After hearing Ying Changge’s scolding, Li Shanren shook his head contemptuously, “Impossible!”
“I am the general! I am also your deadly enemy. The only thing I have to do is to block your army, that’s all.”
The menacing Ying Changge seemed to be invincible without any advantage.
Faced with such a situation, the armies were still confronting each other, and the charge of the two armies fell into a panic.
If it weren’t for Ying Changge’s soldiers setting fire, Li Shanren’s army would have been broken.
It is precisely because of knowing the burning of this fire that Li Shanren will not leave his own handle.
Soldiers are very important. Can they block Ying Changge’s 270 charge? Of course it is impossible.
A lot of food and grass were burned, and the momentum of the fire spread to farther places.
Otherwise, if he was oppressed by the fire, Li Shanren himself would be burned to death!
With calm eyes and indifferent face, Li Shanren smiled contemptuously, “Is that all you can do!”
“My army and I have started to work together in unity, and sooner or later we will be able to suppress your momentum.”
The battle with Ying Changge was really exhausting, and Li Shanren was too tired to hold the sword.
A sword was extraordinarily heavy, Li Shanren could not lift the sword even with his head down! .
1139 Immortal!
Because of the damaged wound, he was bleeding profusely, and Li Shanren grinned in pain.
Staring at Ying Changge intently, Li Shanren still looked aggressive, and he was bound to win.
In order to be able to kill them all together, Li Shanren continued to work hard with his sword in hand.
There are some things that can’t be achieved without hard work, like Li Shanren, who can’t be hostile no matter what.
Under the battle with Ying Changge, the constant fighting and constant death, of course he was helpless.
If it wasn’t for being able to kill Ying Changge, Li Shanren would take the risk and appear here on his own initiative.
He and his own army went out murderously, but in the end they never returned.
Many soldiers were killed or injured, but the remaining soldiers were quickly fighting the fire.
On the battlefield, everything is changing rapidly, and it is not easy to control any situation.
You know, such a battle was very fierce, and Ying Changge’s army was scattered in all directions.
A lot of troops are still chattering and burning food and grass, hoping to bury this place into a sea of ​​flames.
As long as these flames continue to spread, the important granary of the Korean army will be completely destroyed.
A successful defense must protect the food and grass, but it is a pity that Li Shanren did not succeed.
After the battle with Ying Changge, Li Shanren was almost powerless to fight back and kept retreating.
When Ying Changge and Li Shanren continued to fight fiercely, the other soldiers started to fight back.
Under the burning fire, no one could survive, and the Korean army was in a mess.
Constant casualties, constant damage, the death of the Goryeo army is already very huge.
You must know that many troops are far away, and they have all participated in this fire fighting campaign.
As long as the fire can be extinguished, the Koryo army will be burnt to shame.
Such a battle made the Korean army panic, and they didn’t know what to do for a while.
Li Shanren was caught in a battle with Ying Changge, and their figures kept chattering back.
Under such circling, there is no way out, sayMaybe he will die directly in the sea of ​​fire.
As the general of the Goryeo army, Li Shanren did not lead his soldiers to fight together.
Isn’t this just a random counterattack! Maybe in Li Shanren’s heart, there is no trick.
Started a head-on fight with Ying Changge, but Li Shanren didn’t have any way to fight the enemy in his heart.
If Ying Changge can be killed, the crisis in Goguryeo can be prevented and this place can be protected.
Otherwise, he may not be able to survive if so many troops come aggressively.
A lot of troops came in dense numbers, wishing to ignite all the food and grass.
But with Li Shanren’s soldiers blocking them by themselves, they more or less blocked the flames.
They want to do everything possible to protect the granary, but it is useless to them.
The momentum of the fire (from Zhao’s) was very fierce, and it was out of control, which made people daunting.
There are continuous fires falling densely, and everything around becomes more diffuse.
The fire is uncontrollable, once it is ignited, it will generate a more violent flame!
Under this splendid fire, each and every one of them persevered in coming to put out the fire.
The wishful thinking of the Goryeo army wrapped around the Qin army, trying to save the fire.
1140 Let’s Fight the Fire!
However, the offensive of this fire is very fierce, and a single spark can start a prairie fire.
Without Li Shanren’s command, the Korean army didn’t know how to treat them for a while.
The only way is to completely extinguish the fire before it spreads.
Otherwise, without Ying Changge’s orders, they would all continue to wander around the granary.
Continue to attack, continue to burn, the fire soon permeated the surrounding area, scorching smoke.
In the flames, there were hardly many people who could block the spread of the fire, and the Korean army was in a panic.
Continuing to flee in a panic, the Goryeo army united as one and quickly supported them.
This is the difference between the Qin army and the Goryeo army. They are both unable to face the enemy’s attack head-on.
270 Without the general’s order, the Koryo army is like a loose sand, but will continue to retreat.
But the Qin army was different. They continued to attack and set fire to it based on their own opinions.
The fire continued to burn, and a lot of food and grass were burned into ashes, which could not be recovered.
Once the food and grass are ignited, how can it be possible to extinguish the fire!
The brave and fearless Qin army continued to charge, and soon broke them all, leaving no one behind.
Accompanied by such murderous intent, almost no one can stop the burning fire!
The fire continued to spread, always chattering in the granary, forming a breakthrough.
Li Shanren was at a loss, he had to kill Ying Changge before he could protect himself.
The grain and grass not far away were all ignited. The fire was out of control and burned directly on the left and right.
Thinking about these food and grass, Li Shanren must stop this battle.
Kill Ying Changge, and then go to fight the fire. In this way, Li Shanren can resist Ying Changge step by step.
Otherwise, if Ying Changge’s army is allowed to infiltrate his vital points, how will he be prepared!
Reluctantly raising his sword, Li Shanren was forced to attack Ying Changge.
In the entanglement with Li Shanren, he showed a lot of skills, and Ying Changge knew how to fight quickly.
As long as (affa) kills Li Shanren, Ying Changge’s army will have no obstacles.
They will enter unimpeded, and then directly break through any defenses of the Korean army.
Under such a fight, from the hands of Ying Changge, Li Shanren was constantly defeated and was very embarrassed.
Still patiently confronting and continuing to attack, Li Shanren’s every move is very brave.
Trying his best to counterattack widely, Li Shanren’s sword moves are all smashing and full of murderous intent.
As long as Li Shanren is killed, the Goryeo army will not have any posture to resist Ying Changge.
Seeing through Ying Changge’s intentions, Li Shanren certainly knew that his head was dangerous.
If one is not careful, maybe his head will be completely cut off!
This kind of battle is very brave, especially Li Shanren, who is always difficult to fight against Ying Changge’s murderous intent.
They were obviously two generals, but in such a battle, Ying Changge easily gained the upper hand.
He just fought quickly with the sword, and the wounds of Li Shanren’s assassination were covered with blood and blood.
Under such continuous fighting, there is almost no resistance to attack.
After many battles, Li Shanren will be very embarrassed, and he will easily die because of it.
1141 Razed to the ground!
With Ying Changge continuing to attack with chatter, every sword of Li Shanren was full of murderous intent.
But even with such efforts, Li Shanren was not able to kill Ying Changge so easily.
The figures of the two were entangled together, and every attack was very violent, and Li Shanren showed momentum.
But even with such an attack, it was impossible to survive under Ying Changge’s sword.
As the general of Goguryeo, Li Shanren must stop the arson plan of these soldiers.
Not only Qin Jun, but Ying Changge is also very important, he will not show mercy.
The two fought in this place, always attacking constantly, in order to kill each other.
In the battle against the old enemy, the only thing they can rely on is Ying Changge’s army, because they are constantly setting fire.

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