The wind was blowing and the clouds were flying, and Ying Changge’s warriors took the lead in attacking, fighting back with all their strength.
When confronted with Ying Changge’s army, Jin Shuncai didn’t want to die like this.
He was already impatient, especially knowing that Ying Changge had a deep hatred with him, so he didn’t stop.
The rapid back and forth, the impatient charge, the sword in his hand has been hacked and completely mutilated.
Ying Changge’s swords were always coming in a steady stream, so of course Jin Shuncai wanted to raise his sword to resist.
However, Jin Shuncai’s academic skills are not good, but the sword in his hand may not be able to block every blow of Ying Changge.
Under the great sword, there is only a murderous aura, and Ying Changge’s sword moves are really exquisite.Lun.
Jin Shuncai, who is hard to defend against, is always fighting back in one go, but he may not be able to stop such an attack.
In the fierce battle, Jin Shunjae’s sword was already full of cracks.
There is no time left, if the delay continues, Jin Shuncai will be caught by Ying Changge!
“Retreat quickly!” Panicked and in a hurry, Jin Soonjae and his army were all retreating quickly.
Even with such an offensive, it couldn’t catch them all at once, because Ying Changge’s troops were not many.
Since it was a sneak attack, Ying Changge of course wanted to go into battle lightly, but only led five thousand cavalry.
On the contrary, Jin Shuncai’s troops were indeed slightly more dead than Ying Changge’s soldiers.
If it was an all-out attack, it would take some time to kill Jin Shunjae.
The Goryeo army is also battle-tested. Their battles are only tough, but they may not be able to defend to the death.
Following behind Ying Changge and continuing to fight loyally, he has a menacing posture.
Crowds of people are still chasing after them eagerly, just to kill them.
Escorting food was originally an ordinary thing, but now Jin Shuncai is in danger.
He looked terrified and dark, Jin Shuncai raised his hand, holding his weapon tightly.
This is the final battle. If Ying Changge cannot be killed, Jin Shuncai will lose his life and wealth.
Not only is the head of the item lost, but the food and grass may be robbed by Ying Changge’s people.
Fighting to the death with all his strength here, Jin Shun would not go to the front with his own people.
Once it is death, there is no way to survive. Such a battle is really irresistible.
He is so small that he dares to play tricks in front of him! Jin Shuncai became furious and jumped over the wall to fight.
Holding his own sword, he came striding forward, and the figure of Jin Shuncai and Ying Changge continued to entangle.
The silhouettes collided, the swords slashed and slashed, the two were inseparable, it seemed that they were evenly divided, evenly matched.
But only Jin Shun knew that he was not able to kill Ying Changge so easily.
Chapter 1021 Appearance of Unity!
Don’t look at Jin Shuncai’s interception of every blow of Ying Changge, but it was also a reluctance, a resentment shot.
After a fierce battle with him, Jin Soonjae’s murderous intentions were revealed.
It’s just a pity that such an opportunity is really rare, and it is impossible to block Ying Changge’s sword move unimpeded.
Shaking, the impacting figure was unstable, and Jin Soonjae sat down on the ground with one ass~.
With a look of surprise in his eyes, Jin Shuncai gritted his teeth angrily, he immediately got up and raised his sword in defense.
With such a sword, how can it block Ying Changge’s imposing – menacing offensive.
There is no doubt that he must die! Jin Shuncai sighed, even despaired, all thoughts were lost, knowing that his life was not long.
“Quickly retreat!” Since he could not escape, he had to let the grain and grass be withdrawn first.
Otherwise, if the food and grass in his army fell into the hands of Ying Changge, Jin Shuncai would only regret it.
The soldiers escorting the food and grass obeyed Jin Shunjae’s order, so they fled quickly with all their strength.
No matter how many people there are, as long as Ying Changge’s army comes, they can all be taken back together.
He gathered all the men and horses in his hands. There are many, many people.
Jin Shuncai tried his best to save food and grass with his own troops, and quickly avoided Ying Changge’s pursuit.
Even if Ying Changge’s army came mightily, they didn’t have enough chances to catch him.
Transporting food and grass, scrambling to escape, Jin Soonjae’s soldiers have completely lost their morale.
Go forward as always, let your soldiers go first, Jin Sooncai and his own people cut off the rear.
He wants to experience it himself, to see if this guy Ying Changge will have any ability to attack him.
The sword in his hand pierced fiercely, still stabbing at Ying Changge’s vital point, a blow of resentment.
Jin Shuncai was full of murderous intent, he wished he could die with Ying Changge, so that he could avenge his hatred.
But no matter who Ying Changge is, the ability in his hands is majestic and majestic, and ordinary people can’t stop it.
Seeing this guy charge forward quickly, Ying Changge raised his sword and stood in front of him.
Arrogant and domineering, Jin Shuncai’s sword is always easily blocked, and blocked by Ying Changge.
Chasing up quickly with a figure with intertwined swords, the sword in Jin Shuncai’s hand became more and more cracked.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
If he fights with Ying Changge again, won’t the weapon in his hand be split into two!
His face was cold and stern, and he persisted in entanglement. The weapon in his hand was beating fiercely.
The more defeated the situation is, the more stubborn Jin Shuncai is, this is the arrogance in his heart.
With a loud shout, the voice echoed. On the battlefield, Jin Shuncai always had this ostentatious appearance.
. . . . . . .
It seems to be invincible, but the serious hostility with Ying Changge may not have such a result.
After a few rounds, both of them were alive and well, showing off their martial arts.
Repeated defeats, repeated battles, this is Kim Soonjae’s motto. On the battlefield, he is good at fighting to the death with all his might.
But, is it really such a situation that he can’t kill himself? That was also a useless offensive.
After he and his soldiers were dead, Jin Shun wanted to escort the food and grass away, away from the right and wrong place.
Otherwise, even if many soldiers came, they would not be able to kill them one by one.
Under the sneak attack of Ying Changge’s army, Jin Shuncai still looked like this united, which is really rare.
Chapter 1022 The army has the chance to win!
They are allAre you not afraid of death? Of course not, Ying Changge’s surprise attack made them all extra terrified.
In order to keep himself alive, Jin Soonjae’s soldiers all evacuated first, escorting food and grass, in a hurry.
A large group of people in the dark are all around the grain and grass. Once intercepted, the grain and grass can be obtained.
This is a good time, so Ying Changge let his soldiers continue to charge to chase and kill.
The food “147” had its own soldiers to snatch it. Now, Ying Changge must concentrate on dealing with Jin Shuncai.
Capture the thief first and capture the king. Jin Shuncai was in the army of Goryeo, guarding a lot of food and grass, which was very important.
As long as he killed Jin Soonjae in front of him, then the Goryeo army would naturally have no one to lead.
Both food and human heads were at hand, Ying Changge laid a net here, and they couldn’t escape.
As the battle continued, Jin Shuncai could see that more and more troops were deployed around him.
Such a battle was really unexpected, and Jin Shuncai saw that Ying Changge’s people were vying for the first place.
They came overwhelmingly, so many people fought fiercely, and quickly came to attack themselves.
Under the great battle, the blood flow continued, and many soldiers died under the charge of Ying Changge’s army.
Pinching left and right, outflanking front and back, Jin Shuncai fell into a predicament and watched himself being surrounded.
It turned out that Ying Changge still had a backup, he arranged a lot of people on both sides of the road, patiently ambush.
Every time Jin Shuncai takes a step back, he will fall into Ying Changge’s trap one step further, which is really a pity.
With a look of embarrassment and fear, Jin Shuncai raised his arm, gritted his teeth and shouted, “Continue!”
“Swear to the death to break out of the siege, we must smash their plots and prevent them from succeeding!”
Jin Shunjae shouted very loudly, but he was already very tired after fighting hard.
Not only because of his own blood dripping, but also because he has been fighting hard for a long time, and his mouth is dry.
Even if this cry broke his throat, it would have no effect. Ying Changge’s army didn’t stop.
They were all moving forward quickly, and Ying Changge had already instructed them to divide the troops into two groups.
Not only to kill the enemy, but also to rob them of food, this is a natural principle, and it is inevitable.
After escorting his food and grass for a certain distance, Jin Shuncai was still intercepted 0…..
He was very desperate in his heart, he knew that his men and horses really had no way of escaping.
Ying Changge’s soldiers and horses went first, hiding around silently, so that they would never be discovered.
When Jin Shuncai retreated to this place, Ying Changge’s soldiers would come out continuously.
More and more soldiers surrounded them, intercepting them from all directions, with no way out.
Not only was Jin Shuncai himself blocked, but even the soldiers he was escorting food and grass were unable to move a single step.
Many of their soldiers were intercepted here, all panicked and desperate for survival.
With a pale face, Jin Shuncai now finally understands why Ying Changge’s name spread so miraculously in 5.0.

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