His words are really arrogant, but to Ying Changge, they are just ordinary words.
Not paying any attention to his words, Ying Changge just shook his head and smiled.
“You are so wrong, you can’t kill me no matter what! And it’s your army!”
With ease, Jin Shuncai felt that he was extraordinarily elite and brave, “Impossible! I’m going to kill you!”
“Your army has no chance of turning defeat into victory, and will bury death with you!” Ying Changge said!
His tone is calm and unhurried, revealing his self-confidence and indifference without moving…
Even facing a general like Jin Shuncai, Ying Changge’s demeanor did not change at all, he was very calm.
“It’s very easy for me to kill you!” Jin Shun retorted immediately, on guard.
However, his rebuttal was really weak, without any confidence at all, it was very pale.
After hearing Jin Shuncai’s words, Ying Changge nodded calmly, “Okay! Come on!”
“Since you can kill me easily, let me see what kind of ability you have!”
Ying Changge walked with his sword in hand, as motionless as a mountain, just standing there majesticly.
Provoked by Ying Changge, who has reached 5.0, his eyes were particularly resentful, and he quickly chased after him.
“Okay! I will definitely kill you! Let you know how serious the fate of killing my brother is!”
Ping ping pong pong, sword strikes, Jin Shunjae, who was full of murderous looks, almost attacked again.
The sword in his hand is very impatient, coming urgently, which is enough to prove that Jin Shun is very anxious.
Chapter 1018 Fierce attitude and murderous intent!
The attack came with great fanfare, and the sword in Jin Shuncai’s hand was full of fierce posture and murderous intent.
In order to prove that he wasn’t talking nonsense, or even a word of money, he quickly drew his sword.
It was just an unremarkable sword that pierced Jin Shuncai’s chest, making Ying Changge’s situation stable.
Coming with teeth and claws, and impatiently raising his sword to attack, Jin Shuncai spared no effort.
Unscrupulous, each sword is very powerful and domineering, straight to Ying Changge’s chest.
Exchange one’s way for another’s body, Jin Shuncai doesn’t want to be defeated, he wants to live strong.
Holding the sword and continuing to fight, in the shadow of the sword, several 05 people have already fallen down.
These are Jin Soonjae’s loyal soldiers, in order to protect Jin Soonjae’s safety.
But under this fierce battle, they have no chance to fight back.
There was no chance of escape in front of Ying Changge’s ultimate move, and they died one by one!
In extreme embarrassment, blood was sprayed, and Jin Shunjae’s soldiers were blood-splattered for five steps, and the defense was extremely weak.
It is impossible for this group of people to kill Ying Changge, their swordsmanship is completely different from Ying Changge’s.
So, quickly raising the sword and approaching, encircling in one go, was of no use to Ying Changge.
They fell down one by one and died here, under Ying Changge’s sword!
“Look! Your soldiers are just struggling needlessly, and they are just dead souls under my sword.”
“If you can, you can be captured without a fight, and you will be able to avoid the sacrifice of the soldiers!”
Ying Changge was still yelling at and threatening this guy to avoid a protracted battle.
But even so, Jin Soonjae still showed a contemptuous smile, and he waved his hand calmly.
“Impossible! I can only die in battle! It is impossible to sneak attack on you! For Goryeo!”
There was a scolding sound like a bell, and immediately, Jin Shuncai rushed forward at full speed.
Fighting, waving his sword, and running towards Ying Changge, Jin Shuncai was not confident.
He didn’t know what to do, and he didn’t know what to do in order to be able to kill Ying Changge.
The more he fought with Ying Changge, after a few rounds, Jin Shuncai knew how deep he was.
The practice of swordsmanship is like an unattainable mountain, with no end in sight.
So what is Ying Changge like? It’s like an everlasting pine among the mountain peaks, it’s impossible to get rid of.
Jin Soonjae’s own martial arts are like weeds at the bottom of the mountain, they are so small that they are not worth mentioning.
When fighting Jin Shuncai, Ying Changge didn’t even show all his abilities.
He was just swinging his sword calmly, every time he blocked it with precision.Stop Jin Shunjae’s Jianfeng.
At this moment, Jin Shun let out an impotent roar, and he 147 scolded angrily.
Because of the blood and deep hatred, it is impossible for Jin Shun to let Ying Changge kill him! He is going to fight back.
He wanted revenge, so he raised his sword and always circled Ying Changge.
Fighting as always, impatiently colliding, every sword in his hand is so majestic.
Ping pong pong, sword blades staggered, under such an offensive, there was almost no chance of surviving.
It was another close fight, but Jin Shuncai was still injured by Ying Changge’s sword.
Unknowingly, Jin Soonjae was stabbed by the sword without even paying attention.
Chapter 1019 Revenge is very important!
Jin Shuncai’s dream is to meet Ying Changge and take revenge, which is very important.
But he never expected that Ying Changge would come so quickly and appear in front of him all at once.
He fought fiercely, fighting with the Goryeo army as usual, wishing to kill them.
The results of it! No, it was still lost like this, their soldiers were extremely weak and very tired.
Under death, few people could block the attack of Ying Changge’s army.
In particular, Ying Changge’s men and horses ambushed ahead of time, and they attacked silently, fighting together.
Under such siege, facing Ying Changge, Jin Shuncai was very flustered and terrified.
He was afraid that he would die like this, so he fought side by side with his soldiers.
He pulled out all his strength and attacked as usual, with the bang and bang of the sword’s edge.
However, in the face of Ying Changge, Jin Shuncai was still unable to kill him, but kept waving his weapons.
Under the great sword, there must be a murderous intent. In order to kill Jin Shuncai, Ying Changge must go all out.
Every step of capturing grain roads and robbing grain and grass was within Ying Changge’s expectations.
Because this is the plan he personally controls, every time is full of opportunities.
Ying Changge’s army was numerous, and a series of people appeared in groups.
He came to attack unscrupulously and launched a mighty offensive just to kill them all.
The Goryeo army is not worthy of sympathy, and Ying Changge doesn’t want them to delay his soldiers.
Still walking quickly, the sword in his hand stabbed Jin Shunjae’s body forcefully.
The bruised Jin Shuncai was in pain, and he was no match for Ying Changge at all, so he was in such a mess.
It was able to block Ying Changge’s sword, but Jin Shuncai couldn’t block the attacks one after another.
Arriving unscrupulously, Ying Changge’s army had a high-spirited posture, and tried their best to fight back.
The war was violent, with great fanfare, Ying Changge’s soldiers went first, took the advantage, and overwhelmed Jin Shuncai.
Jin Shuncai and his soldiers were caught off guard by Ying Changge’s attack, unable to strike back, unable to fight back.
After being beaten and killed like this, only a few people were left to fight with him.
On the grain road, the grain and grass must go first, and it is especially important for Jinshun to protect the grain and grass first.
As long as all the food and grass were sent to the base camp of the Goryeo army, Jin Soonjae’s mission would be completed.
Otherwise, continuing to be killed by such a majestic momentum will only make Jin Shuncai’s men suffer a crushing defeat.
While retreating, Jin Shuncai escorted his army to continue to retreat, they wanted to leave this place.
This place was originally occupied by the Goryeo army, but it didn’t take long before it seemed to be able to change hands.
Seeing so many people coming, the only one who can stop Jin Shuncai is Ying Changge himself!
Out of resentment, he raised his sword to fight back (Dema Zhao), Jin Shuncai stared at Ying Changge, his eyes were full of fierceness.
In order to be able to kill the opponent, he couldn’t wait to do it, and attacked with murderous intent.
But under the great sword, Ying Changge’s figure always dodges, avoiding the sharp edge with ease.
Passing by Jin Shuncai, the sword in Ying Chang’s singer pierced his chest with precision.
puff! Blood sprayed, and Jin Shuncai backed away in pain, clutching his abdomen, with a look of resentment on his face.
Chapter 1020 Evenly divided, evenly matched!
Staring at Ying Changge helplessly, Jin Shuncai yelled, “I must kill you!”
“You are such a villain, you really can’t fight against me! Get rid of your army and eliminate harm for the people!”
In order to protect his Goryeo, Jin Shuncai couldn’t wait to continue to use his sword.
Every sword has a high-spirited posture, this is for the war in the frontier, and there is no delay.
But even so, it was not so easy for Jin Shuncai to repel Ying Changge’s army.
Around the two roads, Ying Changge’s soldiers came out continuously, like a strong wind.

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