In order to be able to kill Ying Changge, Park Jinxiu will not waste his physical strength, but will use it to his heart’s content.
He saw Ying Changge’s army coming continuously, also saw his own dead end.
If the attack continues, Park Jinxiu and his soldiers will die here.
He resisted patiently, swung his sword, and Ying Changge’s figure was intertwined with the attack.
Sword light, sword shadow, ping ping pong pong, and the sword’s edge were striking extremely loudly, full of murderous intent.
It’s not safe now. After Park Jinxiu is surrounded by Ying Changge’s men, of course he has no way out.
Everything was arranged by Ying Changge. He had already made preparations for attacking the city.
At that time, Ying Changge used the strategy of attacking the east and attacking the west, so that Park Jinxiu’s city gradually fell.
His life and this city are at stake. When Ying Changge invaded, Park Jinxiu knew it.
He never expected to die here, under such a chaotic battle, he was really disappointed.
Holding his own sword, he mustered all his strength and fought vigorously. Pu Jinxiu did not leave any way out.
The battle with Park Jinxiu was indifferent, Ying Changge was not in the slightest danger, and always dealt with it indifferently.
The blades staggered and entangled quickly, and Park Jinxiu bumped into Ying Changge’s body.
Snapped! With punches to the flesh, Park Jinxiu grabbed Ying Changge’s wrist with one hand.
As long as Ying Changge can be captured, Park Jinxiu may have a chance to escape from this place.
He was still charging quickly, and there were very few soldiers behind him.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
Few people could stop such a battle. Park Jinxiu and his army did their best.
Under the fighting between the two armies, Pu Jinxiu was covered with scars, and his armor was already full of damaged sword marks.
If he was really going to die in the hands of Ying Changge, Park Jinxiu would not even be able to imagine his own consequences.
Such a battle is fierce, and there are not many people who can defeat Ying Changge.
. . . . .
As expected of Ying Changge! His reputation spread far and wide, and everyone in the world knew Ying Changge’s name.
It was precisely because of the existence of people like Ying Changge that Park Jinxiu’s army was defeated and retreated.
He has already started this series of attacks with Ying Changge, and each of his swords is extraordinarily mighty and heroic.
Even so, he still fought fiercely with Ying Changge under the eyes of everyone.
Each of his swords was unremarkable, and he couldn’t easily kill Ying Changge at all.
This kind of power is nothing more than making Ying Changge laugh. He feels that taking back the city is just around the corner.
They all entered the city with their own army, and they started fighting, counterattacking and…
Chapter 1042 A high-spirited attitude!
A group of people are fighting in chaos, and their every step is very important, step by step.
From far to near, entering the city, Ying Changge’s army surrounded the place, making it impossible for them to get through.
Under such a heavy siege, Park Jinxiu’s own strength was wasted a lot.
Death is short-lived, but the loss of the city will be the pain that Park Jinxiu will never forget.
He was out of breath, and “163” was sweating profusely. After the battle with Ying Changge, he was already powerless to fight back.
Park Jinxiu’s attack was getting slower and slower, but Ying Changge’s counterattack was getting faster and faster.
The Goryeo army was guarding the city, and under the impact of Ying Changge, there were very few troops left.
Blood flowed all over the place, and Pu Jinxiu was covered in scars under the dealings with him.
A series of sword marks were drawn by Ying Changge, and his own injuries looked like they were bleeding profusely.
Having no time to pay attention to his injuries, Park Jinxiu still controlled his sword with a stern look on his face.
Looking around, Park Jinxiu looked at all directions and listened to all directions, trying to find a chance to escape.
But it’s a pity that Ying Changge didn’t give him such a chance at all, and he ran up again.
Although it was only a few short steps, Jian Feng in Ying Chang’s singer was already unpredictable and unexpected.
Facing Ying Changge’s sword head-on, Park Jinxiu had no power to fight back, and was cut through the wound by a sword.
Being hit by the sword, Park Jinxiu’s figure staggered, and then staggered and fell to the ground.
Dumbfounded and wide-eyed, Park Jinxiu still stared at Ying Changge solemnly, not to be outdone.
As expected of Ying Changge, not only is his swordsmanship superb, but he also has a high-spirited offensive, which is really powerful.
Whether it’s marching and fighting, or clanging, I’m afraid Park Jinxiu will not be able to kill Ying Changge.
His arms were trembling and sore, but Pu Jinxiu refused to give up and continued to stand with his sword.
He stood up, with a stern look on his face, “I’m going to kill you! Revenge!”
After hearing Park Jinxiu’s mocking voice, Ying Changge shook his head indifferently, “Overestimate one’s abilities.”
“Can you kill me just by relying on your people! Or do you have invincible swordsmanship.”
“If you don’t have military strength and sword skills, you can’t kill me!” Ying Changge was full of confidence…
He raised his sword and confronted Park Jinxiu with a calm expression, “I am fighting violence for the people!”
“Your Koryo army is so greedy that you always come to attack the border lands with endless chatter.”
“This is your stupidity. You will have to pay the price for what you have done!”
After hearing his words, Park Jinxiu’s face was ugly and cold, “I’m not afraid!”
Even if it is Ying Changge, as long as he is not dead, he still has a chance to fight Qin Jun.
There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain, and there is another village with dark willows and bright flowers! Naturally, Park Jinxiu couldn’t wait to attack.
Lifting his own sword and shouting loudly, Park Jinxiu cheered for himself, and then rushed forward.
His figure is fast, as quiet as a virgin and as moving as a 5.0 rabbit, like aLike a rat crossing the street.
The frog in the well, when Park Jinxiu arrived, Ying Changge raised his hand calmly.
The edge of the sword flickered. Ying Changge did not attack first, but wanted to come from behind.
He swung his sword vigorously and hit Park Jinxiu’s sword.
The two swords rubbed against each other to produce lightning and flint, which was even more of a high-spirited gesture.
Chapter 1043 Even more expected!
Ying Changge’s purpose is of course to attack the city and take back everything he wants.
But the Koryo army stationed in the city will not give up so simply, they must fight back.
Raising his sword, Park Jinxiu still clenched his teeth, trying to block Ying Changge’s invasion.
But his way of doing this is useless. Park Jinxiu lost to Ying Changge.
Holding his own weapon, he was always unscrupulously fighting against Ying Changge’s sword.
You know, if it wasn’t for Ying Changge’s army, then Park Jinxiu would still be able to survive.
It’s a pity that under Ying Changge’s scheming plan, Park Jinxiu, who has lost everything, has no way out.
The only thing he can do 05 is to leave here as soon as possible to avoid being caught.
Unable to escape, Park Jinxiu was also unable to be hostile to Ying Changge, so he was beaten back by Ying Changge’s sword.
Sweaty and hungry, Park Jinsu and his army were in trouble in a blink of an eye.
You know, these can’t kill themselves at all, what they can do is to patiently fight the enemy.
If it weren’t for the task of guarding the city, Park Jinxiu wouldn’t have stayed here so hard.
Ying Changge’s army went on a rampage, smashing open the city gate and even occupying the city.
All of a sudden, the changes in the city changed, and all the advantages of Park Jinxiu disappeared.
He watched Ying Changge’s army surrounded him, and he was helpless.
Caught in a fierce battle, Park Jinxiu and his soldiers quickly counterattacked, and the more they fought, the more they lost.
It is already powerless to recover, and now, Park Jinxiu and the Korean army are already in Ying Changge’s pocket.
After a ping-pong sound, his sword hit Park Jinxiu’s body.
Blood sprayed, Park Jinxiu clutched his injured arm, and took a few steps back in a panic.
Dumbfounded, with a look of astonishment on his face, the sword in Pu Jinxiu’s own hand needs to be supported.
Otherwise, wouldn’t Park Jinxiu be very wronged if he was stabbed to death by Ying Changge with a sword.
Panting like a bull, Park Jinxiu raised his sword, ready to continue to fight back.
With a cold snort, Park Jinxiu came here with all his strength, showing his aura, full of murderous aura.
This kind of offensive has beaten Park Jinxiu to pieces, and he has no power to resist and counterattack.
With a plop, Pu Jinxiu fell into a pool of blood and died under Ying Changge’s sword.
He is dead, but Ying Changge is still alive. This is a relatively safe situation, and it is expected.
Ignoring Park Jinxiu’s body on the ground, Ying Changge and his army continued to penetrate.
Rampant as always, eager to fight, Ying Changge captured the city in a blink of an eye.
Having regained his own city, Ying Changge 177 was of course very proud, and he nodded in satisfaction.
“The Koryo army is retreating, it’s time for our army to show its majesty.” Ying Changge wanted to give it a go.

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