At this time, he soon heard another news, that is, the Korean army continued to attack.
In the past few days, many “three-three-three” enemy troops have died, but they have not fluctuated.
After killing a few soldiers, they are still continuing to charge? How weird!
Ying Changge immediately saw through the intentions of the Goryeo army. It is possible that they wanted to use crowd tactics.
So many soldiers died, but still have to follow the fluctuations to continue to the next wave of battles.
In the entanglement of the army, the Korean army will only suffer heavy losses. What is this for?
After thinking carefully for a moment, Ying Changge knew that there must be a different reason.
There are weird! We must seriously discuss the picketing, Ying Changge immediately sent spies.
Only by ordering the scouts to investigate carefully among the Goryeo army can he have a good result.
Otherwise, if we continue to attack ignorantly like this, there may not be any good results!
Shaking his head secretly, Ying Changge let it go and continued to let his army resist the Goryeo army.
If the Goryeo army takes an offensive step, he will resist it, and the soldiers will cover it with water and soil.
But as long as the Goryeo army doesn’t attack, Ying Changge won’t attack either. Anyway, he has plenty of time.
Under the current situation, only the Goguryeo nobles are anxious, but Ying Changge is not in a hurry.
The army was still attacking bravely, completely surrounding Ying Changge.
Knowing the situation correctly, they came aggressively, maybe so many troops could be killed.
It was just the wishful thinking of the Goryeo army. They thought that if they went to war, they could severely damage Ying Changge’s soldiers.
Is this really the case! The two armies fought, but the Goryeo army suffered even more heavy losses.
So many armies are formed by the common people, they only have numbers, and they have nothing but appearances.
Once the fighting starts, so many people are targets on the battlefield, but they will be killed 0…..
A steady stream of troops approached and surrounded them from far and near, wishing they could kill Ying Changge directly.
But Ying Changge never showed up. He and his main force were waiting patiently.
The mere Koryo army,With these people, it is still not enough to make Ying Changge vigilant enough.
One hundred thousand troops is a lot of numbers, of course Ying Changge has to figure out the other party’s whereabouts.
Where did the 100,000 soldiers and horses come from, and why did the Goryeo army adopt such a violent attack method.
The scouts sent out soon found out, and he immediately reported the matter to Ying Changge.
After hearing this, Ying Changge knew at a glance that the people were forced to go to the battlefield.
Goguryeo’s Nobility 5.0 is really cruel! To be able to do such a thing! It’s ridiculous!
It is a disgrace to Goguryeo! Ying Changge shook his head secretly, for a moment, he changed his mind.
After all, it is impossible for him to go to war with the people of Goguryeo, they are all innocent civilians!
Ying Changge is a general. On the battlefield, he can kill the enemy, but he can’t kill the people.
1198 Cause and effect!
Killing the people does not give Ying Changge any sense of accomplishment, he just wants to conquer Goguryeo.
As long as Goguryeo can be captured together, there will naturally be no common people’s grievances.
The liberation of Goguryeo is urgent, and Ying Changge will no longer continue to order soldiers to slaughter them.
There is no sense of accomplishment in repelling the enemy’s 100,000 soldiers and horses. Ying Changge still cherishes the civilians.
Ever since, he immediately issued his order to change his strategy, which is very important.
The constant massacre of Goguryeo’s soldiers will only make Goguryeo hate itself even more.
05 must protect these ordinary people. Ying Changge has a plan to capture them.
Wouldn’t it be nice to capture 100,000 soldiers and horses alive, then save their lives and take them for themselves.
Do what you say, and do what you say, Ying Changge immediately informed King Goguryeo of this matter.
Because he felt that the King of Goguryeo was more or less majestic, and it must be useful for him to go out.
But after hearing about Ying Changge’s strategy, King Goguryeo shook his head in disappointment.
“You overestimated me! Now that I’m in Goguryeo, I don’t have any right to speak.”
“Everyone thinks I’m a traitor who betrayed Goguryeo, they want to scold me to death now!”
King Goguryeo looked disappointed, and he explained the cause and effect of himself solemnly.
“You must know that many soldiers in Zhou have such voice transmissions, and they all listened to the words of the nobles.”
“Everyone thinks that I am in collusion with you, which is not good for Goguryeo. Now I can’t persuade you!”
After understanding these things, Ying Changge nodded helplessly, “I see!”
“Since this is the case, let’s think of a plan to catch them all and take them as prisoners!”
“Okay! This is the best!” King Goguryeo looked excited, “That’s a commoner after all!”
“I didn’t expect the nobles to be so frenzied that they let the common people go to the battlefield and start fighting. It’s too much!”
Protecting the people of Goguryeo, Ying Changge can also allow the King of Goguryeo to gradually restore his status.
After making up his mind, Ying Changge immediately discussed with several generals, preparing to discuss the strategy of capturing the enemy.
After Meng Tian heard about this, he immediately came to Ying Changge’s side, ready to have a long talk.
The enemy army is most of the people of Goguryeo? Meng Tian realized later, and then suddenly realized.
So that is the case, since this is the case, we must ensure the safety of the people, Meng Tian is not a cruel person.
Like Ying Changge, what he hopes to do most is to conquer Goguryeo, not to harm the people.
There are so many people, hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses, I don’t know how many of them are innocent and miserable civilians!
In order to break this situation, Meng Tian offered a strategy of his own, “take the initiative to attack and catch them all!”
After hearing this, Ying Changge shook his head disapprovingly, “Not right, very wrong!”
“Even if you lead the army with divine help, the opponent still has hundreds of thousands of soldiers! The number is very large.”
With so many people, any accident would put Meng Tian’s troops in a disadvantageous situation.
“Not good! Not good! You should choose another method!” Ying Changge was thinking at the same time.
After thinking about it for a moment, you will definitely be able to find a suitable opportunity to start.
1199 Critical moment!
Otherwise, if Goguryeo’s army is allowed to consume like this, their civilians will die even more.
Many people died to their heart’s content, and many of them died on the battlefield.
Blood flowed into rivers and corpses littered the fields. This kind of battle really made people feel very distressed!
Ying Changge will not involve the people of Goguryeo in this battle for no reason.
The only thing he has to do is to block the surprise attack of the Goryeo army, and then counterattack.
With so many people like himself, they all acted patiently, and he shot continuously, fighting as always.
If it was just an ordinary soldier, Ying Changge wouldn’t care at all.
It’s just enemy soldiers, kill as soon as you kill, without any worries, without any danger.
But ordinary people are different. They are just ordinary people and should not die in battle.
That’s why they were attacked so embarrassingly. Ying Changge knew what the Korean army was thinking.
They actually wanted to attack like this, sending them to death continuously, damaging Ying Changge’s troops.
It is also a good deal to exchange the lives of civilians for the damage of Ying Changge’s army.
But it is impossible for Ying Changge to let them die like this, and the people should live in peace.
The 100,000 troops from Goguryeo are too many, surrounded by chattering around Ying Changge.
soHis aura was extraordinary, and what he had to do was very simple at a critical moment.
That is to kill the generals of the Goryeo army, and then liberate those ordinary people, nothing more.
Moving aggressively, the Goryeo army did not stop at all, and was still attacking as usual.
Bingshao’s soldiers and horses tried to kill him, but such manpower was really not many.
People are gradually dying, soldiers are gradually becoming embarrassed, and the morale of the Goryeo army is low, but they will not give up.
After knowing the origin of the enemy army, what Ying Changge has to do is very simple, and that is to trap.
Setting up a world-wide net, Ying Changge wants Meng Tian to lure the enemy deep, and then capture them all together.
It would be best to capture 100,000 enemy troops and let these people survive unharmed.
Otherwise, it would be inappropriate to give up one’s own war just because of the common people one by one.
With a helpless snort, he held up his sword, still swearing.
Going all out and leading the army to attack proactively, Meng Tian obeyed Ying Changge’s order and began to attack the enemy’s Ya.
Meng Tian is very familiar with the strategy of attacking first and then pretending to retreat.
So, it is better to hit the sun than to choose the day, today, Meng Tian and his army will attack immediately.
The Goryeo army, unable to attack for a long time, stayed helplessly outside the barracks, not daring to make any movement.
But after a few days of mobilization, the Goryeo army soon regained its strength and united again.
Meng Tian, ​​who is as imposing as a rainbow, and his own big (good) army are scrambling to attack the Goryeo army.

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