“You can’t surrender! We must maintain our noble status!” “You are not worthy to be king!”
A group of people were bluffing in the hall, it was very lively, “We can’t wait to kill you! ”
“That’s right! As the king of Goguryeo, how could he be so cowardly and cowardly?’!”
“If possible, we will definitely let you step down!” “You don’t want to be king!”
They were all bluffing, everyone was very irritable, even full of aggression.
But even with such a gesture, the King of Goguryeo was still very indifferent, “Have you thought about it yet!”
“I’m the king! If you continue to fight to the death with Ying Changge’s army, none of you will be left behind!”
“Everyone will die here, it will be extremely bleak, and none of your soldiers will survive!”
The distraught king of Goguryeo kept yelling at him, just to make these nobles understand this matter!
However, it is impossible for the nobles to agree with this truth. They are arrogant and even a frog in a well.
Therefore, in the face of King Goguryeo’s rebuttal, they all disagreed, and they even scolded and abused King Goguryeo.
“Cowardly as a mouse!” “Not worthy of sympathy! From today on, you are no longer a king!”
Under the scolding of many nobles, King Goguryeo was soon driven away by many soldiers.
Seeing it in his eyes, he was even more frightened. King Goguryeo clenched his fists, “Really!”
“I’m going to kill all of you stupid guys completely, leaving no one behind!”
The distraught king of Goguryeo rushed up immediately, and even wanted to fight the nobles.
They are so proud and arrogant that the nobles have no advantage in front of the King of Goguryeo.
But they are still nobles, as long as they are nobles of Goguryeo, it is enough, and they join hands in groups.
Even though they were hated by King Goguryeo, many nobles still easily knocked King Goguryeo away.
Let the king of Goguryeo abdicate directly and force him to step down. For a while, Goguryeo was in a turmoil.
Everyone knows about this, but they will not let it go easily, but continue to work hard.
Colluding with one another, they acted immediately, and they quickly gave up the throne of King Goguryeo (from Zhao’s) completely.
Soon, knowing this matter, Goguryeo was in a panic, and the people were very disturbed.
They didn’t know what to do, but they could only obey the army’s orders and stay behind closed doors.
When the war came, many soldiers died in this way, but the nobles were not in a hurry.
After being kicked out, the King of Goguryeo is no longer a king, but he still recognizes his identity.
1150 Want to surrender!
He is a king for a day, then he will be a king for a lifetime! King Goguryeo was naturally very resentful.
It is ridiculous that a group of stupid nobles ignore Ying Changge’s army just like this.
In the battle with Ying Changge’s army, the Goryeo army was at a disadvantage, and they suffered countless casualties.
It was precisely because he knew Ying Changge’s strength and invincibility that the King of Goguryeo was afraid and prepared to surrender.
If Ying Changge’s army is allowed to drive straight into the territory and attack the territory, everything will be wiped out!
After shaking his head helplessly, he knew that he must stop all this.
How to stop these people! King Goguryeo understood that he had no way to discuss with them.
The only way is to contact Ying Changge directly, and King Goguryeo came up with a good solution at once.
Start writing the letter immediately, and soon, the King of Goguryeo will hand over this letter to Ying Changge.
For everything that happened in Goguryeo, he must of course explain it carefully to avoid danger.
Solve unnecessary misunderstandings and let Ying Changge understand his situation clearly.
King Goguryeo wrote down many things that happened in the past few days in his heart, and then handed them over to Ying Changge.
This letter came to Ying Changge’s hands quietly, and he was also very surprised.
Because he never expected that King Goguryeo would contact him in person, which is really a good thing!
Breaking through Goguryeo’s defenses, Ying Changge’s army has the upper hand in such a fight here.
However, Ying Changge thought it was a general from Goguryeo who would contact him, but he did not expect it to be a letter from Wang himself.
Soon, he explored it carefully, and immediately knew the complicated story.
King Goguryeo wanted to surrender, but the nobles disagreed, and captured them all in one go.
Such a thing is of course surprising, Ying Changge did not expect the nobles to have such a powerful force.
After directly driving the Goguryeo king out of power, the nobles took control of Goguryeo, and they vowed to fight to the death.
Won’t surrender Ying Chang (affa) song, the only thing they have to do is to fight continuously.
On the contrary, the King of Goguryeo had already made some preparations. He originally wanted to beg Ying Changge for mercy.
But it is a pity that the King of Goguryeo was completely suppressed by the nobles before he was ready.
Without power, facing Goguryeo, the Goguryeo king is no longer a king, but an ordinary person.
Therefore, in order to save Goguryeo and for his own way of life, King Goguryeo started preparations.
He recorded many things here, and then went to tell Ying Changge.
King Goguryeo understood that now his army had no power to fight back against Ying Changge’s army.
Tell Ying Changge all this, so that Ying Changge already has an understanding of Goguryeo in his heart.
The war must be prevented, and Ying Changge must be fully involved in this war.
In the face of danger, the land of King Goguryeo will suffer a merciless blow, and it will be very embarrassing.
Once it invades Goguryeo aggressively, it will definitely make the King of Goguryeo alive.
No longer in a high position,The king of Goguryeo, who was robbed of everything, was very resentful towards the nobles.
At this moment, under such a situation, King Goguryeo wished to kill them and let the nobles suffer for themselves.
1151 The Great Enemy is Now!
It’s a pity that the nobles still look hideous, and they don’t pay attention to the King of Goguryeo at all.
In the eyes of the nobles, the most important thing for him is to block the invasion of Ying Changge’s army.
Under the charge of such an army, even Goguryeo will be completely broken!
What he wants to do the most is to kill Ying Changge, the nobles join forces and start to form their entire army.
Wanting to form many powers, the nobles are greedy for conspiracy, and even want to take Ying-Changge as their own.
As long as we work together, we will be able to overcome difficulties. This is what the King of Goguryeo himself is willing to believe.
“We are born nobles, it is impossible to submit to others!” “That’s right! We will not surrender!”
The nobles got together and discussed quietly, preparing to come up with strategies one by one to deal with Ying Changge.
The idle nobles don’t know what war is, what is cruel and merciless fighting.
When Ying Changge’s army came to him in one go, the nobles had no power to resist.
Of course he knew that Ying Changge’s soldiers were all brave and fearless fighters, they were invincible.
But even so, they will not back down. Nobles always have inexplicable self-confidence and arrogance in their hearts!
Therefore, the enemy is at hand, and when Ying Changge’s army has not yet arrived, they continue to wait.
Soldiers come to block the water and soil, as long as the army is blocked, there is no other danger.
After receiving the letter from King Goguryeo, Ying Changge of course started to prepare for the attack.
It is not so easy for a mere king of Goguryeo to die, because his life is still very useful.
The nobles saved the life of King Goguryeo, of course, to be prepared and ensure safety.
Many armies are ready for this, and the Korean army is used to fighting.
Under the constant fighting, what they did was very simple, that is to fight.
In any case, he had to start his own fight, and he and these armies were well prepared.
After constant discussions, the nobles soon started their own preparations, ready to attack!
In order to be able to kill Ying Changge’s army, the nobles started their own plots and resistance.
You must know that these things were unexpected, and the nobles were very panicked.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
It’s useless to be simply afraid. Of course, the nobles have to stop Ying Changge’s army.
If you can’t let Ying Changge’s army come in front of you, the Gaogu nobles must stop everything.
It’s a pity that these battles are not over yet, because Ying Changge’s army is endless.
Their tireless attacks, fighting from far to near, are just for this battle at this moment.
.. …… 0
The nobles don’t need to go out, they just hide here, and they will have complete safety.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, he was going to confront each other, turning all the soldiers in his hands into means and pawns of resistance.
Aware of Ying Changge’s threat, the nobles took defense as offense, so that they could form the final show!
They will not wait to die here, just to completely destroy Ying Changge’s army.
It is inevitable, attack with all their strength, the nobleman wants to let Ying Changge know the consequences of offending him.
As for Ying Changge, after receiving a letter from the King of Goguryeo, of course he knew everything about it.

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