Continuing to shoot continuously, Ying Changge killed many soldiers, and his heart was devastated.
Blood was sprayed, soldiers fell to the ground, and the death of a single person would only boost Ying Changge’s morale.
Ying Changge, whose morale is high, will not stop, and always continues to besiege him as always.
Stop Ying Changge’s army from invading, but Li Shanren can’t continue to stop them!
Under this murderous attack, they continued to die, and each of them died in embarrassment.
Seeing the casualties of his own soldiers, he will not be afraid, and will definitely show all his strength.
Fighting as usual, attacking quickly, soon, Ying Changge came in front of Li Shanren.
Even though it was Li Shanren’s majestic attack, there were not many attacks that could kill Ying Changge.
As long as they continue to entangle, they can be eradicated together, and they will not be left alone.
As usual, with fierce strikes and constant fighting, Ying Changge’s sword hit him.
Such an offensive is really useless and mediocre, but it can’t defeat Ying Changge at all.
For a moment, Li Shanren fell into a panic, and he could only continue to fight.
A sword struck extremely coldly, Li Shanren’s sword really couldn’t stop Ying Changgeoffensive.
Especially Ying Changge came to fight continuously, always blocking every sword of Li Shanren.
This sword is very mediocre, and Li Shanren knew that his sword could not be compared with Ying Changge.
Ping ping pong pong, after a few strikes, Li Shanren was directly attacked and retreated, falling off his horse.
Dismounting from the horse in fear, he quickly held the rein, trying to continue to stand up and fight.
Ying Changge came too fast, every sword he made looked like a dragon and a tiger.
This kind of sword mark is fierce, and the sword strikes violently, which shows Ying Changge’s soul-stirring.
After being hit back a few steps, Li Shanren left his horse, getting further and further away.
You know, he wanted to kill Ying Changge impatiently, but now things backfired.
Not only was he unable to kill Ying Changge, Li Shanren was even more panicked after being chased by him.
Holding the sword helplessly, being forced to fight back helplessly, he hastened to protect his life.
As long as you let yourself survive, you won’t let Ying Changge burn all the food and grass around you.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
Originally, a net had been laid, but it was unable to catch Ying Changge’s army.
These men and horses continued to fight in Goguryeo, in order to burn the food and grass.
After burning all the food and grass to nothing, Li Shanren’s army would not have any supplies.
Because this place has fallen into a stalemate, under the difficult battle, there are not many ways to survive!
.. …… 0
Li Shanren saw the defeat of his army, of course he knew the bravery of Ying Changge’s army.
Goguryeo was invaded by Changge’s army, and the place was in turmoil, and the people were in dire straits.
Under such a situation, the soldiers were provoked and fought by Ying Changge’s army.
If it weren’t for the presence of Ying Changge, Li Shanren wouldn’t have come here in a hurry.
Following the order of the King of Goguryeo, Li Shanren struggled to support the life and death of Goguryeo alone.
The mobilization of the army is in Li Shanren’s hands, and he wants to block Ying Changge no matter what.
Otherwise, it would be impossible to stop Ying Changge’s army, and even Li Shanren would die in his hands!
Of course Lee Sun In would also be afraid.
1137 Not good at words!
After the Koryo army was breached, how far could Li Shanren and his defeated generals escape?
The military order is like a mountain, facing the king of Goguryeo, of course Li Shanren has to give an explanation.
Such an army must go all out, and unity is the best way.
Otherwise, Li Shanren and his soldiers would be in a state of embarrassment, and it would be impossible to survive.
Being fought continuously by Ying Changge, Li Shan “Two Seven Zero” Ren who was in full swing refused to give up his attack.
Always fighting quickly, hitting as always, the sword in his hand beating vigorously.
Every sword is extraordinarily strong, and every move is a hidden murderous intention. But Li Shanren is still doing useless work.
Because no matter how he fights, he can’t easily kill Ying Changge, the opponent’s skills are superb.
The powerful swordsmanship is very ferocious, and they are always fighting quickly, baring their teeth and claws, like a tiger out of a cage.
He was intercepted by Ying Changge’s sword moves, and for a while, he couldn’t block Ying Changge’s sword.
After thousands of rounds of stabbing, Jianfeng directly broke through his body, hurting Li Shanren’s arm.
The bleeding continued and the wound hurt, but Li Shanren ignored it, and was still backing away patiently.
With a cold snort, he stared at Ying Changge intently. Li Shanren was not good at words and just wanted to fight back.
As long as Ying Changge is killed, all wars will stop and be completely extinguished.
Otherwise, if Ying Changge’s army really came to attack him, it would only be more bloody.
The first battle was so brave, the constant fighting, just a little constant spraying, it is really a lot.
Such a battle is naturally a battle that cost one’s life, and Ying Changge’s battle is reckless.
With all his abilities, Li Shanren tried his best but couldn’t stop Ying Changge’s sword.
Constantly fighting and attacking, Li Shanren was injured more and more, and he was very embarrassed.
He knew that such a battle would not be easy to end, at least he must kill Ying Changge.
If you don’t kill Ying Changge, you won’t be able to stop these troops, and you won’t be able to get down completely safely.
The situation in Goguryeo became even more embarrassing, but the flames of the surrounding food and grass continued to burn.
To set the granary on fire and get them all in such a mess is unimaginable 0  …
If it weren’t for knowing Ying Changge’s high abilities, he wouldn’t have devoted himself to fighting the enemy.
Caught in this battle, the soldiers around couldn’t wait to put out the fire in the granary.
Once something happened to the granary, Li Shanren’s life as a general would almost come to an end.
He knew that Ying Changge was difficult to defeat, so he devoted himself to fighting against Ying Changge.
If Ying Changge’s army continued to attack mightily, he would die too.
It is a very aggrieved act to die under the blade of a sword. As a general, what Li Shanren has to do is to kill the enemy.
Ying Changge is a foreign enemy, and the Goguryeo army must kill him all at once.
Otherwise, letting such an arrogant guy come to confront him, Li Shanren would just fall into a miserable road.
5.0 Because Ying Changge could not be killed, Ying Changge’s army came chattering endlessly.
All of them are ambitious, and Li Shanren himself has his own calculations and conspiracies.
Conspiracy and conspiracy are very important, and Li Shanren will not sit idly by in his own war.
This is a crucial battle! .
1138 Top priority!
Otherwise, really will beYing Changge’s people were wiped out, they would just die, and more and more people died.
Such a battle is unimaginable, the only thing he can do is to block Ying Changge.
Otherwise, they would not be able to block the invasion of Ying Changge’s army, and Li Shanren would be powerless to fight back!
He is qualified for this battle because he is a very loyal general of Goguryeo! He will not back down.
Even though he knew that Ying Changge would come to assassinate him quickly, Li Shanren always fought back.
Between the criss-crossing swords, within a dozen moves, Li Shanren was scarred and bloody.
The painful body trembled 05, unable to resist Ying Changge, Li Shanren himself was very flustered.
Could it be that he was going to die like this? Li Shanren is not reconciled, he must live on.
The strength of holding the sword became weaker, and he didn’t know what to do for a while.
He just stared at this guy without changing his face, “Come on! Continue to fight!”
Everyone in the world knows that Ying Changge’s sword is very brave, almost invincible.
So how can we kill him! The thing is also very simple, that is to persevere.
Even with all his strength, he must kill Ying Changge, but he can’t die.
As a general of Goguryeo, he wanted to chop off Ying Changge’s head and sacrifice it to the army.
Goguryeo soldiers are still scrambling to put out the fire, trying to protect the food and grass.
In the key places of Goguryeo, food and grass are the top priority, in order to resist Ying Changge’s soldiers.
Otherwise, if Ying Changge’s army continues to charge, this place will be occupied!
Guarding his last inch of land, Li Shanren, as the general of Goguryeo, fought together.
“Killing you is worse than killing other people, they are all your soldiers, aren’t they!”
Ying Changge was indifferent and calm, his figure stood tall, always mixed with a majestic posture.
“You like this cannot be my enemy, you are just hitting a stone with a pebble!”

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