hum! Riding on a horse, killing the enemy on the battlefield, Li Shanren killed several soldiers of the Qin army, vowing.
Feeling the noise behind him, Ying Changge shook his head indifferently, he was really overconfident!
Such a guy wants to kill himself and let himself die like this! wishful thinking!
He and his own troops spread around, and now Ying Changge has no intention of controlling the troops.
The only thing he wants to do is to catch all these guys and burn their food and grass.
During the march and battle, food and grass are very important. This is a very important material! .
1131 Set it on fire!
Otherwise, it would not be easy for Ying Changge to fight with so many materials to fill the strength of the Goryeo army!
Whether it is Goguryeo’s army or their armaments, they must be destroyed!
If you want to kill someone, you have to break his arm first. Ying Changge has been in the battlefield for a long time, so of course he knows these things!
Otherwise, if Li Shanren’s soldiers and horses surround him, it will not be easy for Ying Changge to burn the food~!
Looking around, the granaries are located here, like small hills.
Wherever he went, it was within the territory of Goguryeo, and Ying Changge didn’t need any pity – “Burn it for me!”
“Burn all their food and grass, and let their soldiers starve to death if they don’t fight!”
Ying Changge’s strategy is of course very important, and it is also a great opportunity for them!
Ever since, everyone couldn’t wait to move forward, in order to take down these granaries.
The troops were scattered, and the Qin army attacked in all directions, setting fire to these granaries everywhere, which made Li Shanren resentful.
Bursting with anger, his expression was cold and stern. Li Shanren was riding on a horse, and his face was distorted to the point of ferociousness.
“Stop! Stop them! We can’t let them continue to burn!” Li Shanren yelled.
After hearing Li Shanren’s order, the Goryeo army certainly did not hesitate, but continued to follow.
The army of them gathered together, always following behind Ying Changge.
In order to kill Ying Changge, Li Shanren even performed the knife himself, and he followed up quickly.
When such a war occurs, there will be an even more unusual danger, that is, the safety of the general.
If the number of soldiers is sufficient to a certain extent, as a general, it will be impossible to defend against.
Everything on the battlefield is changing rapidly, and it is easy to be controlled by one’s own situation.
You know, a group of people came to fight in an endless stream, in order to capture Ying Changge’s Xiang Shangren.Head off.
Such a battle is very brave, not only that, they don’t need any hesitation.
Li Shanren had already ordered, and from the beginning to the end, his goal was Ying Changge among the Qin army.
As long as Ying Changge is killed, Li Shanren believes that Qin Jun’s offensive will slow down immediately.
Protecting the granary is a very important task, and Li Shanren doesn’t want his defense to fail.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
Still attacking fiercely, every soldier in his hands followed through to the end and obeyed the military orders.
Although Goguryeo showed a weak posture, Li Shanren still had a lot of troops under his command.
King Goguryeo issued a death order, no matter what, he must control the army and kill Ying Changge.
It was killing, not blocking, and Li Shanren knew how angry the King of Goguryeo would be.
.. . . . . . .
Words must be followed, and military orders are like mountains, so Li Shanren is working hard to kill Ying Changge!
He and his entire army chased after him in one go, they were just fighting for blood.
If he could kill Ying Changge, Li Shanren would have made great contributions, and he would be promoted even more.
The battlefield is ruthless, if you are a little reckless, you will easily lose your head!
Everyone knows that Ying Changge is famous, he is not an ordinary person, but a powerful enemy.
Therefore, in order to make Ying Changge succumb completely, Li Shanren must go all out.
As usual, Li Shanren and his troops quickly came behind Ying Changge.
1132 Shoot an Arrow!
Even if the other Qin troops were operating in other places, Li Shanren ignored them.
The only thing he has to do is to carefully watch Ying Changge’s every move and lock the enemy.
For Li Shanren, Ying Changge is a formidable enemy that cannot be ignored.
Under the command of Li Shanren, the army quickly followed Ying Changge’s whereabouts along the road.
Ying Changge, who was running around on horseback, didn’t know how to “two five seven” at first, and ignored Li Shanren at all.
Unlike Li Shanren, Ying Changge’s goal is not to kill people, nor is it to defeat the Korean army first.
The most important thing for him now is to burn the grain and grass, and burn all the most important grain and grass in Goguryeo.
As long as their food and grass are destroyed, Ying Changge’s army might be able to win without a fight!
This is a crucial matter, Ying Changge and his soldiers are working hard to attack.
Charge quickly, rampant as always, many soldiers and horses intercepted around Ying Changge.
There are the Korean army in front, back, left, and right, and Ying Changge seems to have fallen into a difficult hostility.
Seeing this situation, Li Shanren showed a bright and happy smile, “Kill him!”
Waving his arms excitedly, Li Shanren and the others couldn’t wait to chase the enemy.
Seeing that Ying Changge will be caught soon, Li Shanren’s excited face is full of excitement.
Ready to move, he rode on the horse and continued to chase, and soon, Li Shanren came in front of him.
Lifting his sword, he quickly approached behind Ying Changge with the horse under his crotch.
“Archery!” Li Shanren yelled, but found that none of his cavalry had bows and arrows.
Not discouraged, he immediately drew his bow and shot an arrow, and then aimed at Ying Changge’s figure.
“Go to hell!” At such a close distance, Li Shanren immediately shot an arrow, and the arrow flew away with force.
It hit Ying Changge’s back easily, and Li Shanren thought that the arrow would be successful.
But it’s a pity that Ying Changge didn’t even need to look back, and then easily avoided it.
Sitting sideways and hanging on the horse, Ying Changge just missed Li Shanren’s arrow.
Whoosh! The arrow was very fast, and after it was shot, he avoided the dispute with Li Shanren.
Continuing to attack quickly on horseback, Li Shanren, who missed an arrow, was of course furious.  …
He continued to pull his bow and arrows, and then the arrows shot up continuously.
Li Shanren’s archery skills are not good, so it is impossible to shoot arrows in such a grand manner from a distance.
Now the distance between Li Shanren and Ying Changge is only a few dozen steps, so it is a good opportunity.
Constantly shooting arrows and constantly attacking, Li Shanren was harassing Ying Changge to prevent him from continuing to escape.
But what Li Shanren doesn’t know is that Ying Changge is not running away, but looking for the next target!
Ying Changge just wanted a fire to burn all the food and grass to ashes.
But always being harassed by such harassment 5.0, Li Shanren’s arrows frequently shot at Ying Changge’s back.
If it weren’t for Li Shanren’s harassment, Ying Changge would have left unharmed on his horse.
It was because of Li Shanren and his soldiers’ pursuit that Ying Changge would always be delayed in his schedule!
With an annoyed look on his face, he was about to start fighting back.
The endless Li Shanren always stabs Ying Changge from behind, he won’t just bear it.
1133 One move back to the carbine!
Still leading the army to attack quickly, Li Shanren’s purpose was to kill Ying Changge.
But Ying Changge and his soldiers went first, always impatient to resist these people.
As long as they are all intercepted together, there is not much danger, and Goguryeo will be controlled.
The situation in Goguryeo is very important to Li Shanren, and he doesn’t want to become a general who subjugates the country.
Still patiently continuing to confront each other, attacking bravely with a sword in hand, always chattering to chase and kill.
Lifting the bow and arrow to aim at Ying Changge, always impatient to shoot, Li Shanren was even more anxious.
impatient, impatient, Li Shanren’s bows and arrows shot out continuously.
He showed his mighty offensive, but for a while, Li Shanren couldn’t catch Ying Changge.
Ignoring Li Shanren’s pursuit behind him, Ying Changge originally planned to run away directly.
But Li Shanren’s harassment is too frequent, and he always shoots himself aggressively.
With an angry look on his face, he turned his head, and immediately shouted, “Die to me!”
After killing a move and returning to the carbine, Ying Changge’s sword quickly pierced the body of the Goryeo army behind him.
Li Shanren’s soldiers came after the enemy frequently, wanting to kill Ying Changge impatiently.
Therefore, their distance is already very close, and everything is changing rapidly.

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