The situation is in the hands of Ying Changge, he invites Jun into the urn, trapping Jin Jiwen with nowhere to go.
Therefore, Ying Changge was unhurried, he didn’t have any panic, but patiently resisted Jin Jiwen.
1208 For Victory!
Continuing to confront the enemy, the armies of the two immediately collided together, fighting endlessly.
Fighting vigorously and slashing constantly, their men were all riding on horseback, attacking endlessly.
Such a battle is very direct. On the battlefield, the sound of horseshoes is frantic, almost deafening.
Ying Changge didn’t even need to make a direct move, the soldiers around him were still rushing to pursue him.
The armies of the two sides confronted each other like this, fighting back and forth, refusing to stop, blood spraying, blood spattering five steps.
Many people died because of this, they died under the edge of the sword, and died on this empty battlefield.
Will Kim Ki-moon stop? Of course it is impossible, he must kill both Ying Changge and Meng Tian in 05!
And Jin Jiwen, who was delusional, held his sword and kept yelling, asking the soldiers to come closer.
Many soldiers obeyed Jin Jiwen’s order, and they chased and killed Ying Changge one after another.
Of course, his own life is in his own hands, and Jin Jiwen doesn’t want to be punished waiting for him.
Marching and fighting is for victory, and he will not let these Qin troops kill him.
Killing Ying Changge will make a military contribution, and there will be no loss in breaking out from here.
This is very important, Jin Jiwen wants to survive, he doesn’t care about the lives of these common people.
For Kim Ki-moon, it was a very ridiculous thing for ordinary people to become soldiers.
Because even if it is a continuous attack, it is still impossible to mobilize so many elites.
The only thing he had to do was to take down Ying Changge, and then escape directly under cover.
Follow the road, fight bravely and make a way, and he will be able to survive and return to Goguryeo.
Now the two armies are attacking bravely, and Jin Jiwen is still in front of Ying Changge who is chattering and swaying.
To capture the thief first, capture the king, of course he knew that in order to defeat the Qin army, Jin Jiwen had to fight quickly.
Holding the sword, Ying Changge’s sword slashed at Jin Jiwen’s head.
Preemptively, Ying Changge waited for Jin Jiwen to approach, and he couldn’t wait to stab his own sword.
Such a sword was very sharp, and it easily broke through Jin Jiwen’s defense.
Leaning back, Jin Jiwen turned pale with shock, Ying Changge’s sword almost made him sweat profusely, and his heart was terrified.
If it wasn’t for Jin Jiwen protecting himself with his sword, he would have been pierced through his chest by now.
With a cold snort from embarrassment, Jin Jiwen held his sword and continued to approach Ying Changge.
Meng Tian didn’t even need to come to cover Ying Changge, he felt that Jin Jiwen couldn’t cut off Jin Jiwen’s head.
Leading his own army, Meng Tian went to intercept Jin Jiwen’s soldiers, who were originally civilian soldiers.
In a short period of time, 350 bloody storms were once again set off, full of unusual momentum.
Of course Jin Jiwen knew how powerful Ying Changge was, but he had no choice but to continue to attack.
Holding up the sword and attacking bravely, each of his swords hit Ying Changge’s body.
Such a sword is full of murderous aura and majestic, wishing to cut off his head directly.
But even so, Jin Ki-moon was still not in a hurry, he was just confronting him patiently.
The sword’s edge strikes continuously, and each attack is unexpectedly powerful.
Fighting with Ying Changge is extremely difficult, but fighting with Meng Tian is extremely fun.
1209 Punch to the flesh!
Jin Jiwen saw through everything and clearly fell into the pincer attack of Ying Changge and Meng Tian.
Still approaching quickly, he rode on the horse and went to assassinate Ying Changge chattering endlessly.
In order to be able to kill Ying Changge, Jin Jiwen’s figure was all around him, continuing to fight.
A sword was swung fiercely, and Jin Jiwen’s killer move chattered into Ying Changge’s body.
Accompanied by every attack, the rush of this sword is almost unexpectedly powerful.
can seeCome on, in order to survive, Jin Jiwen has already tried his best and used all his killer moves.
Putting all his energy into his arms, Jin Jiwen kept trying to assassinate Ying Changge.
Every move was very cold and stern, Jin Jiwen’s sword edge did not stop at all, and continued to attack.
The sword struck very sharply. This kind of move was an incomparable battle of breaking and then standing.
Seeing Jin Jiwen’s unscrupulous and hard-working appearance, Meng Tian laughed it off.
Even if he was fighting Ying Changge, Meng Tian felt that Ying Changge was very safe and not in danger.
Relying on Ying Changge’s ability, it was even easier for him to kill Jin Jiwen, it was very simple.
The horses of the two collided together, punching to the flesh, and the sword edge stabbed down hard.
This kind of sword was very irritable, almost flying the sword in Jin Jiwen’s hand tremblingly.
Fortunately, he immediately grasped his sword tightly, so Jin Jiwen didn’t drop his weapon.
Reluctantly clenched his weapon tightly, Jin Jiwen let out a loud shout, and continued to fight the enemy.
With a loud shout, he attacked quickly, and the sword in his hand fell on Ying Changge’s body.
Such a sword looks majestic, but in fact it cannot kill Ying Changge successfully.
Patiently confronting the enemy and fighting fiercely on horseback has no advantage.
If it can be evenly divided, Jin Jimoon will not be afraid, but will continue to shoot with all his strength.
But Ying Changge’s swordsmanship is too powerful, and every sword of his is accurately resisted.
With a contemptuous smile, he raised his sword to confront him, and he blocked Jin Jiwen’s attack again.
Holding the sword edge, Jin Jiwen’s arms were in pain, and a burst of weak soreness made him very uneasy.
If the stalemate continues, Jin Jiwen will be killed by Ying Changge at some point.
Trapped here, surrounded by elite soldiers, is very difficult and impossible to fight against.
Jin Jiwen’s army and Ying Changge’s army are fighting desperately, you come and go, try your best.
If he could open his mouth to beg for mercy, Jin Jiwen would have already opened his mouth. He is not loyal in the first place.
Knowing the cruelty of the Goguryeo nobles and the bravery of Ying Changge’s swordsmanship, this battle is very crucial.
Fighting with all his strength, the sword in his hand was still striking hard.
With a sound of ping-pong, Jianfeng directly hit Jin Jiwen’s figure and retreated, almost falling down. (good Lee’s)
However, Jin Jiwen held on to his own reins tightly, and his body was half hung on the horse’s back, so he was not injured.
Jin Jiwen gained very little by fighting persistently, and it was impossible to stop Ying Changge’s fight.
With a sword’s edge colliding with the wind, Ying Changge started a fierce attack, so powerful.
The fight between you and me, and Ying Changge’s continuous tricks made Jin Jiwen directly defeated.
His wounds were constantly spurting blood.
1210 Strong support!
Jin Jiwen was still unable to defeat Ying Changge in the end, and even fell down from his horse under this opportunity.
Sitting down on the ground, Jin Jiwen was panting in embarrassment, but he still insisted on raising his sword.
In order to be able to kill Ying Changge, Jin Jiwen, who made the best use of everything, used a lot of skills.
In Goguryeo, Kim Ki-moon has experienced many battles, large and small, but he is still a lieutenant general.
Now, he was instructed by the nobles to lead so many people to fight against Ying Changge and Meng Tian.
This is a dead end, if Jin Jiwen can survive now, he must retreat a few steps first.
Otherwise, if you stay in this place and continue to fight with Ying Changge, he will directly suffer casualties!
350 The number of people who died was countless, so many guys were easily injured and died together.
Such a battle was fierce, and in the hands of Ying Changge, Jin Jiwen did not survive for long.
Falling from the horse, Jin Jiwen landed here, but he still resisted unremittingly.
He held his weapon, but the blood flowed directly from his arm.
The painful body was almost standing still, and Jin Jiwen was still pretending to be strong.
Gritting his teeth, he held his sword and approached Ying Changge step by step.
“Just grab it! It’s much better to die now than to be cut into pieces, isn’t it!”
After hearing Ying Changge’s words, Jin Jiwen still shook his head, “You can’t do that!”
“You can’t kill me, that’s because I and my 100,000 army will continue to fight!”
“As always, we will fight endlessly, and we will chop off your Ying Changge’s head!”
How can the Qin army, which has no armor left behind, fight against itself without a leader!
I feel that my thinking is very correct. Now Jin Jimoon is urgent and always attacking.
The sword was swung fiercely, and Jin Jiwen stepped on his horse and approached Ying Changge persistently.

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