ying Changge, which was a good thing.
Showing a satisfied smile, Jin Jiwen kept backing away, trying to get as far away as possible.
Otherwise, if he died from Ying Changge’s sword, Jin Jiwen would lose his own life and the lives of the 100,000 troops.
With painstaking attacks and continuous attacks, Jin Jimoon’s soldiers are constantly approaching.
As the general of Goguryeo, Kim Ki-moon will not give up, he must kill Ying Changge.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
This is a decisive battle. For the sake of his own head, it is impossible for Jin Jiwen to retreat three steps.
Complacent, he was still holding on patiently, wishing he could go directly to kill Ying Changge.
Kim Ki-moon, who showed his face in public, released all the skills in his body, which can be called brave.
After participating in this battle, Jin Jiwen didn’t have many chances left, and he was very embarrassed.
… ….. 0
In an embarrassing battle, his life was hanging by a thread. Under Ying Changge’s sword, Jin Jiwen had no way to survive.
The arrogant Jin Jiwen led his troops to attack, but he couldn’t easily kill Ying Changge.
Knowing that he was tricked, he is now caught in a net of heaven and earth, and the only thing he has to do is to try his best to escape.
Distraught and frightened, Jin Jiwen made so many troops attack Ying Changge quickly.
In such a battle, but without any panic, Ying Changge’s sword is always wielded very delicately.
The agile and unpredictable Ying Changge has a unique power and can be said to stand out from the crowd.
Wielding his sword and subduing them all, Ying Changge’s martial arts can be said to be invincible and…
1212 Be stubborn!
Under the fighting of the Goguryeo army, they all surrounded and strangled Ying Changge together.
All of them are aggressive attacks, in order to complete the task and cut off Ying Changge’s head.
Such a sword is not so easy to quell. In the chaos of the battle, soldiers are constantly flowing.
A dazzling array of soldiers all rushed to attack Ying Changge, but they were intercepted by the sword in his hand.
This kind of sword move looks “three-five-zero” light and light, but it always blocks the soldiers’ fighting with precision.
“You guys just grab it!” Riding on the horse, Ying Changge kept yelling, “Surrender!”
“My target is not you, but the nobles of Goguryeo, because they are all damned!”
“Civilians, you shouldn’t join this battlefield, you should all survive!”
Ying Changge’s words were so important that the people of Goguryeo were slightly taken aback.
They all understood that Ying Changge’s words did not seem to be fake, and they were so full of sincerity.
“The nobles of Goguryeo have been deceiving you all the time. You are regarded as abandoned sons, and you are just dead soldiers!”
These civilians are just innocent. On the battlefield, how can they have any chance of survival.
Many soldiers have already stopped, they are of course convinced that what Ying Changge said is correct.
But after Jin Jiwen saw that his soldiers were stunned, of course he immediately scolded them.
“What are you waiting for! Come on me! Kill them all one by one!”
Under the scolding, without any hesitation, Jin Jiwen raised his sword and threatened, “Imagine your family!”
“If Ying Changge cannot be killed in this battle, your family members will die!”
“There are countless people who died. By then, it will be difficult to find the bodies of your family members!”
Kim Ki-moon, who is persistent and stubborn, is of course still chattering and criticizing.
Such words made Ying Changge very unhappy, and even frowned slightly, he was not happy anymore.
Using all his skills to kill, the only thing he has to do is to kill him.
Killing Kim Ki-moon may make the people of Goguryeo surrender and never start a war again.
This is a battle that must be won, so Ying Changge’s attention fell on Jin Jiwen…  
“A mere general who is obsessed with obsession, but you are still here to deceive people!”
Dayi scolded awe-inspiringly, and now Ying Changge was riding on the horse, running towards Jin Jiwen.
At this moment, the battle situation was very chaotic, and of course Jin Jiwen wanted to take the opportunity to kill Ying Changge.
But he didn’t want to kill Ying Changge himself, because Jin Jiwen didn’t have the ability.
When he saw him approaching continuously, Jin Jiwen understood that Ying Changge wanted to take his head.
This is really an embarrassing situation! Terrified, Jin Jiwen immediately turned his head and ran away at full speed.
As long as he can escape quickly, Jin Jiwen can let other soldiers attack Ying Changge.
5.0 Surrounding Ying Changge tightly, and then stabbing him to death quickly, can win this victory.
It is unwise to start a war with Ying Changge before the two armies, he can only retreat quickly.
A series of soldiers were desperately chasing and killing him, obeying Jin Jiwen’s order, and wanted to kill him.
But the majestic Ying Changge never stops his figure. He holds a long sword in his hand and fights hard.
1213 People of the country!
Ping, ping, bang, bang, bang, Ying Changge quickly pushed the other soldiers out.
After staggering down, Jin Jiwen saw more soldiers surrounding him soon!
it is good! Well done! Kim Ki-moon showed a bright smile, “Continue to fuck me!”
“Use all your strength to kill Ying Changge, and we will be able to return to our hometown!”
Hearing Kim Ki-moon’s order, so many soldiers also started the final battle.
Holding the sword, attacking in a hurry, coming to fight quickly, it is really very violent.
It is enough to surround Ying Changge with his own soldiers, and he is not in any danger.
He showed a bright 05 smile, and soon, Jin Jiwen retreated several steps on his horse.

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