Ying Changge’s army oppressed Li Shanren silently, making his heart flutter.
With ups and downs in his heart, although Li Shanren didn’t pursue Ying Changge’s army, he always felt uneasy.
He showed a shocked expression and stared at Ying Changge without blinking, feeling more and more uncomfortable in his heart.
Fortunately, Ying Changge’s current army has not improved at all, they are always fleeing.
So many troops are moving away quickly, and there is no offensive outside the fort.
After carefully looking at it for a long time, Li Shanren finally made up his mind, and Ying Changge had nothing to do.
Nothing but bluff! and.
1102 As protection!
Ying Changge, who was at a loss, just wandered outside with his soldiers, but did not approach.
What does this show! It means that Ying Changge can’t attack and enter his fortress at all.
With a contemptuous smile, Li Shanren ordered his soldiers to continue to be on guard and wait patiently.
It’s just a mob, such an army doesn’t need to worry at all, there’s nothing to be afraid of.
He ordered his army to wait patiently “two, two, three”, while he and his soldiers stood on a high place.
The sudden attack tonight is just to fake the tiger’s prestige! Li Shanren was still in doubt.
Although he had doubts in his heart, he would not just send his army like this.
This army still needs to continue to guard this place, instead of taking the initiative to face Ying Changge.
Once the battle with Ying Changge’s army started, Li Shanren was not sure that he would win.
Now knowing that Ying Changge’s army will not hinder him, Li Shanren will not be in a hurry.
His soldiers are all elite, staying here is the best result, and can prevent the army from attacking.
Slowly guarding the place, Li Shanren and his people remained motionless and unharmed.
During the battle, there was no damage to any troops, and Li Shanren knew that his troops were not sufficient.
If you want to take the initiative to start a war, it will inevitably be full of flames, blood will flow into rivers, and corpses will be everywhere!
Only Li Shanren didn’t want to see thisWithout the curtain, he can only stick to this place.
Every attack is useless, and this kind of killing posture is nothing but ordinary.
He occupied a lot of soldiers here, becoming Ke Ke’s last line of defense, which was very safe.
Therefore, Li Shanren was not worried at all, not at all afraid that Ying Changge’s soldiers would attack directly.
With such a tough fortress as protection, he can block all external forces.
Letting Ying Changge’s army leave, Li Shanren patiently stayed on his own territory, Xi Xin waited.
As long as no one comes, the fortress will not fall, nor will it be directly breached.
He and the Korean army stayed here patiently. Li Shanren felt that he really did his duty!
Putting a lot of troops here, they don’t want any mistakes.
Staying here, waiting patiently, Li Shanren saw that Ying Changge’s army was already drifting away…
Their figures disappeared very quickly. The enemy army came very quickly in the dark night and disappeared very quickly.
As if they had never appeared before, they would not attack Li Shanren’s fortress at all.
On the safe and sound fortress, Li Shanren stood here with calm eyes and indescribably stern eyes.
Most people can’t stop this momentum, but only Li Shanren can bear it.
It’s just an ordinary Ying Changge, Li Shanren and his soldiers are confident.
When Ying Changge led the army to attack aggressively, they had to show enough posture.
Such arrogant 5.0 people cannot rely on their strength to capture the fort, because the fort cannot be climbed.
Hiding behind the fortress, not to mention Li Shanren, even the king of Goguryeo is very safe.
Because of this, Li Shanren felt that it was a waste of time for Ying Changge to send troops in the middle of the night.
Even if he frightens himself with bluff here, Li Shanren will not fall into Ying Changge’s trap.
1103 Find the flaw!
In the middle of the night, Ying Changge’s men and horses were still impatiently charging, avoiding the surroundings.
Even if it is shrouded by so many people at the same time, there is no chance.
They just continued to move forward, unceasingly showing their murderous aura, menacing.
As the garrison of the Goryeo army, Li Shanren stayed here and hoarded all his troops in the fortress.
As long as Ying Changge doesn’t attack the fortress, there is no danger, and Li Shanren is not afraid.
He has the obligation to defend his fortress, and he must never send troops to attack like this.
Once Li Shanren pulls all his troops out, he will only face danger.
This kind of danger is related to the safety of 05’s entire Goguryeo, they can’t just let the collision happen.
Fortunately, Ying Changge’s army just avoided the fortress, and had no intention of attacking Li Shanren at all.
In this way, he was very relieved, so they stayed here patiently.
Condescending, looking around, I saw many soldiers walking away from me.
Ying Changge is not in any danger, so there is nothing to be afraid of. Li Shanren doesn’t take their army seriously.
I thought it was safe, but I didn’t expect that Ying Changge’s army would continue to move towards the side.
With the defense map of the fort in his hand, once Ying Changge attacked, he would definitely go looking for a loophole.
The impregnable fortress is nothing but a mob, useless, Ying Changge is bound to win.
Therefore, from the very beginning, they were ready to start a counterattack, and Ying Changge’s target was the side of the fortress.
The fortress on the side was even weaker, and Li Shanren didn’t even know that the defense here would be so sparse.
When Ying Changge’s men and horses were all marching forward, they came to the outer edge of the fort on the side.
The defense on the side is the weakest. Of course, Ying Changge knows that the defense map in his hand is real.
Therefore, they went on attacking willfully, and soon they broke through this kind of defense.
No one was left, they went directly to the disaster-stricken fortress, and Li Shanren persevered.
When Li Shanren reacted, it was already too late, they had no chance to attack at all.
But Ying Changge and his army aimed at the side of the fortress, and began a brave invasion.
Vast and mighty, with the sound of horseshoes frantically, Ying Changge’s army attacked densely.
Knowing the movements of Ying Changge’s army, Li Shanren did not expect Ying Changge’s movements to be very fast.
He broke through the outer edge of the fort with ease, and the army unexpectedly entered in file, one after another.
After knowing the news, Li Shanren was even more sincere and frightened, and even regretted it very much.
Unexpectedly, Ying Changge’s army entered his fort just like this.
What is the situation here! Li Shanren didn’t know that Ying Changge still had such abilities.
They are all majestic, and even united together.
Great armies, with a force that would not back down, always came to attack the fort.
When Li Shanren’s fortress fell, of course he had a look of sincerity and fear.
It was too late to fix it, but he had to fight back with his soldiers.
He took out all his strength, came with teeth and claws, and quickly chased and killed Ying Changge.
Li Shanren was of course very scared when he learned that Ying Changge’s army had broken through his defenses.
1104 In Anxiety!
Excessively guarded and cautious, Li Shanren still let Ying Changge’s army enter.
This is an opportunity that is difficult to turn over. Of course he will go after Ying Changge’s soldiers.
Because now, Ying Changge’s team has successfully entered the high sentenceBeautiful interior of the fort.
The fortress collapsed in the blink of an eye, and Ying Changge continued to go deeper with the chance of winning.
Going deep into the enemy’s rear and attacking continuously, Ying Changge and his soldiers didn’t stop there.
Unable to wait, Li Shanren and his soldiers went to stop Ying Changge from inside the fortress.
And at this moment, he heard the news that Ying Changge’s army banner had won.
Frightened and at a loss, Li Shanren tried his best to intercept everyone in Ying Changge.
The news of Ying Changge’s attack quickly spread across the country, and everyone knew about it.
Of course the King of Goguryeo also heard about this incident, he was very flustered and terrified.
It’s unreasonable, I never expected that it would be the time when Ying Changge’s army succeeded!
After thinking about it, he fell into anxiety. For a while, King Goguryeo didn’t know what to do.
The only thing he has to do is to block Ying Changge’s army, that’s all.
Otherwise, if Ying Changge’s army continued to attack, it would be easy to die.
These things must be well controlled, otherwise Goguryeo will be in danger.

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