We must kill Ying Changge, so that the army can completely break through the Qin army’s offensive and…
1152 Great Network!
Feeling my own weakness, I understand that the Goryeo army has not much strength.
In the past few days, the nobles have been concentrating on investigating the situation in Goguryeo. It is really an internal and external trouble.
If it was only because of these large armies, they might not be able to attack Ying Changge’s round of attacks.
The lack of troops let the nobles know their sense of crisis, and they must be careful.
How to kill Ying Changge at the same time, and “270” solve the crisis in Goguryeo? This is what the nobles want to know most.
Just when the nobles of Goguryeo were in trouble, they heard a news about Ying Changge.
It turned out that the letter from Ying Changge arrived, saying that he wanted to talk to the nobles of Goguryeo!
Even if you don’t want to surrender to Ying Changge, the most important thing now is to have a good talk with Ying Changge.
Ying Changge, who was full of sincerity, asked to meet him, and the nobles of Goguryeo would not object.
So, he immediately began to explore carefully, wanting to know what chips Ying Changge had.
They began to discuss and whispered together. You must know that the noble family is a big family.
Every household is well-connected, and so many people know what consequences they will encounter.
If it weren’t for the appearance of Ying Changge, they might not have taken the initiative to meet Ying Changge!
All of them are sure to win, and they are sure to win. They immediately dispatched a lot of people.
In order to get some beneficial information from Ying Changge, he had to.
Those who know the current affairs are heroes, the first battle of Goguryeo is inevitable, and the nobles are all panicked.
There are enemies outside Goguryeo, and there are not even many reinforcements. They are alone and helpless.
When Ying Changge came to discuss with the nobles of GoguryeoWhen it is time, it means they have a chance.
After agreeing on a time, Ying Changge didn’t intend to give them any way out, but wanted to fight one by one.
The news quickly spread inside and outside of Goguryeo, and everyone knew about it, and they all knew about it.
The army can’t wait to move forward, aggressively intending to suppress Goguryeo.
The nobles all knew these things, and they understood that the threat posed by Ying Changge’s army was very heavy.
Even if they went all out, they all suffered a devastating blow and died completely.  …
For their own survival, and for the safety of Goguryeo, the nobles are going to negotiate peace with Ying Changge.
As long as there is a glimmer of life, nobles will not give up their status, this is the feeling of being superior.
If they survive, they will be able to control Goguryeo, and they will maintain their dignity and glory.
If Ying Changge surrendered, or was directly attacked by the Qin army, everything of the nobles would be plundered.
This is something they dare not imagine, so they must block these attacks.
According to the discussion, the nobles immediately dispatched a lot of people, all of them without any sincerity.
It’s just holding on to the time of delay. The more you can delay, the better it will be for Goguryeo.
Wanting to have a better understanding of what happened here at 5.0, Ying Changge wanted to find out the battle situation in Goguryeo.
Know yourself, know your enemy, and win a hundred battles. Of course, Ying Changge must be fully prepared for such a battle.
The army is spreading rapidly, and many guys can’t wait to come and surround the left and right.
The nobles of Goguryeo were afraid that Ying Changge would come back and attack them, so of course they had to take a lot of precautions.
1153 Straight to the point!
Leading troops to come, so that the nobles of Goguryeo can protect their heads.
Several families sent other people here, and the most noble nobles certainly would not risk their lives.
If they come in person, they will only die, so it is better to send other members of the family to interview.
This battle was full of crises, and the nobles certainly knew it well, they didn’t have the guts like Ying Changge.
Ying Changge came alone, and he set up a tent in this open place to keep out the wind and rain.
Waiting patiently for the order, the only thing he has to do is to wait for the noble 05 to come with his soldiers.
He understood that the King of Goguryeo had already been kicked out, and only the nobles of Goguryeo were left.
These nobles each sent their own envoys, and they all came here in groups.
Soon, within the agreed time, Ying Changge saw these nobles, all of them proud.
It’s obvious that the country is about to be destroyed, but it still maintains the elegance in this bone, it’s ridiculous!
He shook his head indifferently, and then Ying Changge asked with a smile, “See you today, I have some ideas!”
He just wants to go straight to the point, ask Goguryeo’s opinion directly, and liberate all wars.
However, after these nobles heard this, they were serious, and even gritted their teeth, “Leave Goguryeo!”
“Otherwise, don’t blame us for being rude, and we will kill you all by then!”
“As long as you continue to attack, I will completely wipe out your Ying Changge army!”
After hearing what these nobles said, Ying Changge had a look of surprise on his face.
Never expected that these guys are so arrogant, really think they can break through their own army?
If these Goguryeo troops come to attack him, Ying Changge is looking forward to it!
As long as these guys are killed, Ying Changge will make his army invincible.
Even if these guys can’t wait to come, to Ying Changge, they are just a rabble.
The soldiers continued to come, and the Goguryeo army was surrounded by the front, back, left, and right.
Goguryeo soldiers were everywhere, but Ying Changge didn’t panic at all.
He was calm and calm, “It’s impossible for me to withdraw my troops!” His words were very indifferent.
“Because what I want to do the most is to capture you Goguryeo, but I don’t want to fight!”
Opening his arms, Ying Changge asked, “If possible, I hope you will surrender!”
“As long as you surrender without a fight, there will be no danger in Goguryeo!”
“You guys get ready!” Ying Changge just wanted to fight 270 fair and aboveboard, to kill the enemy.
Of course, it is impossible for these people to agree. They are all noble nobles, and they must start their own defenses.
Block Ying Changge’s army and keep them all outside Goguryeo, so that the nobles of Goguryeo can live.
The nobles who are greedy for life and afraid of death have no other hope, but hope that they can quell this battle as soon as possible.
Of course, Ying Changge’s thoughts were the same as theirs, and he also hoped to stop this battle.
However, his method is even simpler, that is to let Goguryeo stop directly and surrender himself!
Such a battle cannot be quelled, because it is impossible for the nobles of Goguryeo to beg for mercy.
1154 Survive!
Will not surrender, fight to the end, today, the nobles of Goguryeo are for negotiation.
The negotiation with Ying Changge is very important, they don’t want to be killed like this.
The sacrifice of so many troops will only make Goguryeo fall into a more embarrassed posture.
The troops have lost a lot, how can Goguryeo fight Ying Changge without strong troops!
Taking advantage of the initiative, Ying Changge is the most powerful enemy of Goguryeo, and they are terrified.
It was precisely because of the panic about Ying Changge that the nobles came to agree to Ying Changge’s request.
The meeting is very simple, but there areThere are more dangers, and the nobles are very embarrassed.
You know, these people can be called extraordinary nobles, and they have extraordinary identities.
Such aristocrats only want to enjoy the glory and wealth, not other crises and wars!
The nobles of Goguryeo naturally admired Ying Changge for a long time, and they hoped for better development.
It’s a pity that it is impossible for Goguryeo’s army to stop Ying Changge’s fight, and they are all very panicked.
After being caught in such an embarrassing battle, the only thing that can be done is to discuss with Ying Changge.
Many nobles are sitting here, they just want to discuss a statement.
If he wanted to survive Ying Changge’s attack, he had to come up with such a plan.
I have expectations in my heart. Of course, the nobles of Goguryeo want to have a careful talk with Ying Changgezai.
It’s just a pity that there is no such opportunity now, because they were all overwhelmed by Ying Changge!
Leading the army and continuing to attack, what Ying Changge did directly made them all very panic.
Fortunately, the nobles of Goguryeo are more knowledgeable about current affairs, so they came directly to Ying Changge.
In crisis, Goguryeo is not easy to save, the only thing he can do is to negotiate.
Discuss carefully with Ying Changgezai, and it is very important for everyone to discuss a win-win solution!
Facing Ying Changge’s request, the nobleman shook his head, it was impossible to agree, “Impossible〃’!”
“It is impossible for us to surrender, because we must use all our strength to resist.”
All the nobles of Goguryeo are very stubborn and don’t listen to Ying Changge’s words at all.

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