That is the final battle! Kim Tae-young will either kill himself and become benevolent, or defeat Qin Jun who won Changge 5.0.
If the defense is successful and the plan is achieved, Kim Tae-young’s men will not be much of a threat.
Without exception, the Goryeo army guards the hopes of Goguryeo and the safety of the common people.
As a general protecting the country, Kim Tae-young certainly has no intention of backing down.
This matter is very important, it is related to the life and death of Goguryeo, Kim Tae-young fought with his own army.
Chapter 1073 Build a fortress!
Seeing Ying Changge’s huge army, they were all on the side of the river bank without any movement.
This is not a suitable opportunity, but Kim Tae-young is loyal and guards this place together.
There are secrets in Goguryeo. For their own safety, they can only fight with Kim Tae-young.
Unscrupulous and fast-moving, Kim Tae-young’s military strength has a particularly outstanding performance.
In the borderlands, Ying Changge’s army is all staring at them, and their figures are scattered in all directions.
I won’t be afraid because of Ying Changge’s appearance, and Kim Taeyoung won’t lose herself because of it.
The only thing he wanted to do was to kill all these guys together with 05.
But for anyone who invades the inner side of the river, Kim Tae Young will kill them.
The war of invasion is very anxious, the battle of life and death, it is impossible to be so hasty.
The number of Ying Changge’s army is not small, and the abundant force always deters Jin Taiying as always.
It was already a fight with Ying Changge’s army, but Jin Taiying’s men were defeated without a fight.
There were so many deaths, and Jin Taiying’s injury made him know how powerful Ying Changge was.
If it weren’t for the obstruction of Ying Changge’s army, Jin Taiying would have already withdrawn to Goguryeo.
Such a battle is indispensable, and there is no chance to fight back.
With Ying Changge’s army eyeing him, Jin Taiying knew that his army would be very dangerous.
helplesslySeeing that many troops are here, Jin Taiying still stands still and waits patiently.
Knowing that there is no way to avoid such a battle, Kim Tae-young will not give up his counterattack stance.
Staying on the edge of the river with his soldiers wholeheartedly, Kim Tae-young must return to his hometown.
In front of the formation, the two armies were fighting fiercely. Of course, this kind of fighting is full of the enemy’s murderous aura.
Jin Taiying doesn’t want to kill Ying Changge, but his skills are more than that.
He wants to kill and kill, wants to conquer the Quartet, and uses all his advantages to attack Ying Changge.
It’s a pity that on both sides of the river bank, the army is motionless, and the only thing he has to do is to stay alive.
Not only because of his own death, but also because of Jin Taiying’s worries, he didn’t want to die.
Especially the death is too wronged, Jin Taiying and his army will be wiped out!
Such an unremarkable situation is naturally full of murderous intentions, and it is easy to die here.
However, fortunately, Ying Changge’s army showed no signs of attacking, and remained motionless.
During this period of time, Kim Tae-young became more and more terrified, including Goguryeo, who were all terrified.
They were afraid that they would die in such a situation, so they couldn’t shrink back all the time.
Ying Changge sent information, and soon he knew that Jin Taiying 210’s army was about to build a fortress.
When the fortress was about to be built, it was time for Ying Changge to attack the Goryeo army.
He spread the news and let Goguryeo know his message, that is, to meet each other.
Wanting to discuss it carefully, Ying Changge wanted to let them know his majesty.
When the bravery of the Qin army spread thousands of miles away, everyone knew how powerful Ying Changge was.
When he leads the army himself, no one can stop Ying Changge from fighting.
Everyone will die because of this, maybe Goguryeo will be conquered by Ying Changge! .
1074 Do Your Best to Avoid!
Of course, Kim Tae Young wanted to do his best to avoid such a horrible thing.
Especially knowing that many people and horses are by his side, always in a hurry.
Both of them are loyal men, and for Goguryeo, they are the most sincere and loyal soldiers!
If Ying Changge wants to fight, Jin Taiying will fight, but he still obeys the King of Goguryeo.
The king is the most supreme existence, and they must obey the orders of the King of Goguryeo.
Just like now, even though it may seem like Kim Tae-young is sticking to this place, he actually doesn’t want it to be so.
The only thing they have to do is to protect the safety of the borderlands. Kim Taiying feels that there is hope only in the depths of the city.
Otherwise, in the borderlands, such an attack would only destroy lives and cause more embarrassment.
The battle will continue, and this kind of fighting will only make all the attacks on the battlefield anxious.
Guarding this place with his own army, Jin Taiying knew that he could not be compared with Ying Changge.
Once such an offensive lands, I am afraid that everyone will die in such a fierce battle.
Fortunately, he is still very safe, at least, guarding this place with his own army, will be very safe.
If you can’t take risks, Kim Tae-young will not risk Goguryeo. He is a loyal general.
In order to protect his own army and resist Ying Changge’s soldiers, Jin Taiying wanted to live.
He lives for himself and for Goguryeo, so it is impossible for him to fight rashly.
The hatred between Ying Changge and Goguryeo is very important, and it is impossible for them to calm down so easily.
The war is about to begin, and the fierce battle is about to begin, so Kim Tae-young began to prepare.
Because Jin Taiying knew that some of Ying Changge’s troops were brave and fearless.
They were prepared for the war, but prepared and ready to go to war.
Their wars are brutal, and there must be such a deadpan, easily distorted situation.
This kind of power is really useless. It is impossible for Jin Taiying’s army to die on the edge of this river bank.
Since they have piled up such a fortress, it is to protect the army behind them.
Once Ying Changge’s army charges up, there will be more obvious situations and deadly battles.
Following the order of the King of Goguryeo, Kim Tae-young stayed here and did not dare to back down even a single step.
But Ying Changge conveyed his intention, because he hoped to negotiate with Goguryeo properly.
These things quickly spread to the country of Goguryeo, and everyone knew it.
Unscrupulous, extremely arrogant! After hearing Ying Changge’s request, International Blue Bay was very angry.
Even so, what can be done! He must go to meet this famous general Zhan!
Otherwise, once it is breached by Ying Changge’s army, the King of Goguryeo will have no chance to negotiate.
This is a rare opportunity to speak well and communicate carefully! Goguryeo agreed!
Because apart from the first (remarkable) time, there is simply no way to stop the pace of Ying Changge’s army.
Therefore, when he learned of Ying Changge’s request, the King of Goguryeo was even more frightened.
All of their people came immediately, and quickly discussed a countermeasure, that is, a meeting between the two parties.
In this way, maybe there will be a chance to kill Jin Taiying directly!
The situation is very pessimistic. Once it is dead, Goguryeo will be wiped out.
1075 In order to inquire about the military situation!
Ying Changge did this to find out about the military situation, and also to know what happened to the troops around here.
This is very important, otherwise we must try our best to stabilize the movement of Ying Changge’s army.
If Ying Changge is allowed to continue to lead the army and attack, there will be a steady stream of troubles!
cityThe people on the board have no intention of fighting, and the only plan is to meet Ying Changge, that’s all.
Therefore, after hearing Ying Changge’s plan to meet, the King of Goguryeo was full of sincerity.
Apart from anything else, they sent all the messages to Ying Changge, and they had already reached an agreement.
There is no need to bring a soldier, because Ying Changge is just going to meet, not to fight in a serious manner!
After learning that the King of Goguryeo agreed with his idea, Ying Changge of course also had a happy face.
Together with Meng Tian’s figure, Ying Changge and the others immediately rode on horseback, and then headed quickly.
They rode on horses and quickly crossed the river bank. They were majestic, even upright.
Many people have come here on horseback, and the King of Goguryeo certainly knows Ying Changge’s bravery.
Since he knew that King Goguryeo wanted to break through his army, Ying Changge also made a lot of preparations.
Once they know that the enemy army is coming to attack, they must arrange their backhands and be on guard in advance.
Already found many (affa) flaws, Ying Changge even knew that the fortress of King Goguryeo had been built.
Such a battle seems to be unfavorable to Ying Changge, but it is absolutely impossible for him to panic.
Having overcome the difficulties quickly, Ying Changge put his army on full alert.

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