They are all helpless gestures, but they can’t directly kill Ying Changge! .
Among all the troops, Park Jinxiu wanted to cut off Ying Changge’s head, how difficult and not easy.
Standing on the city wall, watching Ying Changge’s army come in waves, it is really troublesome.
There are huge crowds of people, and the figures of soldiers are like densely packed ants, walking continuously.
So many people did not stop at all, and continued to attack the city under Ying Changge’s command.
As always, the fighting was full of blood, and Park Jinxiu relied on the city to stick to it.
He doesn’t need many troops, because the more soldiers there are, the more food and grass Pu Jinxiu needs.
It was extremely difficult, and there was not much food left in Park Jinxiu’s hands, so he couldn’t hold on for a few days.
Now that he met Ying Changge’s army again, he trembled even more, and almost wanted to leave first.
However, Park Jinxiu is the general who defends the city after all! How can you just retreat like this!
If he escapes, Park Jinxiu will inevitably be dealt with by military law if he encounters censure.
Difficulty was made even more difficult. Because of this, facing Ying Changge’s army, Park Jinxiu could not retreat.
He showed a look of resentment, standing on the precarious city wall, but still fighting angrily.
“Come on! Let me continue to move forward and drive back Ying Changge’s army.”
He scolded angrily, and he and his soldiers relentlessly guarded the last line of defense of the city.
Spears are very important. Once the city walls are breached, Park Jinxiu will not be far from death.
He already knew the might of Ying Changge 163 and the bravery of the Qin army, which can be said to be invincible.
The cowardly Park Jinxiu could only stay on the city wall and unite with his soldiers.
The fighting continued, the soldiers rushed back and forth, and the army was extremely embarrassed.
Many people died like this, and their death is destined to be defeated by Ying Changge’s army.
It was far away, but Park Jinxiu still saw the menacing murderous aura on Ying Changge’s army.
It is impossible for them to give up, and they are always chattering and attacking the city.
Ying Changge’s soldiers are orderly, they have received elite training, and all of them are good at fighting.
Chapter 1034 Going All Out!
Hiding in the city, Pu Jinxiu saw the army attacking him in two ways.
The cavalry and swordsmen attacked the city gate, trying to break through the city gate for a fight, and Ying Changge’s archers were not idle.
The archers kept shooting arrows and harassing the soldiers on Park Jinxiu’s city wall, making them unable to retreat.
Always attacking in a hurry, Ying Changge’s army is attacking both ways, both left and right!
Unprepared to be hit by Ying Changge’s army, Park Jinxiu was even more battered and sweaty.
It is impossible for them to live like this, they just hope to continue to fight back.
The two countries are at war, and there is a deep hatred. Park Jinxiu and his army have a look of fear.
When Ying Changge appeared, Park Jinxiu, who was anxious in his heart, knew that he could not escape death.
And when Ying Changge’s army started to attack, Park Jinxiu could only be forced to defend helplessly.
Standing here in solidarity with his own army, Park Jinxiu is the city’s hope and shelter.
If the city is lost and handed over to Ying Changge, then Park Jinxiu really has no choice.
Running his own army in a hurry, so many soldiers can’t wait to charge.
The battle of defending the city was supposed to be very easy, but Park Jinxiu was still very nervous.
In a panic, he ran down the city wall in a hurry, and continued to mobilize his own people.
Each soldier was very heroic and tried his best to take down the army and avoid any death.
The most important thing is that Park Jinxiu wants his army to defend this front.
Just relying on Ying Changge’s army, do you really think that you can stop Park Jinxiu’s battle to defend the city?
Seeing Ying Changge’s soldiers rushing up bravely, Park Jinxiu was still concentrating on fighting the enemy.
Continue to mobilize his own soldiers and horses, and Park Jinxiu defends and guards strictly, so as to block Ying Changge’s edge.
Otherwise, if so many people were to come to fight with him, Park Jinxiu would have no chance of surviving.
The battle of life and death is particularly important, and it is about his own head, and the Korean army is going all out.
They are all attacking in a hurry, and the mighty army is entangled together to attack like this.
Soldiers fought, weapons entangled, under the shadow of swords and swords, there was almost no gap of rest.
He kept his eyes on and concentrated on watching these armies fighting, his expression was extraordinarily cold and stern.
Standing on the city wall, Park Jinxiu gritted his teeth, “Hold me! You must stop Ying Changge’s army〃’!”
Maybe it’s because the leader is talented, or maybe it’s because of nature, Park Jinxiu survived!
He saw the retreat of Ying Changge’s army, and saw that the army avoided his own city.
Haha laughed three times, Park Jinxiu was very proud, and even danced, “Wonderful!”
“What Ying Changge is, it’s nothing more than that. It’s not worth mentioning to gain a false name!”
helplesslyPark Jinxiu was satisfied when Ying Changge’s army fled from his own city (for Wang Hao).
After the catastrophe, with a relaxed mood, Park Jinxiu and his soldiers retreated from the city wall.
Fighting back, Park Jinxiu finally persisted in defending his city.
When Ying Changge’s blow was blocked, Park Jinxiu was able to block the second attack of Ying Changge’s army.
All of a sudden, the morale of Park Jinxiu’s army was high, and they even cheered, “Good! Good!”
“We won! We won!”.
Chapter 1035 Able to defend the city!
“We have found a way to defeat Ying Changge’s army, we must be able to defend the city!”
The battle to defend the city was really difficult. Pu Jinxiu’s soldiers had shed blood and tears.
But fortunately, such a group of people survived, and they no longer have any worries.
Relaxed and proud, Park Jinxiu found a cool place to lie down, enjoying himself.
“Who cares about Ying Changge! Soldiers come to block the water and cover it with soil, I will definitely be able to guard this place!”
After repelling Ying Changge’s army only once, Park Jinxiu seemed to be complacent and self-righteous.
As everyone knows, this is a trick specially used by Ying Changge in order to paralyze Park Jinxiu.
The Goryeo army had experienced two 163 wars before, and both died at the hands of Ying Changge, unable to escape.
Because of this, the Korean army must not dare to fight Ying Changge, but is more conservative.
If it was a cautious battle, it would not be easy for Ying Changge to directly attack the city.
So he thought of a good way, that is to let Park Jinxiu eat a little bit of sweetness first.
In this way, when Ying Changge’s army continues to attack, it will be able to take down the city.
Sure enough, after defeating Ying Changge, Park Jinxiu was full of confidence and felt that he was a genius.
When Ying Changge’s army (affa) backed down, he and his men continued to guard the city.
Park Jinxiu can feel at ease by protecting the city so that it remains motionless and watertight.
He felt that after Ying Changge experienced this defeat, it was not so easy to come back.
However, things were unexpected, and Park Jinxiu didn’t know Ying Changge’s strategy at all.
It was already late at night when Park Jinxiu mobilized his troops to continue to defend the city.
He didn’t stop throughout the day, but was constantly busy, lacking in skills.
Worrying about many things, Park Jinxiu is constantly running around for the whole city.
He has already shown a lot of gestures, even continuously encouraging his soldiers.
But even so, such soldiers have no chance of winning, they are all hardworking.
Having found the secret to defending the city, Park Jinxiu and his people waited patiently without retreating an inch.
Even such a thing is somewhat unacceptable to Park Jinxiu.
He was busy until dusk, but he didn’t expect to hear the sound of an army attacking again in the middle of the night.
Who is that! Only Ying Changge’s army would have such a menacing attack!
Distraught and terrified, Park Jinxiu quickly climbed onto the spear and began to watch.
He saw Ying Changge’s army approaching fiercely, approaching his city gate recklessly.
Sure enough, Ying Changge didn’t give up, and came to attack the city persistently.
It’s really been life and death! Park Jinxiu showed a contemptuous look, “Fuck me! Stop them!”
“We must kill them, leave no one behind, and let them all die under us!”
The heroic Park Jinxiu commanded his own army, but he would not directly open the city gate to fight.
When defending the city, one must be cautious, he cannot start a war with Ying Changge’s people!
Otherwise, once the city gate is opened, it may leave any opportunity for the other party to take advantage of.
Still guarding the city wall, he couldn’t wait to fight and pulled out his best skills.

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