Because before receiving the letter from King Goryeo, the nobles had already received Ying Changge’s grain.
Not only Ying Changge’s grain and grass, but also other supplies were accepted by the nobles.
They are aristocratic families who have seen the world, and their wish is very simple, and that is money!
Those who are greedy for pleasure and only pursue prosperity and wealth will not have any other embarrassments at all.
When they knew that Ying Changge had sent a lot of supplies, the nobles were all very happy.
Look at the generals of the Qin army, and look at the king of Goryeo, he is very stingy and stingy.
Such a comparison between the two is really like the light of the bright moon and the faintness of the firefly.
The nobles of Korea collected all these good things, and immediately understood Ying Changge’s intentions.
As the saying goes, cannibals have short mouths and short hands, and the nobles of Korea are well aware of this truth.
After taking the bribe from Ying Changge, the nobles are on Ying Changge’s side.
Chapter 1031 Died in the battle to defend the city!
The King of Goryeo wanted to ask for help, but they would not listen at all, nor would they go to war.
These high-ranking aristocrats just want to get rich, not fight on the battlefield.
Because they all know that once the war starts, the way to make money will be greatly reduced.
So, facing the order of King Goryeo, all of them were calm and calm~.
Without any problems, without any rumors, the order of the King of Koryo was like a stone sinking into the sea.
After hearing this, the King of Goryeo was very resentful, with a look of anger on his face, and he bristled with anger.
If it’s just ordinary people, then it’s fine if they don’t obey the king’s orders, but those are all royal officials and nobles!
Facing the attack of Ying Changge’s army, they didn’t hear any news, and they were all silent.
Could it be that they didn’t consider the hatred of subjugation at all! It’s really disgusting.
Therefore, the King of Koryo stood still, and he did not dare to face the offensive of the enemy Ying Changge’s army.
The momentum was like a rainbow, Ying Changge’s army was winding like a dragon, and it was even easier to kill Gao Li’s army.
It was precisely because of such things that Goryeo fell into a predicament for a while, unable to start.
After waiting quietly for a while, King Koryo summoned his ministers to think about new countermeasures.
Otherwise, just let Ying Changge’s army continue to approach, and the land of Koryo will be lost.
Crossing mountains and rivers and conquering land, Ying Changge’s army did not stop, but continued to attack.
Once he knew Gao Li’s attitude, Ying Changge confronted with peace of mind and charged with his own people.
Taking advantage of the fact that there are not many Korean troops blocking him, he is about to go to the next battlefield, which is the city!
In the borderlands, many cities were plundered one by one and snatched away by the Goryeo army.
Now, it’s time for Ying Changge to regain his city and repel the Goryeo army.
His team was in a hurry, and a series of soldiers were in groups, looking invincible.
Ying Changge’s army looked at each other from a distance, and they had already seen the former city, which now belongs to Goryeo.banner.
The Koryo army guarding the city naturally knew that Ying Changge was approaching, and they were in a panic inside and outside the city.
They didn’t know what to do, they could only tremble, and they looked terrified, it was really scary.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
It would be easy if they could be killed, just wipe out Ying Changge’s army.
But the Goryeo army first lost two generals, and then damaged its own food road, and there was not enough food and grass.
Food and grass are very important when marching and fighting. Once there is no food and grass, you will be in trouble.
Everyone knew about this, especially the Goryeo army, which occupied the city and didn’t have much food in store.
. . . . .
How should they resist when Ying Changge’s army rampages them?
I am afraid that it is impossible to block Ying Changge’s pace with an egg hitting a rock, and the Korean army is very panicked.
So, they began to call for help, ready to go to Korea. You just have to dig out the news carefully.
Seek the help of reinforcements, otherwise, how can the Goryeo army guard these cities!
Ready to go, everything is ready, united with his soldiers, Ying Changge is ready.
Now his strength is not very large, Ying Changge understands that it is easy to defend the city but difficult to attack it.
Once the fight starts, I’m afraid it will be easy to die in the battle of defending the city and…
Chapter 1032 The large battlefield is lifeless!
However, Ying Changge cut off their retreat, making it impossible for the Goryeo army to fight unimpeded.
Once it was a fierce fight, Dodge would be able to be defeated by Ying Changge’s pursuit.
It is better to hit the sun than to choose the day, Ying Changge chose today, and then began to volatilize the army.
The Korean army trembled, but they had no chance of winning against Ying Changge’s army.
The first city is close at hand, and the general guarding the “163” city is Park Jinxiu, who is the general who captured the city.
With aggressive and mighty attacks, Park Jinxiu took down cities one by one, and then guarded them.
As long as there is no danger, Park Jinxiu will become the garrison of this city.
However, there are not many good days. At this moment, Park Jinxiu encountered Ying Changge’s army attacking.
Everyone knows the famous people, and of course Park Jinxiu knows who Ying Changge is, and he can be called a strong person.
If the leader has divine help, if Ying Changge is allowed to attack the city, then Pu Jinxiu knows that he cannot defend it.
Standing on the city wall with his own soldiers, they all looked calm and calm.
Otherwise, just having Ying Changge’s army is enough to make Park Jinxiu afraid.
Without further ado, Park Jinxiu immediately applied for reinforcements in order to protect his own city.
But when Park Jinxiu’s order had just been conveyed, there was no chance to take it back, and it was impossible to arrive.
Because Ying Changge couldn’t wait to send troops, his army was approaching the city in a blink of an eye.
A huge army has already intercepted this place and surrounded the vicinity of the city.
“Charge! Take the city and take back what belongs to us!” Ying Changge yelled like thunder.
This kind of offensive is so powerful that most people can’t resist it at all, even howling mightily.
Following Ying Changge’s order, the army came in unity and attacked immediately.
The cavalry charged, and the archers shot arrows. This place has become a large battlefield, lifeless.
More and more soldiers approached the city gate and began to charge recklessly.
With Ying Changge’s call, he personally commanded, so many armies are rushing fiercely.
Under the great war, there was no chance of survival, and the Goryeo army was extremely terrified. They were afraid that they would die.  …
Seeing many soldiers coming, Pu Jinxiu stood on the city wall with a look of panic.
Standing alone on the city wall, Park Jinxiu watched Ying Changge’s army come one after another.
With so many people, it was impossible to kill them all at once. Park Jinxiu started to panic before fighting.
If it is a battle of defending the city, everything is very simple, that is, defending the city behind closed doors.
He and his soldiers stayed here motionless, Park Jinxiu sighed, “Watch closely!”
“All the soldiers rushed up to me, we must guard this place, and we must not have any flaws.”
Under Park Jinxiu’s mobilization, the Goryeo army was fighting unremittingly and counterattacking Ying Chang 5.0 Song.
However, Ying Changge’s strategy is extraordinarily clever, and there will be no surprises.
The two armies are fighting without sparing any strength, and of course it is impossible to be merciless.
However, it is not possible to charge up all the eggs, and the eggs cannot be placed in one frame.
Patiently resisting the gradual attack, Ying Changge’s soldiers are always wave after wave.
Chapter 1033 Menacing Murderous Aura!
The back waves of the Yangtze River pushed the front waves, and under the turbulent crowd, it seemed that there was a non-stop confrontation.
Many soldiers came rushing forward, beating Pu Jinxiu’s city to the point of crumbling.
The city was rickety, looking precarious, which made Park Jinxiu very worried.
stick to it! It is enough to support until reinforcements arrive! He smiled happily and satisfied.
Park Jinxiu, who is overconfident, is still dreaming, thinking that he can really hold every inch of land here.
Pu Jinxiu didn’t know how powerful Ying Changge was, otherwise, he would have survived if he escaped early.
When more and more people come aggressively 05, there will be a lot of murderous aura and blood flow will not stop.
The soldiers fought to the death, and soon many corpses piled up under the city.
won’t come outTo face each other, Park Jinxiu and his people were just waiting patiently, hiding in the city.
In this scene, he was like a bastard, huddled in his back shell, doing nothing.
Before the battle with Ying Changge, Park Jinxiu panicked, which also made the morale of the Korean army low.

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