Continue to lead his own army to attack the city, he does not want any delay.
Having found the flaws in the city, Ying Changge and his party easily regained their majesty.
The Qin army is mighty, brave and good at fighting. This is the most taboo thing for the Goryeo army.
When it was known that Ying Changge’s army had captured the city, the Korean army in several other cities panicked.
They also understand the reason why the lips are dead and the teeth are cold.
1044 Occupy this place, the dove occupies the magpie’s nest!
The Goryeo army occupied this place, and the doves occupied the magpie’s nest, and the Goryeo army in the city was very panicked.
If it weren’t for the fact that they all had orders to strictly guard, they would have already retreated.
Because Ying Changge’s prestige is known to everyone, the Korean army is also quite afraid.
If possible, the Korean army would not be an enemy of Ying Changge, they would just die.
But fortunately, the Goryeo army has occupied many cities, and they are all working together and united as one.
Taking the overall situation into consideration, in order to protect her army, Goryeo came up with many strategies.
But even so, it couldn’t stop Ying Changge’s army! They are all approaching rapidly.
Many people marched bravely, leading their own army, and they all couldn’t wait to pursue.
But for all the cities that were taken by Goguryeo, Ying Changge would snatch them back with his own hands.
Ever since, Ying Changge and his men went all out to attack the surrounding cities.
Goguryeo understands that at this moment, it is not so simple to suppress Ying Changge’s army.
He and his own soldiers were attacking the city quickly, and Ying Changge and his party couldn’t wait.
Enemy came to the city of Goguryeo, Ying Changge never gave up, but took a quick attack.
They and their own troops are attacking quickly, and their people are always fighting forward as always.
The war continued, and the fierce battle had been going on for a long time. Ying Changge’s army captured many cities.
Knowing Ying Changge’s every move and Qin Jun’s movements, Goguryeo was even more panicked.
The famous Ying Changge, and the brave Qin QinThe army is always approaching him continuously.
The borderlands were overwhelmed by harassment, especially Goguryeo, who knew that he could not stop Ying Changge.
Trying to regain his own city, Ying Changge’s goal is simple and clear, but it is unstoppable.
With a loud bang, Ying Changge’s army boarded the ship shiningly, and they were approaching the city in an instant.
The Gaoli army watched Ying Changge’s fight, and they already showed a gesture of panic.
Feeling fearful and giving in helplessly, many of them are preparing to avoid this war.
But the city is there, and the Goryeo army must guard it, and there must be no mistakes.
As usual, Ying Changge’s army broke through the edge of the city from far to near.
War is very important, especially a battle involving the city, it is absolutely impossible for them to retreat.
The army of Goryeo knew that there were tigers in the mountains, so they went to the mountains of tigers. Their original intention will not change.
He and his own army came quickly, and Ying Changge and his soldiers surrounded the city tightly.
Marching in one go, wars are always going on one after another, with drums beating and soldiers running rampant.
The Goryeo army fell into such a difficult battle, but they would not back down.
Morale is high, and Ying Changge’s army (winning Zhao Zhao) is sure to win, always attacking the city of the Goryeo army quickly.
All of them are their own cities, but now they all fall into the hands of the Goryeo army.
Fortunately, Ying Changge made a quick decision. He and his men were attacking the city bravely.
The city wall has already been broken, and Ying Changge’s soldiers are all elite, even very brave.
The murderous Qin army occupied several cities in a blink of an eye, and they all attacked these cities together.
1045 Falling One by One, Constantly Damaged!
These cities slowly returned to Ying Changge’s own hands, which is really subtle.
With a smug smile, Ying Changge was riding on the horse, and he was sure to win, majestic.
“Continue to attack, I want to let Goguryeo know the fate of offending us.”
His words were full of promises worth every word, and Ying Changge knew that everything was under his control.
Continue to attack the next city, and be sure to get back everything you lost!
Under Ying Changge’s command, the soldiers gathered in groups and continued to attack unremittingly.
Soon, Goguryeo knew the news, and they understood that Ying Changge’s army seemed unstoppable.
If it weren’t for Ying Changge, then the other Qin troops would have been defeated by the Goryeo army and suffered a crushing defeat.
With the loss of cities one by one, Goguryeo soon started another strategy and method.
They must protect the city well, and they cannot let their army continue to suffer casualties.
But all of this was too late to stop Ying Changge, he and his army came mightily.
After breaking through these cities with ease, Ying Changge soon took them all into his hands.
With the city in his hands, Ying Changge is like a tiger with wings added, and it is a matter of helping his army.
He smiled contentedly, entrenched in the city, nestled the city in the palm of his hand again.
It is precisely because of Goguryeo’s prudence and caution that they retreated steadily after the battle with Ying Changge.
The helpless Goguryeo was afraid of Ying Changge’s power, and immediately retreated quickly, preparing to withdraw its troops.
Because they were afraid that they would be wiped out by Ying Changge’s army, and Goguryeo could not sit idly by.
Under the pursuit of Ying Changge, Goguryeo kept withdrawing its troops and retreating to avoid the offensive.
It’s a pity that Ying Changge won’t let it go, and their people are chasing and killing them endlessly.
The Goryeo army is facing Ying Changge! They know that their chances are very slim.
Ying Changge, who was chasing after the victory, was still charging unscrupulously, and their people were really abundant.
The army is strong, the soldiers are strong and the horses are strong. The current Ying Changge army is simply invincible.
After facing the Goryeo army, Ying Changge had no choice but to continue to fight and win every battle.
The other enemy troops are not worth mentioning in front of Ying Changge, because their death is doomed.
Proud of the spring breeze, taking advantage of the situation, Ying Changge has already forced the Korean army to retreat steadily.
They can’t garrison at all, because their troops are not strong at all, and they can’t be hostile to Ying Changge.
Since it is impossible to stop Ying Changge’s army, the Korean army will continue to retreat.
Constantly wandering and avoiding in the city, they were more than ten miles away from Ying Changge’s army.
If the enemy does not move, I will not move, but if Ying Changge’s army attacks, Goguryeo will continue to withdraw its troops.
The energetic Ying Changge was unstoppable at all, and no one knew where Ying Changge would attack next.
But Goguryeo knew that Ying Changge’s army would not stop, they just continued to kill the enemy.
On the battlefield, soldiers were injured, and many people died in the battle to defend the city.
No matter how many people are sacrificed, they will die. This is the indifferent battle of the Goryeo army.
Meaningless defense will only cause the army to fall one by one, causing constant damage.
1046 Chilling spirit spreads all over the land!
This kind of fighting is useless, and the casualties of the Goryeo army are destined to be full of embarrassment.
Even though they kept losing battles, the Goryeo army still greedily occupied the city.
As long as Ying Changge’s army does not attack, they will not back down. The city is very important.
To defend a city, one can use a thick and tall city wall as a shelter, which is the foundation of one’s life.
Protect your own city, justThere is no danger, which is of course unexpected.
Otherwise, just one by one of the soldiers would become the souls of Ying Changge’s sword, and Goryeo would be seriously injured.
Died like this, the strength of the Goryeo army is already scarce to a certain extent.
Even if a large number of people are gathered, they can’t stop Ying Changge from fighting.
Seeing that the army is still far away, the Korean army can only wait patiently, preparing for the battle of defending the city~.
If it weren’t for the fact that Ying Changge’s army was still far away, they wouldn’t have been safe and sound like this!
In order to defend the last few cities, the Goryeo army is still constantly gathering.
Their manpower may be very large, but they cannot stop such a fight.
Where Ying Changge went, there was no grass growing, and it would only cause the Korean army to be defeated.
It is precisely because of knowing the horror of Ying Changge that Goguryeo is already very terrified.
Goguryeo, which has lost all face, is no longer able to attack Ying Changge’s army, and they can’t tell what they are suffering.
Without giving up his plan and continuing to attack, Ying Changge sent out many soldiers.
It is very important to attack the city. They and their own people are attacking quickly and provoking war.
This is a battle of counterattack, the most important battle, and of course it is impossible to stop.

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