Keeping his eyes on and being meticulous, Goguryeo immediately ordered, “All soldiers, be on guard”`.
“No matter what, we must use all means to intercept Ying Changge’s army and kill them.”
He is sincere and fearful of Ying Changge, and the King of Goguryeo does not want any changes in himself!
This is his own country, and the King of Goguryeo and his soldiers will fight to the end.
Otherwise, if this guy attacks and enters his territory, King Goguryeo will die.
Once he died under the attack of Ying Changge’s army, he might easily be defeated and die like this.
Received the order of the King of Goguryeo, they are all continuing to fight in unity, vigorously.
Many soldiers showed their brave and fearless posture. They are soldiers of Goguryeo.
Continuing to attack loyally, Li Shanren and his soldiers were chasing and killing Ying Changge.
Ying Changge’s every move is under his control, after all, this is the territory of Goguryeo.
When the soldiers of Goguryeo went to capture Ying Changge, isn’t it easy!
They all persevered, and the mighty army attacked Ying Changge aggressively.
He and his soldiers searched patiently, and soon Li Shanren knew the whereabouts of Ying Changge.
Knowing that Ying Changge’s men and horses are all here, the Goryeo army tried their best to capture him.
With the order of the King of Goguryeo, the soldiers must of course go all out. This is the duty of the soldiers.
Li Shanren won’t let it go until Ying Changge is killed, and their people are dispatched immediately.
In order to annihilate Ying Changge’s army, Li Shanren will not stop his pace.
Their people all marched in unity, and the soldiers soon drowned around Ying Changge.
The vast army is like a large army of ants, constantly nibbling away at Ying Changge’s army.
Without any plan, without any countermeasures, Lee Sun In’s task is a very simple battle.
1105 Panic!
The enemy’s purpose is simple, that is to kill! The aggressive attack directly surrounded and strangled Ying Changge.
Li Shanren was always attacking quickly, and he used the strength of his troops to the extreme.
Especially after capturing Ying Changge’s movements, Li Shanren knew it was time to do so.
Taking advantage of the fact that Ying Changge’s army was only near the fortress, he had to take down all the enemy troops.
Otherwise, if Ying Changge directly attacked and entered the interior of Goguryeo, there would be no power to fight back.
The murderous Li Shanren sat in the rear, letting his soldiers charge up one after another.
Fighting hard, eager to fight, soldiers poured in front of Ying Changge continuously.
The mantis is like a car, struggling to the death! Ying Changge took his time 240 and was united with his soldiers.
They are patiently facing the enemy, and their own people counterattack quickly so that they can kill each other.
Otherwise, wouldn’t the fortress guarded by Li Shanren be useless in this borderland?
After a lot of hard work, Goguryeo built a lot of bunkers here to guard against Ying Changge.
However, the menacing Ying Changge directly attacked and entered this place without any pause.
The flustered Ying Changge was afraid that he would be injured in any way, so he sent troops to stop it.
They are all (affa) moving forward as always, counterattacking continuously, just to kill the enemy.
When Li Shanren’s soldiers and horses came to the enemy, Ying Changge immediately deployed his troops in front.
The two armies collided and attacked as usual, and their soldiers began to fight fiercely.
Swords and swords, soldiers colliding, of course they have no hesitation in such a situation.
Fight hard and gather troops quickly. Ying Changge’s soldiers are all strong and strong, full of murderous aura.
People with high morale are always counterattacking quickly. Ying Changge has won the victory, of course, leaving no way out.
Going all out to attack, Li Shanren surrounded many soldiers around Ying Changge.
As long as he can be taken down, maybe there will be a turning point, and Goguryeo can be protected.
Otherwise, what face does Li Shanren have to face his own army! There is nothing he can do!
The soldiers in my hands were all volatile to the extreme, theyIt is impossible to back down.
Arranging a large formation, dispatching troops and generals, Li Shanren’s eyes watched all directions and ears listened to all directions.
Pay attention to every move on the battlefield, so that they are all safe under their own mobilization.
There is no chance of embarrassment, what Li Shanren needs to do is to fight and guard against Ying Changge’s offensive.
Once the menacing Ying Changge came, all he had to do was to continue to charge forward.
The soldiers came to block the water and the soil, he and his soldiers let nature take its course, Ying Changge would not stand deadlocked on purpose.
As the saying goes, a boat is naturally straight when it reaches the bridge, and a car must find a way when it reaches the mountain. Ying Changge’s army is so conscious.
After killing a Goryeo army, more soldiers will come to surround Ying Changge.
There are Goguryeo soldiers in all directions, and Li Shanren is cautious when dealing with Ying Changge.
Neither he nor his own soldiers dared to show any neglect. Li Shanren shouldered the great task of protecting Goguryeo!
Once Li Shanren died in the hands of Ying Changge, after the entire army was wiped out, Goguryeo would be very dangerous.
The only thing he has to do is to form a human wall with his soldiers and guard this place.
1106 Survive!
As long as the fortress is not breached and Ying Changge’s army is not allowed to leave, it is enough for Li Shanren.
For such a long time, Li Shanren’s army has been coming continuously to attack Ying Changge.
Fighting in solidarity with his own soldiers, he always fought back vigorously in order to survive.
Li Shanren was the last line of defense. He had put in a lot of effort in the bunker.
If so many armies are still impatiently coming to fight, there must be a sea of ​​blood on the battlefield.
The soldiers fought, and the defeated fell to the ground continuously. Neither Ying Changge nor Li Shanren would stop.
They sent their own army as usual, so many soldiers came one after another.
The crowd was crowded, and many troops were almost screaming and killing, attacking with all their strength.
If there is God’s help in using soldiers, Ying Changge’s soldiers and horses are always orderly and well-trained.
On the contrary, it was Li Shanren’s soldiers who fell into a panic for a while, and they were terrified.
Because of the collision of the army, there was no sign of an equal share at all, and they were very embarrassed.
The only thing to do is to fight patiently, instead of just knowing how to retreat and flee.
There is only one path before Li Shanren, and that is to face the enemy Ying Changge without thinking about his own safety.
If Ying Changge cannot be killed, Li Shanren will not be able to face the King of Goguryeo. He is a general!
You know, as a famous general in Goguryeo, Li Shanren wanted to kill the enemy on the battlefield!
They won’t let it go if they don’t kill Ying Changge. Their soldiers have a mighty posture and offensive.
After killing them, there will not be much power to survive, Li Shanren is afraid.
I was afraid that I would lose to Ying Changge, and that I would die under the siege of this battle, with many casualties.
It is precisely because these things are very complicated that there are even more unusual things.
Not afraid of the past, always attacking patiently, their manpower is of course very abundant.
There are so many guys, they are always moving forward as before, and they can’t wait to kill Ying Changge directly.
As long as Ying Changge was killed, there would be no other doubts, and they were very satisfied.
Otherwise, surrounded by so many people, the only thing left is that they will be even more embarrassed, and the soldiers will be unable to fight back.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
So many armies are always fighting fast, and the weapons in their hands are wielding very violently.
A quick fight, a quick publicity, many people have been damaged and defeated here.
It is precisely because of the death of these people that it is full of even more frightening things, that is, defeat!
Watching so many troops come to him, these people are very brave.
.. . . 0
I don’t know if it’s because of Ying Changge’s strong army, or because of Li Shanren’s own weakness.
So when Li Shanren saw Ying Changge’s soldiers approaching, he had no choice but to panic.
Quite a few people hope to die in this battle. Their people have a high-spirited posture and are very strong.
It was precisely because he knew the bravery of these soldiers that Li Shanren was even more frightened.
He fought back helplessly, trying his best to unite with his soldiers.
The mighty army has a menacing offensive, wishing to kill him directly.
After killing him, there is no danger, Li Shanren will break through the enemy’s formation and…
1107 Goryeo Army!
Otherwise, just because of such a small force, do you want to let yourself die without burial?

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