The sword in Jin Taiying’s hand pierced Ying Changge’s chest fiercely in an instant, trying to kill him.
But Ying Changge’s martial arts skills are superb, and his skills always counterattack frequently, attacking as always.
The blades criss-crossed, ping-pong-pong hit, and Kim Tae-young’s blow was of course murderous.
In order to be able to kill Ying Changge, Jin Taiying spared no effort, and his skills are even more unscrupulous!
The sword edge was about to stab Ying Changge’s throat, but Ying Changge just raised his sword to guard against it.
With a click, Ying Changge easily blocked the blow, and his figure stood still.
At this moment, Jin Taiying was knocked back several steps, staggering.
There are not many opportunities left for Jin Taiying, because Jin Taiying saw Meng Tian’s figure attacking vigorously.
Meng Tian is worthy of being a famous general! He killed many soldiers of Kim Tae Young.
When Jin Taiying’s soldiers fought against him, amidst the shadows of swords and swords, Meng Tian didn’t stop.
totalWhen he unhesitatingly drew his sword, Meng Tian killed several soldiers of Jin Taiying.
They staggered, their figures fell down in a panic, and they didn’t even have a chance to block the blow.
With a sound of ping-pong, Jin Taiying was hit by the sword. He quickly recovered and stared at Ying Changge solemnly.
Ying Changge smiled contemptuously, “You dare to be distracted in a fight with me, you are really arrogant!”
He raised his sword edge and slashed with all his strength, and Ying Changge started his own counterattack.
As long as Jin Taiying can be killed, Ying Changge can resolve his crisis and survive.
The menacing Jin Taiying is still attacking quickly, in order to kill Ying Changge and Meng Tian.
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, this is the simplest truth for Ying Changge, and he must abide by it.
Ever since, he raised his sword and easily knocked Jin Taiying back a few steps, with a murderous look.
Overwhelmed by Ying Changge’s swordsmanship, Jin Taiying’s own offensive turned into nothingness, unable to move forward.
Even with a sword, he couldn’t continue to attack, because Jin Taiying didn’t have any confidence.
If Ying Changge could be killed, Jin Taiying would have rushed forward with a sword in hand.
But it’s a pity that none of Jin Taiying’s soldiers had any chance to kill Ying Changge with full confidence.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
Not only that, under Ying Changge’s counterattack, Jin Taiying was still constantly retreating.
He couldn’t understand, how could there be such a big difference in swordsmanship between people! frightening.
Swinging the sword continuously and attacking continuously, he tried to take down Ying Changge and kill Meng Tian as well.
. . . 0
Under such entanglement and impatient fighting, blood was sprayed and people crowded.
This is a rare opportunity, and Kim Tae-young and his soldiers just let them escape.
Having already blocked Ying Changge and Meng Tian with his own soldiers, Jin Taiying knew that the time was right and would not come again.
Under the impact of sword light and sword shadow, although Jin Taiying suffered a disadvantage, she refused to succumb to Ying Changge’s sword.
He still didn’t change his face, and was even more serious, staring at Ying Changge with wide eyes.
“Go to hell!” As the army of Goguryeo, what Kim Tae-young has to do is to keep killing the enemy.
Meng Tian and Ying Changge are both Goguryeo’s dangers, and he is holding a sword, so it is impossible to be soft.
Can’t sit still, can’t let Ying Changge escape and…
1087 Still can’t win!
Kim Tae-young swung his sword in one go, and his murderous intent was also very obvious.
Jianfeng stabbed Ying Changge’s neck in a blink of an eye, trying to chop off his head.
This kind of attack was really unremarkable, and Ying Changge concentrated and remained silent in this battle.
The soldiers came to block the water and the soil, and every attack by Ying Changge successfully resolved Jin Taiying.
When Jin Taiying gritted his teeth and attacked “210”, he was always counterattacked by Ying Changge’s sword.
In such a battle, the situation was clear, Ying Changge had the upper hand, and even took the initiative.
When Ying Changge was still entangled with Jin Taiying impatiently, he tried to kill Jin Taiying.
But even though Jin Taiying was an ordinary general, he was able to stop Ying Changge.
The sword edge in his hand swung extraordinarily violently, as if he had exhausted all his strength to fight against the enemy.
Under Ying Changge’s sword, Jin Taiying also wanted to win in order to survive.
Always fighting as always, under Ying Changge’s sword edge, he kept fighting with his sword.
Every attack is extraordinarily fierce, but Jin Taiying’s sword cannot kill Ying Changge.
Continue to fight, continue to resist, his sword has a high-spirited posture and offensive.
Although Jin Taiying kept saying that he wanted to kill Ying Changge, he really didn’t have the ability to do so.
The sword edge tightly held in his hand was rampant, and Jin Taiying released all his abilities.
This kind of offensive is powerful and murderous, and he can’t wait to eradicate him directly.
With a messy sword swinging approaching, Jin Taiying was always chattering and entangled with Ying Changge.
Their figures didn’t stagger in any way, and they continued to fight vigorously with their fists to the flesh.
He unscrupulously used all his strength to attack, but he still couldn’t win.
Mingming and his soldiers and horses were united and surrounded here, but they couldn’t survive.
Especially Ying Changge, who is really powerful, and always wields his weapons as always.
Surrounded by Jin Taiying’s soldiers, Ying Changge remained calm and calm, not panicking at all.
He followed up quickly, but Jin Taiying didn’t give up at all, he hit Ying Changge frequently.
Can’t wait to do it, wanting to pierce the vital point of Jin Ying Changge, let him die in Jiuquan 0…
However, Kim Tae Young is still facing a crisis, because he saw many people were defeated one by one.
They were obviously Jin Taiying’s soldiers, but they couldn’t kill Ying Changge and Meng Tian!
Under such an attack, Kim Tae-young has a large number of people, and his large number of troops has an advantage.
When he came to assassinate Ying Changge, Jin Taiying thought that he had a chance of winning and could succeed immediately.
However, it is a pity that there is always a gap between Jin Taiying and Ying Changge!
He couldn’t unleash all his abilities, because he was inferior to others.
Constantly struck by Ying Changge’s sword and constantly oppressed by Ying Changge, Kim Taeyoung is always on the dwarf’s side.
Even if it’s a concentrated attack, Jin Taiying’s offensive total 5.0 will be blocked by Ying Changge!
Reluctant and unwilling, his face was full of a look of unwillingness to show weakness, and he was even more resentful to fight.
already a lotAll the sword moves were released in one go, and his aura was very fierce.
But even so, without sacrifice, how can we defeat Ying Changge! Kim Tae Young is always assassinating.
1088 Scorching Breath!
The sword edge in Jin Taiying’s hand couldn’t wait to wave it, always stabbing vigorously towards Ying Changge’s body.
Always want to be arbitrary to cut off the head of Ying Changge’s head to protect his own army.
As such a strong person, the only thing Kim Tae Young has to do is to kill the enemy’s general.
In order to be able to win Ying Changge, he sent a lot of soldiers here in one go.
The soldiers came surrounded in unity, and they tried their best to kill Ying Changge and Meng Tian.
Cut off the heads of Ying Changge and Meng Tian, ​​and Jin Taiying can go to the king to receive the reward!
He couldn’t change any of the 05 things, and Kim Tae-young deeply felt his powerlessness.
Hence, he wanted to fight as usual so that he could kill Ying Changge and Meng Tian.
It’s easy to kill a person, but how to kill more enemies and soldiers!
In Jin Taiying’s eyes, there are not only the figure of Ying Changge, but also the traces of Meng Tian.
Meng Tian, ​​who raised his sword to resist, was very quick. Wherever he went, there was always depression.
After attacking impatiently for a while, he saw the uncontrollable advantage of Ying Changge and Meng Tian.
Even the soldiers behind Jin Taiying are always chattering, but they can’t defeat Ying Changge.
With such an order, there is also a more anxious breath, and Kim Tae-young is yelling, “Go on!”
“Follow me to charge! Kill them all, leave no one behind!” Jin Taiying kept yelling.
Because of the deep danger, there are not many opportunities left, so he must patiently resist the enemy.
There are not many troops left in his hands, and he brought a lot of people, which is very important.
The assassination of Ying Changge was urgent, and they all rushed up without stopping.
As long as it can kill him, there will be no other problems! Goguryeo will be able to continue to conquer.
Otherwise, during the war, Jin Taiying will be oppressed by Ying Changge, and the army’s offensive will be restricted.
With a helpless sigh, Jin Taiying and his troops quickly withdrew, avoiding as soon as possible.
When Ying Changge and Meng Tian fought side by side, they were like a tiger with wings added, and their appearance was even more valiant.
All the guys moved forward quickly, waving the swords in their hands, and knocking them back.

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