The Qin army is brave, they are invincible, and even look invincible, as if they are overcoming thorns and thorns.
Both Ying Changge and Meng Tian’s army stood still. They fell into a state of truce and would not attack at all.
Although he knew that Ying Changge’s army would not move, Jin Taiying was still on guard all the time.
Once there is a possibility of Ying Changge coming to attack, Jin Taiying must kill them.
However, it has been three days since Meng Tian attacked Jin Taiying’s army, which is a long time.
Within three days, Ying Changge still hadn’t made any attacks, so they just watched from the other side without moving at all.
When he knew that Ying Changge’s army still hadn’t retreated, Jin Taiying was even more disturbed.
He was afraid that Ying Changge’s men would make a comeback, so he had to fight back with all his strength.
While guarding against Ying Changge’s army, while continuing to guard the river, Kim Tae-young is a way to achieve both.
Otherwise, surrounded by so many menacing troops, how could Kim Tae-young escape!
He and his army are all dedicated, and Kim Taiying doesn’t want them to have any leaks.
If you act without authorization, there will be a different kind of danger, and everyone knows that this is a very dangerous situation.
But even so, Kim Tae-young chose to believe in his own army! This is very important. (affa)
If Jin Taiying’s soldiers and horses died like this, I’m afraid they would be even more embarrassed and easily die here.
Such an attack is very obvious. After all, Jin Taiying and Ying Changge’s troops are only a river away.
If there are few crises, they must be surrounded and resisted by the army, which is enough.
He and his own people stayed here patiently, and Jin Taiying urged them non-stop.
The workers are still continuing to repair, they supervise the construction of the fortress, and unfold many strongholds.
If he can successfully defend, Kim Tae-young will protect Goguryeo behind him.
This is a wise move, at least, Jin Taiying did not send his own people to attack Ying Changge rashly.
If Ying Changge’s army cannot be broken easily, Jin Taiying’s army will be wiped out.
This is a dead end, and Kim Tae-young still puts all his focus on building fortresses.
As long as the fortresses are built together, there will be no other threats and form a defense.
Such a barrier is as solid as gold, and Jin Taiying believes that there must be a chance of winning.
Do everything possible to block Ying Changge’s army, such an attack seems to be useful.
Otherwise, it is impossible to protect the figure of the enemy army at the same time.
1071 Important decision!
This is an important decision, and the crisis facing Kim Tae Young is naturally very bad.
If it weren’t for the fact that Ying Changge and Meng Tian’s army were watching, Jin Taiying wouldn’t be so terrified.
He didn’t know the true meaning of this battle, Kim Tae Young just felt his morale was low.
For Ying Changge, building a fortress and building protection on the river is quite interesting~.
At least, such a few people can’t easily guard the Changbai River!
Everything that the Korean army has done so far has been in vain, without the slightest advantage.
As long as Ying Changge can be blocked, Jin Taiying will do it unscrupulously and do it with resentment.
It’s just a pity that so many people can’t easily break through their own defenses.
This level of strength is really useless, and it is impossible to kill the entire army of Ying Changge.
Knowing that his army was in such a mess, Jin Taiying wisely chose to wait.
If he took the initiative to start a fight with Ying Changge, then the only way to meet Jin Taiying would be a dead end.
Goguryeo’s advantages are gone, and at this time, they can only choose to defend passively.
Otherwise, if the attack goes on in one go, Jin Taiying will just be completely eradicated!
This kind of fighting is useless. Many people died, but they were all soldiers of the Goryeo army.
If you continue to fight, I’m afraid that Jin Taiying’s entire army will be wiped out, and there will be no one left.
Not wanting to put his army in danger, Kim Tae-young still sits and waits to die, not daring to fight.
These things quickly spread around, and everyone knew that Ying Changge was approaching.
But even so, Kim Tae-young still refused to give up, and he and his own staff were fighting hard.
He didn’t think about the battle behind him, and he didn’t know how to survive.
At this moment, Kim Tae-young will be very panicked, he must keep Goguryeo!
Once the protection of Changbai River is broken, Ying Changge’s army will drive straight in.
Attached to the edge of the river, Jin Taiying’s soldiers formed a series of human walls, mighty and mighty.
There are so many people in high spirits, their existence is for the country.
Goguryeo’s military strength is not very abundant, but it has a sense of crisis that regards death as home.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
If it weren’t for being able to stop Ying Changge’s army, it would be impossible for Jin Taiying to let them stay here.
The soldiers are very stubborn, what’s more, Kim Tae-young is also a stubborn leader.
As long as all these troops are dispatched to use, they may be able to stop the battle of the river.
This battle must be fought, and Jin Taiying and his soldiers and horses are united to guard this place.
. . . . . . . .
The soldiers will block the water and the earth will cover him. After he is ready, he will not continue to move forward.
His people have a lot of uses, and Kim Tae-young knows that this is his last soul.Sharp soldiers.
Only when they charge in one go, will they have a chance to stop Ying Changge’s men.
Otherwise, Kim Tae-young’s people will be eradicated, and all that will be left is this insignificant country.
Goguryeo is bound to win, but Ying Changge is not in a hurry to send troops now, it is useless.
While Kim Tae-young’s soldiers were building the fort, Ying Changge waited patiently on the side of the river.
If this fortress is not completed, then the attack will not continue. This is Ying Changge’s plan and…
1072 An Extraordinary Time!
He has a wishful thinking! The construction of Goguryeo is also very important to Ying Changge.
Constantly expecting and waiting, Ying Changge hopes that they can build it quickly.
Taking advantage of the fact that there is no war on the river, Kim Tae-young must resolve this crisis.
He ordered the soldiers in his hands to pay attention to Ying Changge wholeheartedly while supervising the construction of the fortress.
At a speed visible to the naked eye, Kim Tae-young’s “210” people are concentrating on building and perfecting this project.
As long as the siege is carried out thoroughly, the side of the river will be able to block Ying Changge at that time.
Thinking day and night, having trouble sleeping and eating, Kim Tae-young thinks about these things day and night.
Impeccable fortresses will soon pile up, and by then, it will be a battle of life and death!
As a general, as a member of Goguryeo, the only thing he has to do is to resist the enemy.
Even so many people came here aggressively, wishing to form a city wall.
Kim Tae-young and his Korean army were only too strong, and they were fearful and fearful.
The fortress was not built in a day, but Ying Changge had already given orders not to go to war.
So many guys are waiting patiently, quietly waiting for Ying Changge’s orders.
If Ying Changge is not going to attack, then it means that they all have unusual offensives.
This is a very important matter. Once a shot is made, it must be rushed.
Such a battle is very anxious, and it is calm and calm, but in fact it is just a passing cloud.
When Ying Changge started to launch his own attack, he wanted everything ready.
Always pay attention carefully, Jin Taiying will not let go of Ying Changge’s every move.
There is no war in front of us, but that’s just Kim Tae Young’s wishful thinking.
It is not Jin Taiying’s decision to start the war, but Ying Changge takes the initiative to guide it.
When will Ying Changge’s army show up? He didn’t know, but Kim Tae Young was still cautious.
He and his own people are waiting wholeheartedly, and he doesn’t want to see other enemy troops.
Both sides of the river bank are very safe, and Jin Taiying is condescending, and can find out everything clearly.
Seeing six roads and listening to all directions, the Korean army was able to control Ying Changge’s whereabouts first.
Although it was not an easy task, Kim Tae Young dispatched soldiers to patrol 0…
Standing on guard, they are everywhere, and they are closely watching Ying Changge’s movements.
Once Ying Changge has any troubles, they will start to fight and fight back together.
A quick attack is tough, and the arrival of the army is destined to be an extraordinary time.
You know, with so many people, everyone is bound to win, and Kim Tae-young is even ready to move.
He felt the dilemma of the overall situation, and knew that it would not be easy for him to defeat Ying Changge’s army.
He can only guard this place, and his own troops are guarding the edge of the river as if death is at home.

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