Especially knowing that Ying Changge did not intend to escape at all, the nobles of Goguryeo became even more fierce.
The ferocious attack continued, and a steady stream of people were still chasing fiercely.
The common people were forced to be helpless, and under such fighting, they played the role of cannon fodder.
The army came wave after wave, following closely and chasing and killing, trying to defeat Ying Changge’s army.
But Ying Changge’s soldiers are well-trained, it is impossible for them to have such a fragile defense.
Facing the invasion of the Goryeo army, Ying Changge’s soldiers only became more and more courageous as they fought, making them invincible.
Overcoming obstacles and continuing to fight quickly, many of their men attacked with complete victories.
Soldiers with a large number of people came in one go, and quickly attacked Zuoya.
Ying Changge’s army was surrounded from all directions, and the Goryeo army seemed to think that the situation was seamless.
But this kind of situation, for Ying Changge, is neither painful nor itchy, and their offensive is very ordinary.
So many people came, but they only scratched the itch, so that Ying Changge had no loss.
A steady stream of troops came from far and near, and soon rushed to the left and right, moving forward together.
The battle situation was very frenzied, and everyone knew that Ying Changge’s army hadn’t even planned to move out yet.
Only when they met Ying Changge’s soldiers, the Goryeo army seemed to have no advantage in attacking.
It was difficult to move an inch, and they spared no energy on the battlefield, and they were still chattering and continuing to attack.
In order to be able to kill Ying Changge, the Korean army came in unity and chattered endlessly.
One wave has not subsided yet, another wave comes to attack, the figure of the enemy army is like a continuous river.
1195 Casualties are very small!
With endless attacks and impatient fighting, many Korean troops have been repelled by the Qin army.
The poor Koryo army did not have any advantages, and those who were beaten by the Qin army threw away their helmets and armor.
After continuing to retreat a few steps like this, the Goryeo army stopped attacking soon.
It seems that they are very scared and helpless. Their death must be a doomed defeat.
Adjusting the battle situation, planning strategies, the Korean army took a temporary rest, and no longer attacked recklessly.
After hearing this scene, Ying Changge smiled silently, what a ridiculous guy.
A group of people really thought they could kill themselves? That was nothing more than a dying struggle.
Especially knowing that Ying Changge’s army didn’t suffer much damage, the Goryeo army was very disappointed.
With the attack for several 333 days, the Koryo army suffered heavy losses, and many people died as a result.
When Goguryeo’s soldiers died a lot, they didn’t dare to attack rashly, and the whole army was wiped out.
During this short period of calm, Ying Changge soon adjusted a new strategy.
He knew that the Goryeo army would definitely continue to attack him, so he didn’t need to pay attention to it.
Soldiers come to block the water and soil, and a steady stream of people come, but they will all be beheaded to death.
After finding out the number of his soldiers, Ying Changge realized that his casualties were very small.
An insignificant sacrifice is not a sacrifice, Ying Changge will revive his troops.
Arrange many people and horses together, let them be on guard around and guard the base camp.
Ying Changge dispatched all the barracks around him without any flaws, so as to avoid being attacked by the Goryeo army.
Standing guard day and night, keeping an eye on the surroundings, Ying Changge was able to avoid this continuous fighting and war.
The sinister and cunning Goguryeo nobles can do anything, and they can be called unscrupulous.
If it weren’t for Ying Changge personally leading the army here, maybe they have some kind of conspiracy.
He and his own army stayed here patiently, and the only thing he had to do was to move on.
Ying Changge worked every step of the way, step by step, and ordered many strategies together.
As long as the nobles of Goguryeo come to attack beyond their means, Ying Changge will wipe them out.
Let the enemy army be wiped out, let them all die completely, without leaving any chance.
Because there was no army able to attack Ying Changge for a long time, the Korean army looked impatient.
They are eager to move without delay, but they know that they cannot kill each other easily.
The only thing that can be done is to condense and intercept everyone to form cannon fodder for death.
With so many people rushing up aggressively, killing them is also a piece of cake.
Yelang’s arrogant Goguryeo nobles did not give up, and they mobilized a lot of troops to grow stronger.
Although it could not be attacked for a long time, to a certain extent, the Goguryeo nobles also restrained Ying Changge.
To attack Ying Changge’s army one by one, they need more manpower.
Many people were suppressed, and they were forced to rush to the battlefield to fight.
At that time, it would be a good thing for the nobles to kill them and severely damage Ying Changge’s troops.
In the past few days, the nobles continued to send and gather many innocent people.
Let them all rush to the battlefield, and when the time comes to kill Ying Changge’s army, it will be effortless.
1196 Wind blows dust and dust!
The battle between Ying Changge and them must be very fierce, it can be called earth-shattering and weeping ghosts and gods!
However, Ying Changge’s army is all brave men, and none of them need Ying Changge’s leadership.
A group of soldiers were united as one, staying here aggressively, forming a human wall.
It is impenetrable and has both offensive and defensive capabilities. Many soldiers are here, waiting patiently for the collision of the Goryeo army.
As long as the Korean army does not come with money, the Qin army will stand still, and the enemy will not move and I will not move.
This is of course verySimple things, when the two armies are fighting, you need to calm down and be patient.
Reckless marching battles are of course inappropriate, and it may be easy to directly bury death.
Everyone stayed here patiently, their eyes were calm, and the morale of the soldiers was high.
Ying Changge didn’t need to give any orders, because he just had to wait patiently for the enemy’s changes.
When many armies came, he would kill them all, leaving no one behind.
The aristocrats of Goguryeo knew that the opportunity would never come again, and now is the best time to attack-the time.
Therefore, they no longer hesitated, and after sacrificing a lot of troops, they chose to continue the attack.
Gather all the soldiers and horses in your hands, aggressively, and attack in unity as one.
Knowing that it was Goguryeo’s army sending troops again, Ying Changge immediately ordered people to go forward to stop it.
The Qin army is brave and fearless, and everyone should be afraid of three points, and they immediately started a fierce fight.
You come and go, the army keeps fighting. The sound of horseshoes was frantic, and the army was extraordinarily brave.
The two armies confront each other, the battlefield kills the enemy, the wind blows the dust, and there are murderous looks everywhere.
Even so, Ying Changge still took his time, he just wanted to wait for the good news and wait patiently.
The army in my hands is spontaneously resisting the offensive of the Goryeo army, and it is evenly divided for a while.
Ying Changge, who didn’t participate in the battle, was paying attention to the movements every day, wanting to know how they looked.
The nobles are worried about long nights and dreams, so once they send troops, they will attack with all their strength.
The mighty army, all impenetrable, attacked Ying Changge in groups.
But even so, Ying Changge didn’t need to go out in person, he and his soldiers both had their backs.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
If you suppress so many troops in one go, you will just waste your own troops.
Knowing himself and the enemy, Ying Changge immediately dispatched scouts to find out everything that happened.
From the side of the Korean army, Ying Changge soon heard a lot of news.
It turned out that this time, the strength of the Goryeo army was really strong, with a scale of 100,000 people.
… … …
Surprisingly, Ying Changge was puzzled, a mere Goguryeo, where did so many troops come from?
Previously, Ying Changge’s repeated battles with Goguryeo had killed many of their hands.
Wave after wave of soldiers died under Ying Changge’s invasion. They should have died directly.
The Koryo army, which suffered heavy losses, still has a lot of troops, with hundreds of thousands of horses appearing together.
This battle, of course, will be very fierce, he must never be reckless, but be careful.
The number of 100,000 people is still very large, otherwise, it is easy to be defeated directly because of this.
The vast enemy army came one after another.
1197 The two armies are at war!
In Goguryeo, every aristocratic family wanted to tear Ying Changge into pieces.
However, under Ying Changge’s control, Qin Jun was flawless and even very stable.
A steady army, Ying Changge, who sees through the overall situation, takes every step of the way and is very careful in every step.

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