Fortunately, Jin Xidong quickly pulled the rein, and then he firmly fixed his figure.
Clamping the horse’s belly with his legs, Jin Xidong stared straight at Ying Changge with blazing eyes, “Good skill!”
“Just grab it!” Ying Changge said calmly, “This way, I will give you pain!”
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
“Don’t try to persuade me any more!” Jin Xidong, who was resolute, was really persistent, and he didn’t shed tears when he saw the coffin.
“We in Korea only have soldiers who died in battle, not soldiers who surrendered!” He looked extraordinarily mighty.
Such a posture is really mighty, as if he is the most invincible person in the sky.
. . . 0
“I’ll send you up!” With a loud shout, Jin Xidong continued to charge forward on his horse.
His figure is so mighty, it should be the figure who is not afraid of death and continues to persecute Ying Changge.
Swords, swords, shadows, and figures intertwined, each of Jin Xidong’s swords pierced Jin Xidong’s body forcefully.
If it wasn’t for Jin Xidong’s sword opening and closing, then Ying Changge really couldn’t guard against it.
There are subtle flaws and loopholes in the flamboyance of the arrows.
Fortunately, he is not an ordinary person. Ying Changge’s swordsmanship is superb, and he is as smooth as a maple.
With a sound of ping-pong, the figures of the two collided, and the horses collided, making Ying Changge even more shaky.
Riding safely on the horse, there were not many casualties. Ying Changge was still riding on the horse and…
Chapter 1002 Continue to escape swiftly!
Swinging the sword, the sword waved down, and the edge of Ying Changge’s sword pierced Jin Xidong’s chest.
Blood was sprayed, and Jin Xidong was injured in the chest, so he fell off the horse in embarrassment.
With a cough, the dizzy Jin Xidong got up quickly, wanting to continue to fight.
But such a sword is really useless, after such a hard fight, Jin Xidong is already in danger.
Jin Xidong, who was scarred and bruised all over his body from “130”, dared not ride a horse at all because of his body pain.
Gritting his teeth and continuing to endure, he finally got on the horse, slapped his ass and quickly escaped.
Such a matter of life and death, it is impossible to stay here, Jin Xidong will be dangerous if he stays here.
However, his hands were fighting vigorously, and the soldiers rushed to attack, fighting vigorously.
Only Jin Xidong himself, he panicked, afraid that he would die under Ying Changge’s sword just like that.
Desperately protecting Goryeo is just rhetoric, the most important thing is his own life.
Jin Xidong had to protect his own head first, so there would be no other dangers.
Fearful and fearful, almost wanting to leave first, Jin Xidong rode on the horse and quickly went to the distance.
The more he can escape, the farther he will be from danger. Jin Xidong is determined to escape.
Fortunately, none of Jin Xidong’s troops were good soldiers, and they couldn’t stop Ying Changge’s elite.
Want to fight Ying Changge? Isn’t that stupid? No one can defeat Ying Changge’s army.
Especially Jin Xidong’s people are fighting quickly, and they can’t stop the fight at all.
Jin Xidong is escaping, the Korean army is resisting, the troops are divided into two groups, and the situation has already collapsed.
If it wasn’t because he couldn’t kill him, Jin Xidong would have fought Ying Changge for 300 rounds.
Knowing the strength of Ying Changge, their army is approaching quickly, blocking the way.
With anxious expressions on their faces, they fled quickly. Their figures were already close to dying.
The embarrassment of the Goryeo army cannot be deceived by Ying Changge, who knows the enemy’s movements like the palm of his hand.
On weekdays,Jin Xidong is invincible and invincible because he has not encountered a strong enemy.
But now that he is involved with Ying Changge’s army, the battle of life and death is extremely fierce…
Watching them die, Jin Xidong knew that his people would be defeated.
Because Ying Changge’s army was approaching the city, Jin Xidong was obviously the one who attacked in the middle of the night!
As a result, not only did he fail to control the situation, he was even chased and killed by Ying Changge’s army.
If it weren’t for Jin Xidong’s cavalry to stop them, I’m afraid they would have died without a place to bury them.
Corpses lay all over him, the army suffered casualties, and the damage was so severe that Jin Xidong was helpless.
He couldn’t just sit and watch all his men wiped out, and Jin Xidong had no chance of winning against Ying Changge.
Getting involved with Ying Changge’s army will only sink into the quagmire, and the 5.0 will definitely sink deeper and deeper.
If it weren’t for the fear of those who knew him, Jin Xidong would have turned defeat into victory.
Both he and the Korean army are bound to win and persevere.
It is very important for Jin Xidong to know that Ying Changge is the weakness of the entire Qin army.
run away! Run away desperately! Jin Xidong made up his mind and continued to escape quickly.
Chapter 1003 Proudly outnumbered, self righteous!
If it weren’t for knowing that his soldiers were exhausted, Jin Xidong would have gone to capture Ying Changge.
Without such an opportunity, Jin Xidong could only retreat so that he could return to Korea.
“Death!” Ying Changge only said one word, but only said it once! It can be called a promise!
A big man like him is mighty and powerful, with a wave of his hand, he is like a thousand troops.
When Jin Xidong was still riding his horse to escape, Jin Xidong had already caught him.
With a simple gesture, the army will follow Ying Changge and continue to fight on a rampage.
kill! The soldiers, Yi 05 Bo Yuntian, came mightily, and they still surrounded Jin Xidong in one go.
Seeing that his situation was a dead end, Jin Xidong had no chance of escape.
Keep on escaping! Quickly wandering away, for a moment, his people can be called street rats.
No matter where he traveled on horseback, he would be killed by Ying Changge’s men and horses.
He was terrified and separated from his soldiers, leaving Jin Xidong alone.
Fleeing in a panic, the battle with Ying Changge’s soldiers was already a big fight.
Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Pong
In order to keep himself alive, every step he took was precise and unmistakable.
Complacent and proud, Jin Xidong felt that he was able to escape.
God will not kill me! Laughing loudly, Jin Xidong, who was riding on the horse, did not look back, and was about to go back to the territory with all his might.
This place is dangerous, Ying Changge’s ambush can kill people, the situation has become a deadly place.
It is not easy to fight out in this empty place, because Ying Changge’s men are everywhere.
Ying Changge’s soldiers were still approaching continuously, and they came with great vigor and perseverance.
Knowing that Jin Xidong was about to escape, Ying Changge looked unhappy, so he immediately raised his bow and arrow.
Taking aim with the bow and arrow, Ying Changge’s expression was calm, and he kept running around on the horse, always shooting calmly.
It was just an arrow, with a buzzing sound, the arrow pierced through the air and pierced Jin Xidong’s back.
Even Jin Xidong never expected that Ying Changge’s arrow would be so accurate.
It was appalling and frightening. Immediately after Jin Xidong was injured, he fell off his horse.
With a plop, Jin Xidong fell to the ground in embarrassment, and immediately vomited blood, his face in embarrassment.
Standing up in horror, Jin Xidong still wanted to escape, and he still wanted to get on his horse again.
However, Ying Changge naturally didn’t give him this chance, he was already drawing the bow and shooting the arrow again.
The soldiers who followed Ying Changge all came in mighty force, they were a mighty force.
Arriving majestically and stabbing one after another, Ying Changge’s men had already surrounded Jin Xidong.
Injured, Jin Xidong reluctantly got up, but it was not a standing posture, but a broken candle.
Holding his sword weakly, Jin Xidong raised his head, but he didn’t see his men at all.
Jin Xidong’s soldiers were separated from him, and there were only Ying Changge’s soldiers in all directions.
Surrounded by cavalry, the soldiers were full of murderous intent, surrounding Jin Xidong, they were really eyeing.
Taking out his own posture, Jin Xidong was deeply surrounded, but he was still arrogant and self-righteous.
Chapter 1004 When is the head!
Standing up slowly, holding a sword and yelling, Jin Xidong’s every word was full of sternness.
“You dare to kill me! I am the general of the Goryeo army, majestic and domineering!”
The self-proclaimed Jin Xidong, with a domineering appearance, can be said to be invincible.
But even so, can such a posture be able to fight back! Impossible, Jin Xidong has no chance.
Can’t wait to kill Jin Xidong, Ying Changge didn’t even come to approach, and immediately shot an arrow from a distance.
Whoosh! The arrow flew away fiercely, and then easily shot at Jin Xidong’s back.
The dying Jin Xidong didn’t have any chance, so he just fell to the ground, spitting blood.

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