Even if it is murderous, it is an unchangeable fact that Jin Taiying cannot kill Ying Changge.
Glaring at each other, gnashing his teeth, Jin Taiying’s arm holding the sword trembled uncontrollably.
This is not because of Kim Tae-young’s fear, but because his arms are sore from too many slashes.
With a sneer, Kim Tae-young and his soldiers stood here intently, “No retreat!”
“If you can kill Ying Changge, it will be a great 210 achievement, and I will kill you who retreat!”
It’s very simple, under such a situation, Kim Tae Young doesn’t need any deserters!
Once there are deserters, there will be a lot of soldiers that will make Kim Tae-young’s morale even lower.
This scene is not what Jin Taiying wants to see, the only thing he has to do is to suppress Ying Changge.
He and his own soldiers are doing everything possible, and Jin Taiying’s people are all preparing to assassinate the enemy general.
What’s more, Kim Tae-young is bound to win, his face is full of determination.
Finally seized the opportunity of Ying Changge to meet the King of Goguryeo back and forth, Kim Tae-young will not give up.
1089 Difficult task!
Once in a thousand years, such a murderous intent is very important, and the soldiers led by Kim Tae-young are still on the rampage as before.
Many people and horses came to the front, and the weapons in their hands waved down continuously.
With the flickering cold light and the frequent sharpness of the sword, Ying Changge fell into this fierce battle.
Even so so what! Both Meng Tian and Ying Changge faced the battle calmly.
They were already invincible, and even tried their best to stab out their own swords.
The blade was stained with blood. It was not Ying Changge’s blood, but the blood of Goguryeo soldiers.
Seeing the difficulty of his soldiers, Jin Taiying understood that they would die under Ying Changge’s sword.
This battle will not subside so easily, and Kim Tae-young’s soldiers are also reluctant to fight.
His complexion was pale and bloodless, and Jin Taiying was already even more exhausted after this fierce battle.
These people are still preparing to fight alive, kill Ying Changge, and then retreat.
The insidious and cunning Kim Tae-young is always attacking hard and quickly with his own people.
This level of strength is impossible for ordinary people to block, because his ability is so powerful that ordinary people are hard to beat.
Always surrounded by the left and right as always, the troops they stabbed are still chasing.
Those who refuse to stop have unscrupulous offensives, and Kim Tae-young is fighting patiently with them.
Determined to kill Ying Changge and Meng Tian, ​​how could Jin Taiying let go at this moment!
His men and horses are all first-class masters, and they can be regarded as elite soldiers in Goguryeo.
But as long as they can kill Ying Changge, then this difficult task will be completed.
Once the Qin army has no generals, and Ying Changge and Meng Tian cease to exist, Goguryeo will be able to live.
This is naturally a very high expectation for Kim Tae Young, he doesn’t want any mistakes!
Obviously they have already arrivedThis step, then there is no need to back down, you must continue to move forward.
Brandishing their own weapons and slashing eagerly, Jin Taiying’s people are all aggressive.
They are full of murderous intent, their numbers have an advantage, and they are always coming continuously.
Many Goguryeo soldiers surrounded Ying Changge, but they couldn’t kill them with their own hands.
Meng Tian was by Ying Changge’s side. When they came here, they had already made a lot of preparations.
Even if quite a few people were going forward in one go, the soldiers were stopped by Meng Tian.
The edge of his sword is extraordinarily sharp, for Meng Tian, ​​the sword in his hand is used to kill the enemy.
Even Jin Taiying’s soldiers came here by all means, but it is impossible to assassinate Ying Changgezhan.
With constant failures and continuous invasions, Kim Tae-young’s soldiers are getting fewer and fewer.
And you must know that many soldiers obeyed Jin Taiying’s dispatch, and they were ready to go.
No matter how many Jin Taiying’s soldiers were killed, they always rushed up one after another.
Chattering shots, quick fights, (awesome) Kim Tae-young’s soldiers have continued to spread around.
Scattered all over the ground, there are all corpses. Kim Tae-young is very distressed and reluctant to part with their deaths.
But even with such reluctance, Jin Taiying still won’t stop, he must capture Ying Changge.
Ying Changge is the top priority for Qin Jun, and has a pivotal title for Goguryeo.
If they can be defeated, then Kim Tae Young will have fewer opponents.
1090 Long War!
As usual, fighting quickly, many soldiers rushed up in one go.
Without holding back, without defense, Kim Tae-young used all his soldiers.
Under Jin Taiying’s mobilization, so many soldiers couldn’t wait to come and kill Ying Changge together.
Once Ying Changge dies, Kim Taeyoung will survive completely, and Goguryeo will collapse its offensive.
As the confrontation continued here, Ying Changge’s weapons were full of murderous intent, making it impossible to retreat.
After a fierce fight, Kim Tae-young will only be more embarrassed, and will easily fall into the danger of 210.
After waiting bitterly, Jin Taiying saw that many people died in battle more and more uselessly.
The soldiers fell in a pool of blood, and Jin Taiying’s troops were dwindling and completely unable to fight.
When seeing the loss of so many soldiers, Kim Tae Young didn’t know what to do.
He saw Ying Changge and Meng Tian’s skills, and knew their swordsmanship, which was really unexpected.
Must fight to the death! Who can live, who can die! Hard to say so far.
In order to achieve his goal, he is attacking by all means and fighting together!
Many people rushed forward, they attacked quickly and assassinated him quickly.
The weapons in their hands were constantly extending, and they were willing to sacrifice in order to kill Ying Changge.
This is the battle for Goguryeo! Kim Tae Young knew that this would be a great battle!
That being the case, everyone should be brought here first, so that more troops can come quickly.
On this open ground, Jin Taiying’s people always go ahead in one go, attacking as much as they want.
It’s just that when so many troops were evaporated, Jin Taiying realized that his troops were insufficient.
Many soldiers are fighting with all their strength. In a long war, there will be injuries and casualties.
Without any hesitation, Kim Tae-young is always chattering about the fight, and he joins the fight to the death.
I can’t wait to move forward (affa), the weapons in my hands are fighting vigorously, beating vigorously.
This battle was full of hardships, and it made it even more difficult for Kim Tae-young, making it difficult to move an inch.
Everyone knows that Jin Taiying’s purpose is to kill Ying Changge, but can he kill him!
He can’t! He would just retreat continuously after being struck by Ying Changge’s sword, life would be worse than death.
The loyal Meng Tian has always been by Ying Changge’s side, they fought side by side and fought back together.
By killing these shameless guys one by one, Ying Changge can guarantee the hope of attacking Goguryeo.
If Jin Taiying is killed here, it will be a good harvest for Ying Changge!
Turning his head, Ying Changge said calmly to Jin Taiying, “Kill them!”
Meng Tian had been saving his strength before, just to save his strength to protect Ying Changge.
Now Ying Changge is not injured at all, so of course he wants to go all out with all his strength.
Hearing Ying Changge’s order, Meng Tian nodded immediately, “Okay! Then I’ll go!”
Underestimated by the Goryeo army and surrounded by Kim Tae-young, Meng Tian is about to show off all his skills against the enemy.
Seeing many enemy soldiers rushing up helplessly, Meng Tian began to rush forward with his sword in hand.
He has his own skills, attacks with confidence, and shows his own swordsmanship.
Ying Changge didn’t hesitate, and together with Meng Tian, ​​he rushed up quickly, and then fought.
Several soldiers of Kim Tae-young were beheaded! .
1091 An Adventure Battle!
It was just a simple meeting at first, but I never expected that I would be intercepted and killed by Kim Tae-young halfway!
The meeting between Ying Changge and the King of Goguryeo was not very smooth, especially when he was attacked suddenly.
Jin Taiying is sure to win, and he came here in a threatening manner, wishing to kill Ying Changge and Meng Tian.
As long as the heads of Ying Changge and Meng Tian are cut off, Jin Taiying will lose his enemy~!
This is the only battle, and it is a must. He is fighting for Goguryeo-!
Many soldiers are loyal to Kim Tae Young, and they are still in the news-near.
Can’t wait to take the shot, the weapons clashed, just to assassinate Ying Changge, and persevered.
However, Ying Changge is such an easy horse to be beheaded! Naturally it is impossible!
He and Meng Tian didn’t need to say much, they were just attacking patiently, brandishing their own weapons, acting as a deterrent.

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