With panic on his face, he didn’t dare to take more precautions. He hoped that he could assassinate Ying Changge as soon as possible.
But among the crowds, with so many troops and so many troops, Ying Changge could not be seen at all.
Li 05 Shanren’s calculation failed, the only thing he had to do was to continue to retreat and dodge.
Under such a situation, the chaotic war was full of blood, soldiers fell to the ground, and corpses littered the field.
Received a counterattack from Ying Changge and was hit hard by the Qin army, Li Shanren’s troops were depleted.
It is precisely because of knowing that Ying ChanggeLi Shanren will fight back continuously if he uses his troops like a god.
When their army started a fierce battle, they suffered a lot of defeats and injuries!
There were many people who died, but most of them were Li Shanren’s men, and of course they suffered a crushing defeat.
Li Shanren saw many casualties, and he was already very scared.
If it wasn’t for Ying Changge’s obstruction, Li Shanren would have easily killed them already.
It’s a pity that Li Shanren didn’t take good care of his soldiers, because they all suffered a disastrous defeat.
A series of soldiers continued to die, and Li Shanren didn’t have much power at all.
If you continue to fight on this wide battlefield, I’m afraid Li Shanren himself will lose his head too!
The head on the neck is on his neck, this is the most critical scene, it is very important.
Otherwise, if he and Ying Changge started a reckless fight, Li Shanren would also lose his life.
He will not die, nor will he be defeated just like this, Li Shanren believes in his own strength.
Gritting his teeth, Li Shanren retreated quickly, he wanted to retreat quickly with his troops.
Ying Changge didn’t have time to pay attention to Li Shanren at all, his goal was those huge and plump granaries.
The armaments in the granary are abundant, and if the strong troops are lost, it will be a very huge loss.
As the general of the Goryeo army, what Li Shanren wants to guard is not himself, but the territory given to Goguryeo.
Once it falls into the hands of Ying Changge, even Goguryeo will be completely breached!
On the battlefield, the figures were chaotic, and many soldiers were always assassinating as usual.
Knowing his danger and knowing that he would die here, Li Shanren escaped by any means!
Even if he knew that Li Shanren was going to escape, he still couldn’t make Ying Changge sufficiently alert!
Because for Ying Changge, Li Shanren’s strength is really mediocre, and he doesn’t care about it at all.
He continued to lead his men to charge quickly in order to escape from this place.
run away! Just let them escape! Ying Changge himself rode away from here without fighting him!
Their figures all fled in a panic, wishing to escape from Ying Changge’s hands.
Especially Ying Changge, he was calm and calm, putting everything behind him, and he took the lead.
Leading his troops to charge, Ying Changge continued to quickly attack along the granary.
1129 Leading the Army in person!
There are many people with strong soldiers and horses, and Li Shanren and the others have a steady stream of reserves and manpower.
Since this is the granary of Goguryeo, it means that there must be heavy soldiers guarding this place.
This is a very important matter, and the enemy cannot be underestimated. Ying Changge was very serious from the beginning to the end.
Attacking with his soldiers fighting spirit as usual, he killed many soldiers.
The soldiers guarding the granary are all in a mess, but they are willing to continue fighting here.
Otherwise, the food and grass cannot be burned, and the purpose of Ying Changge’s coming here will be completely defeated.
He didn’t want to be a bamboo basket to fetch water in vain. Ying Changge wanted to weaken Goguryeo’s troops.
He beheaded a lot of troops back and forth, in order to kill all the remaining generals in Goguryeo.
All the guys are alive and well, and they seem to be able to stop Ying Changge’s fight.
As long as Ying Changge can be killed, all the crises in Goguryeo can be resolved, which is very important.
However, with this mediocre Goryeo army, do you really think you can kill Ying Changge!
Ying Changge has a lot of people, and everyone looks like they are sure to win.
Become Ying Changge’s soldier, Qin Jun will implement this brave and resourceful posture.
Especially now that Ying Changge is personally leading the army, he and his men are charging quickly.
As usual, they scattered a lot of troops here, posing a huge threat.
All the guys are mediocre, and they don’t have any capital to fight back against Ying Changge.
Give full play to the bravery of his army, wherever Ying Changge goes, he wants to burn the granary.
A lot of food and grass were burned together, but many of them survived!
The only thing the Goryeo army has to do is guard this place solemnly.
Otherwise, if there is any crisis, Goguryeo’s granary will die directly!
Seeing the burning fire, Li Shanren knew that something was wrong, and he panicked.
Then he came quickly, and his soldiers and horses were doing their best to attack.
As long as Ying Changge can be intercepted, Li Shanren can save these granaries and protect the grain and grass.
Otherwise, if Ying Changge continues to set fire to it, everything here will be reduced to nothing!
The flustered Li Shanren was sweating from fright, and he couldn’t wait to charge.
It is very important to protect the granary, and their people are constantly moving forward.
All of a sudden, many people rushed to one side, they were very fast.
But even so, Li Shanren couldn’t catch up with Ying Changge’s speed, the two armies were far behind.
Ying Changge, who was charging forward, didn’t pay attention to Li Shanren at all, but continued to run away.
Running fast, walking as always, their people have an extremely powerful scene.
Charging each other and continuing to fight, Ying Changge’s (Li Zhao) soldiers are all heroes, and they will not be captured without a fight.
And Li Shanren refused to give up just like this, he is a famous general in Goguryeo!
Wouldn’t it be ridiculous if he died in the hands of Ying Changge’s army over and over again!
Therefore, Li Shanren and the soldiers around him went to kill Ying Changge first, which was particularly important.
OnlyIf Ying Changge is killed, the other Qin soldiers will not be worth mentioning, they will just die together.
1130 Desire to die!
Otherwise, if Ying Changge is allowed to enter the depths of Goguryeo, all the food and grass will be burned.
This scene made Li Shanren very panicked, he knew that his time was running out.
Helpless, Li Shanren, who was gnashing his teeth, stared straight at Ying Changge’s figure and walked forward.
Many soldiers followed behind him loyally, charging up in an endless stream.
This battle is unavoidable, but it will become more and more panic along with this fight.
Many people came to the left and right, and Li Shanren’s troops worked hard again.
Although many soldiers died in the hands of Ying Changge, this is the territory of Goguryeo!
With just a word from Li Shanren, he can easily investigate many things.
If it wasn’t because these guys would die, then Li Shanren wouldn’t be in such a mess.
Because the strength in his hands is running out, there are not many left, and he is very embarrassed.
Every fight is fierce, and their death will have an even more tragic scene.
Along with the delay, more and more soldiers followed around quickly, aggressively.
“Charge!” Li Shanren yelled, trying to intercept Ying Changge no matter what.
Ying Changge is Li Shanren’s enemy. In order to prevent Ying Changge from succeeding, Li Shanren will do anything by hook or by crook.
With a death wish in his heart, Li Shanren intercepted more soldiers around Ying Changge.
On the battlefield, many soldiers continued to gather, and they followed orders to fight.
With a menacing attack, Li Shanren’s soldiers are still charging with all their strength amidst the shadow of swords and swords.
As long as they can be taken down, there will be no danger! This is a very important thing!
It’s a pity that Ying Changge’s person will not be killed so easily, if he has divine help.
The brave and fearless Qin Jun is like a tiger with wings added to Ying Changge’s hands, and he can always resist it.
As long as they are all killed together, then there will be no other dangers!
Quickly gathering his troops, Li Shanren distributed the soldiers from far to near.
(affa) These soldiers are abandoned, and this is one of the few opportunities to defeat them! Very important.
To prevent his own granary from being burned down, this general is calling for help from all directions, asking for help.
Military power is the most critical basis for suppressing wars, and Li Shanren will not waste military power.
Crowds of troops are still attacking quickly, wishing to take down Ying Changge directly.
With the Qin army in Goguryeo, the king of Goguryeo will have trouble sleeping and eating, and he is even more worried.
In order to kill all these people together, they will not give up their attack.
As usual, he charged forward and attacked impatiently, swinging the sword in his hand very quickly.

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