His death was expected, because after meeting Ying Changge, he could only die.Ying Changge’s army continued to fight, eradicating all of Jin Xidong’s remnants and defeated generals.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, the arrow in his hand successfully shot Jin Xidong to death, and he died directly.
When he died here, Jin Xidong would not rest in peace, and even stared wide-eyed, looking unexpected.
Coming here on a horse, Ying Changge trampled on Jin Xidong’s body, very proud.
“None of the Goryeo army can stay, all of them will be beheaded and let them die〃’!”
This kind of major event, it is really impossible for ordinary people to avoid it, they are killed, injured, and defeated.
The situation in front of him was already doomed, and Jin Xidong’s people were all desperate to escape in a panic.
Under the pursuit of Ying Changge and the siege of the army, Jin Xidong’s army did not stay, and the whole army was wiped out.
Before leaving the school, Jin Xidong was entrusted by the King of Korea, but so what!
Their men and horses had already died in such embarrassment, and they no longer had any power to fight back.
In the pool of blood were Jin Xidong’s corpses, and the battle was quickly subsided under Ying Changge’s control.
They all died one by one, no one was alive, and they all looked so horrible.
With Jin Xidong dead, his army naturally couldn’t last too long because there were no generals to lead it.
Not knowing what to do, the Korean army was trapped here by Ying Changge, like a bird in a prison.
There is no way for these people to survive, and their death comes from Ying Changge’s net.
There are many dead people, and their wars have the simplest effect, life and death are simple.
Many people died, and the soldiers’ bones were piled up like a mountain, and they were buried here.
After winning the battle, Ying Changge was neither proud nor arrogant, but still restrained freely, just like before.
Even if he was harassed by the Goryeo army, didn’t Ying Changge disintegrate calmly and calmly!
The soldiers came to block the water and cover them with earth, even if there were so many guys coming, it was not possible to fight them.
The troops in his own hands are not very strong, (well done) but Jin Xidong’s army is arrogant.
Under the confrontation between the two armies, Jin Xidong’s odds of winning were very slim, and he still died here.
Therefore, the most important thing in marching and fighting is not the strength of the troops, but the general, and this is the key.
As long as there is a general’s winning mind, then killing them and destroying them together is not easy!
Otherwise, some Korean troops are always making things difficult for Ying Changge, when will it be a head! claw.
Chapter 1005 Reported new information!
The cavalry confronted and blocked Ying Changge, the wish of the Goryeo army fell through, and they were doomed.
Jin Xidong died in battle, and the news would reach Korea sooner or later, but Ying Changge didn’t stop.
Taking advantage of the victory to pursue, it is inevitable to win. After winning the battle, Ying Changge began to think about the next step.
To strategize and control the situation, Ying Changge must make a quick decision, or even go one step ahead.
Therefore, after Ying Changge killed Jin Xidong, he continued to advance with his own staff.
The road is unimpeded, and there is no obstacle from the Goryeo army, so it is easy to march and approach quickly.
Instead, the cavalry went ahead and continued on their way so that they could leave this place and occupy the border of Goryeo.
An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, such simple things as 130, are naturally the same for him.
There is no hope of surviving, but Gao Li still has to do her best to resist Ying Changge.
As long as Ying Changge is alive, Goryeo will not be safe. This is Ying Changge’s threat to Goryeo.
The strength of the troops in hand is secondary, the most important thing is Ying Changge’s quick thinking and talent as a leader.
As long as Ying Changge leads the army in person, it will only make Gao Li tremble, trembling.
Such a powerful offensive is really impossible to start, and their death is doomed to a game.
(affa) Fighting between the two armies is not a child’s play, and Jin Xidong is the best of the generals in Korea.
But so what! No, he fell into Ying Changge’s trap and died under his arrows.
The invincible Ying Changge continued to march, only the Korean army was dumbfounded.
Ever since, after Gao Li knew the result, she was very disappointed, and they were all in an uproar.
What’s more, knowing that Jin Xidong has suffered a heavy loss, Goryeo is even more speechless!
This terrible war cannot be ended so easily, and Goryeo can only find another way.
If it weren’t for the conspicuousness of his team, Ying Changge would have moved on as usual.
Knowing that you have a large number of people and your goals are too large, Ying Changge will not come out in full force. This is a mistake.
Although it is a bold person with high skills, Ying Changge will be more cautious the closer he gets to the Korean army.
Stop here to rest with his soldiers, and Ying Changge will continue to leave after a while.
His goal is of course the entire Goryeo, but it is not so easy to conquer now.
You can’t become a fat man with one bite. Of course, such an army must attack step by step.
As long as the edge of the Goryeo army is broken, Ying Changge will be able to regain his territory.
The city is the most important thing, especially if it is looted by the enemy, it is very shameful.
Only by avenging the shame can we regain these opportunities and let them all be injured and die.
Otherwise, Goryeo would send their soldiers to continue chasing and killing them all at once.
Kill them, make their lives miserable, and let Gaoli know that the fate of provoking Ying Changge is very serious.
A group of them are all ready to move, preparing in one go, picking out the elite to continue to meet the enemy.
However, in this short period of time, Ying Changge did not rest, butThe next flaw in the continuation.
Koryo is a tiny place, full of loopholes, and Ying Changge will break them down one by one.
The city was full of wind and rain, and blood was sprayed.
Find someone to inquire about the wind, and soon, the army of Ying Changge’s army reported new information.
Chapter 1006 Resist the national crisis with your own strength!
They know not far away, a very important road, that is not an ordinary road.
It is the grain road for Koryo to transport grain, and the people who come and go there are all Koryo people.
How important is the food road, once it is robbed, it will definitely be able to get a lot of food.
When marching and fighting, food is very important, and Ying Changge must go to snatch their food.
Ever since, with quick wits and strategies, Ying Changge already had a solution with his own army.
He selected 5,000 elite soldiers. These are all good cavalrymen, and they will definitely be able to succeed in no time.
Ying Changge smiled with satisfaction, and looked ready to go. He went to the grain road in Korea to grab food!
Everything is ready, without delay, Ying Changge and the five thousand cavalry immediately circled behind.
Even if the Korean army continues to invade, if they are short of food, how can they fight Ying Changge~?
Soldiers fighting against each other must be a war of attrition, and they can win a big victory in the end.
However, if there is not enough food, the battle with Ying Changge must be defeated.
Knowing the transportation route of the grain, Ying Changge must snatch it, and he will surely succeed in no time.
He and his own people galloped quickly, and on the avenue, Ying Changge was always speeding up.
The Korean army did not have any predictions, and it would never have occurred to Ying Changge’s army that they had already taken the lead.
As long as it can stop Ying Changge’s army, Gao Li can survive, and they all know it well.
After Ying Changge defeated Jin Xidong’s army, Goryeo was in chaos, up and down.
When they were still afraid of Ying Changge’s army, Ying Changge had already taken a step ahead and detoured behind.
These people, in the face of a desperate situation, Goryeo is preparing to use its own trump card.
At the same time, Ying Changge’s men had already gone not far away, and were going around to grab food.
On the food road, the army of Goryeo was doing nothing, and the troops continued in an orderly manner.
If only the Goryeo army came to transport the food, they would be safe and there would be no chaos.
But Ying Changge’s army has already arrived, quietly approaching the Goryeo army.
When the Goryeo army was still afraid of Ying Changge, Ying Changge’s troops had already arrived here.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
On the grain road, many people were eagerly busy, respectfully escorting the grain to the territory.
From far to near, Ying Changge’s men and horses surrounded them, protecting the front, back, left, and right sides of the road.
This is a blockade, not only trapped in all directions, but also trapped the Korean army.
Ying Changge has been on the battlefield for a long time. He knows the importance of food and the seriousness of the food road to Korea.
. . . 0
If it wasn’t because the Goryeo army was here to hinder them, it would be easy for Ying Changge to kill them.
Ambushing here, around the road, Ying Changge waited patiently for them to figure out the rules.
There is always a steady stream of waves of Korean troops coming, and they are vigilantly escorting food.
As long as all the food is transported away, the Goryeo army can continue to grow its national strength.

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